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Hurricane Sandy
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Sign Uprooted by
Hurricane Sandy
Turns Up in France
Jun 1, 2018 3:10 AM CDT
Sign Uprooted by Hurricane Sandy Turns Up in France
It may have been on its 3rd ocean crossing
- A real estate sign ripped out of a New Jersey yard by Hurricane Sandy in Nov. 2012 was rediscovered almost six years later—and an ocean away. Dianne Turton says one of her Diane Turton Realty signs was found a few weeks ago by somebody in France, more than 3,...
Scientists: 500-Year Flooding
in NYC Could Happen Every 5
Oct 24, 2017 3:07 AM CDT
Scientists: 500-Year Flooding in NYC Could Happen Every 5
'This is kind of a warning'
- Within the next three decades, floods that used to strike the New York City area only once every 500 years could occur every five years, according to a new study released just days before the fifth anniversary of Superstorm Sandy. The study, performed by researchers at several universities and published...
Fact Checker: Ted Cruz's Claim
About Sandy 'Wildly Incorrect'
Aug 29, 2017 8:37 AM CDT
Fact Checker: Ted Cruz's Claim About Sandy 'Wildly Incorrect'
His claim that two-thirds of bill was unrelated to the hurricane is wrong, says Fact Checker
- Ted Cruz is among the lawmakers being accused of hypocrisy for seeking federal relief in the wake of Hurricane Harvey even though he opposed similar relief after Hurricane Sandy. Cruz explains his Sandy relief opposition thusly: "The problem with that particular bill is it became a $50 billion bill...
NJ, NY Republicans Attack
Texas Colleagues' 'Hypocrisy'
Aug 29, 2017 2:21 AM CDT
NJ, NY Republicans Attack Texas Colleagues' 'Hypocrisy'
As Harvey lashes Houston, politicians recall Texans who voted against Sandy aid
- Even as Texas suffers perhaps the worst natural disaster in its history, congressmen from the northeast are using Hurricane Harvey as an opportunity to lash out at their Texas colleagues for voting against aid following Hurricane Sandy back in 2013. After Sandy devastated parts of New Jersey and New York...
Flood Study Finds
'Things Are Going
to Get Worse'
Oct 12, 2016 6:05 PM CDT
Flood Study Finds 'Things Are Going to Get Worse'
Scientists say floods will be far more frequent in 80 years
- More grim news from researchers using computer model projections and historical data to predict future weather changes. Scientists at Rutgers University, Princeton University, and the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution are reporting in the
Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences
that, based on the accelerated rate of climate change in...
After Storm, Empty Red Cross
Trucks Drove Around for Show
Oct 29, 2014 1:48 PM CDT
After Storm, Empty Red Cross Trucks Drove Around for Show
ProPublica, NPR team up for investigative report
- ProPublica and NPR are out with a joint investigative piece about the American Red Cross, and it's not pretty. You won't get very far into it before encountering this nugget regarding relief efforts on the Gulf Coast after Hurricane Isaac in 2012:
"During Isaac, Red Cross
FEMA Wants
to Repay $5.8M
in Sandy Aid
Sep 11, 2014 9:06 AM CDT
FEMA Wants Homeowners to Repay $5.8M in Sandy Aid
Overpayments likely a result of bureaucratic mistakes, not fraud
- After Superstorm Sandy hit the East Coast nearly two years ago, the federal government quickly sent out $1.4 billion in emergency disaster aid to the hurricane's victims. Now, thousands of people might have to pay back their share. The Federal Emergency Management Agency is scrutinizing about 4,500...
Red Cross Calls
Sandy Spending
'Trade Secret'
Jun 27, 2014 7:43 AM CDT
Red Cross Calls Sandy Spending 'Trade Secret'
Won't say how it spent the $300M it raised
- The Red Cross raised more than $300 million for Superstorm Sandy disaster relief, but it is refusing to say how it raised or spent the cash. After ProPublica filed a public records request for the information, the Red Cross hired a law firm to block the release of some documents....
Hurricane Sandy
Dog Home
After Bizarre
May 2, 2014 6:00 PM CDT
Hurricane Sandy Dog Home After Bizarre Reunion
Family found him at shelter when they went to adopt
- Reckless the dog is back home with his New Jersey family more than a year after getting lost in the aftermath of Hurricane Sandy. But the weird part is the reunion itself. Chuck and Elicia James tell the Daily Intelligencer that they held out hope Reckless would return but finally...
'Reckless' Captain
Sunk HMS Bounty: Report
Feb 11, 2014 3:23 AM CST
'Reckless' Captain Sunk HMS Bounty: Report
Surviving crew members disagree with NTSB
- The missing and presumed dead captain of the
HMS Bounty
takes the blame for the tall ship's sinking in a newly released National Transportation Safety Board report. The wooden replica of an 18th-century sailing ship sank 125 miles off the North Carolina coast during Hurricane Sandy, and the NTSB...
