Kris Kobach

20 Stories

Judges in 2 States Halt Chunk of Biden Loan Forgiveness Plan

Kansas, Missouri earn temporary victory that puts the kibosh on key parts of student loan program

(Newser) - Federal judges in Kansas and Missouri on Monday together blocked much of a Biden administration student loan repayment plan that provides a faster path to cancellation and lower monthly payments for millions of borrowers. The judges' rulings prevent the US Department of Education from helping many of the intended borrowers...

It Was a Big Primary Night, and a Good One for the GOP

Kris Kobach lost the Republican primary in Kansas

(Newser) - FiveThirtyEight dubbed it "Super Tuesday III." Yesterday marked the last major primary day of the election year, with voters in Arizona, Kansas, Michigan, Missouri, and Washington casting a ballot. And the results have Republicans largely breathing a sigh of relief. Major takeaways.
  • How Steven Shepard at Politico

Report: Mike Pompeo Is Not Shopping for a New Job

He 'feels things are too volatile' to leave for a Senate run, source says

(Newser) - The chances of Kansas electing a Democratic senator for the first time since 1932 may have just gone up. Sources tell the New York Times and the Wall Street Journal that Secretary of State Mike Pompeo has ruled out a Senate run in the state this year. The sources say...

Kansas Governor Concedes 'Closest Election in America'

Jeff Colyer says he will endorse Kris Kobach

(Newser) - Kansas Gov. Jeff Colyer conceded Tuesday evening in the state's Republican gubernatorial primary, saying he will endorse Secretary of State Kris Kobach a week after their neck-and-neck finish threatened to send the race to a recount. Colyer accepted defeat in a surprise announcement after a review of some provisional...

Kobach Will Remove Himself From Kansas Vote Tally

Governor's contest remains neck and neck

(Newser) - Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach says he will recuse himself from the vote tally in the state's tight gubernatorial primary race, which he leads, but barely . Kobach's current job makes him the state's chief elections official, and his opponent—incumbent Republican Gov. Jeff Colyer—has called...

Election Error Just Cut Kobach's Lead in Kansas

Trump's pick for governor is now leading the incumbent by fewer than 100 votes

(Newser) - A razor-tight race for governor in Kansas just got even closer. Election officials in Thomas County initially reported that incumbent Republican Gov. Jeff Colyer received 422 votes in Tuesday's election, but a recheck of the tally shows he actually got 522, reports the AP . That means Colyer now trails...

GOP Declares Victory in Tight Ohio Race
GOP Declares Victory
in Tight Ohio Race

GOP Declares Victory in Tight Ohio Race

Trump congratulates Balderson on 'great victory'

(Newser) - The year's last special election for a House seat was too close to call Tuesday night—but that didn't stop Republicans from declaring victory in an Ohio district they've held since 1983, the Washington Post reports. GOP state Sen. Troy Balderson was 1,754 votes ahead of...

One Big Race to Watch: Trump's Pick in Kansas

Kris Kobach is trying to unseat a sitting GOP governor, with the president's backing

(Newser) - Voters in five states go to the polls on Tuesday, and analysts will again be looking for clues on what the results might mean for the November midterms. Some highlights:
  • Kansas: The GOP primary for the governor's seat might be the highest-profile contest of the night because of President

Judge Says Kansas Secretary of State Has to Take Classes

And overturns Kansas voter proof of citizenship law

(Newser) - A federal judge ruled Monday that Kansas cannot require documentary proof of US citizenship to register to vote, finding such laws violate the constitutional right to vote in a ruling with national implications. The ruling by US District Judge Julie Robinson is the latest setback for Kansas Secretary of State...

Contender for Kansas Governor Blasts 'Snowflake Meltdown'

After Kris Kobach appeared in a parade with a machine gun replica on his Jeep

(Newser) - Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach says the outrage over his appearance in a parade atop a Jeep with a giant replica of a .50-caliber machine gun mounted on the back is "the left trying to attack guns" and the Second Amendment, the AP reports. A pastor who was...