Paper: Christie Camp Sitting on Details of Sandy Ads
Jan 14, 2014 7:01 AM CST
Paper: Christie Camp Sitting on Details of Sandy Ads
'Asbury Park Press' says names redacted in documents it requested
- A rep for Chris Christie yesterday made it clear that the New Jersey governor has no qualms about the post-Hurricane Sandy tourism ads now in the spotlight , noting that the feds approved the campaign—which featured the Christie family in an election year and was made by a firm whose...
Kenyans Mutai, Jeptoo
Win NYC Marathon
Nov 3, 2013 11:12 AM CST
Kenyans Mutai, Jeptoo Win NYC Marathon
Geoffrey Mutai defends title from 2011 marathon
- In a double victory for Kenya, Geoffrey Mutai has successfully defended his New York City Marathon title and Priscah Jeptoo rallied to win the women's race. Mutai set the course record the last time the NYC Marathon was held, in 2011. Today's race returned after last year's...
Sandy Survivors
to Light Up
Coast Tonight
Oct 29, 2013 12:03 AM CDT
Sandy Survivors to Light Up Coast Tonight
East Coast marks 1-year anniversary of storm
- One year later, the Jersey shore will be lit up to mark today's anniversary of Superstorm Sandy . Residents of a dozen shore cities will stand along the coast, shining flashlights, at sundown tonight. That's about the time Sandy made landfall, Reuters reports. More on the anniversary:
New York
Nyad Begins
'Magical' 48-Hour
Swim for Sandy
Oct 8, 2013 10:28 AM CDT
Nyad Begins 'Magical' 48-Hour Swim for Sandy
'I'm going to feel the solidarity' with swimmers including Ryan Lochte, Richard Simmons
- The 64-year-old woman who swam from Cuba to Florida is attempting to swim in a pool in midtown Manhattan for 48 straight hours to benefit victims of Superstorm Sandy. Wearing a pink swim cap, Diana Nyad dove into the 40-yard pool set up in Herald Square and began doing laps...
Next for Nyad:
48-Hour Swim
for Sandy Relief
Oct 5, 2013 3:23 PM CDT
Next for Nyad: 48-Hour Swim for Sandy Relief
Mercifully, in a pool this time
- A month after her 53-hour swim from Cuba to the US , 64-year-old Diana Nyad is ready to get her feet wet again. Up next: a 48-hour swim to raise money for Hurricane Sandy recovery. "I'm from New York City and last year I was in town right after...
You Can Blame Sandy for Jersey's Boardwalk Fire
Sep 17, 2013 4:37 PM CDT
You Can Blame Sandy for Jersey's Boardwalk Fire
Investigators think wire exposed by the storm caused blaze
- It looks like Superstorm Sandy had one last kick to the stomach to give New Jersey. Investigators say faulty wiring probably caused last week's devastating boardwalk fire —and it was faulty because it had been exposed to salt water thanks to Sandy, reports the
. The conclusion is...
Fire Engulfs
Jersey Boardwalk
Sep 12, 2013 9:41 PM CDT
Fire Engulfs Jersey Boardwalk
8 blocks of it destroyed in Seaside Heights, Seaside Park area
- A raging fire destroyed much of an iconic Jersey shore boardwalk that had just been rebuilt after Superstorm Sandy, but a last-ditch effort to halt its spread by ripping out boards that had yet to burn succeeded in saving the rest of it tonight. The wind-whipped fire devoured eight blocks...
Sandy Left NY Island
54% Less Sandy
Aug 28, 2013 8:49 AM CDT
Sandy Left NY Island 54% Less Sandy
The hurricane has left Fire Island vulnerable to future storms, finds new study
- Miami Beach isn't the only one running low on sand —a new study has found more than half of the sand on New York's Fire Island was washed away during Hurricane Sandy, LiveScience reports. Though 18% of the barrier island's sand has been replenished, the...
Task Force's
Advice? Expect
More Flooding
Aug 19, 2013 7:28 AM CDT
Hurricane Task Force's Advice? Expect More Flooding
Which means focusing on preventative measures now
- It's not exactly the words of encouragement ocean-side homeowners might have hoped for. The presidential task force charged with coming up with a strategy for rebuilding areas damaged by Superstorm Sandy today revealed 69 policy initiatives, the theme of which can be summed up thusly: Plan for things to...
NJ Town Wants Entire Downtown Raised 11 Feet
Aug 8, 2013 12:37 PM CDT
NJ Town Wants Entire Downtown Raised 11 Feet
Army Corps of Engineers agrees to study bold, expensive flood prevention step
- A New Jersey town is considering a drastically ambitious flood prevention step: Raising the entire downtown area by 10 or 11 feet. The heart of the ironically-named Highlands lies in a crescent-shaped depression that used to be a marsh, making it flood prone. So officials want to lift every building...
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