Judge Slams Kansas' Kobach Over Moves in Voting Case

Secretary of state in contempt for keeping some voters in the dark about casting ballots

(Newser) - Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach violated a court order that required his office to inform certain people they were eligible to vote while a lawsuit challenging a state law requiring proof of US citizenship worked its way through the courts, a federal judge ruled Wednesday. US District Judge Julie...

Trump Scraps His Own Controversial Commission

Voter fraud panel had a short and troubled existence

(Newser) - President Trump's controversial voter fraud commission is history after holding a grand total of two meetings. The White House says the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity—set up last year to investigate Trump's claims that millions of people illegally voted for Hillary Clinton in 2016—is being...

States' Rebuff on Voter Info Is 'Fake News': Kobach
Voter-Fraud Commission 
May Have Broken Law

Voter-Fraud Commission May Have Broken Law

Letter to states asking for voter data apparently didn't go through proper channels

(Newser) - President Trump has long contended that "millions" of illegal voters marred the November election, despite no evidence to support that belief, and the commission he's approved to shake out voter fraud has been hitting some roadblocks. The latest obstacle: the Presidential Advisory Commission on Election Integrity may have...

Obama Sets Up Roadblock to Possible Muslim Registry

Post-911 program is officially scrapped

(Newser) - Donald Trump has mused about a registry for Muslims from high-risk nations to Muslims in the US , but an Obama administration move places a bit of a roadblock in his way. The New York Times reports that the Department of Homeland Security is formally ending a post-9/11 program that targeted...

Homeland Security Candidate Accidentally Leaks His Plan

Kris Kobach's ideas include 'extreme vetting'

(Newser) - Potential Homeland Security chief Kris Kobach has a thing to learn about keeping his own documents secure: The Kansas secretary of state was photographed with his "Department of Homeland Security Kobach Strategic Plan for First 365 Days" clearly visible before a meeting with Donald Trump on Sunday, the AP...

Post-9/11 Muslim Registry May Return Under Trump

Adviser Kris Kobach, who helped write it for President Bush, floats idea

(Newser) - How might Donald Trump translate his calls for restrictions on Muslim immigration into policy? One possibility is the reinstatement of a national registry of visitors from high-risk countries. The revelation comes from a Reuters interview of Kansas Secretary of State Kris Kobach, who is known for his anti-immigration views within...

Big Win for Democrats: Court Orders One Off Kansas Ballot

Decision could hurt GOP chances of retaking control of Senate

(Newser) - On the face of it, a court decision ordering a Democrat's name to be removed from the ballot in a Senate race of huge consequences wouldn't seem to be great news for the party. But it is indeed, thanks to the weird Kansas Senate race of 2014. The...

Kansas Birther Drops Challenge to Obama

Move had threatened his place on the ballot

(Newser) - It appears Kansas will allow the sitting president to appear on November's ballot after all. A man who filed a challenge questioning his citizenship has decided to drop it because of the backlash, reports the Topeka Capital-Journal . "There has been a great deal of animosity and intimidation directed...

Kansas May Kick Obama Off the Ballot

GOP-led election board wants more birth certificate evidence

(Newser) - If you thought birther-ism was dead, we've got some bad news. The Kansas State Objections Board is considering kicking Barack Obama off the ballot unless it finds more evidence he was born in the US, the Topeka Capital-Journal reports. The all-Republican board agreed yesterday to investigate a ballot challenge...

ICE Agents Sue Over Obama's Immigration Edicts

Their lawyer: a Romney adviser who helped craft Arizona's controversial law

(Newser) - Ten Immigrations and Customs Enforcement agents are suing their own agency over Obama administration orders to focus on dangerous illegal immigrants and to defer deportations on immigrants brought to the US as children. "We are federal law enforcement officers who are being ordered to break the law," the...

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