
3 Stories

Even the 'Cow Whisperer' Couldn't Escape Bovines' Wrath

Guardian reports on incidents of cattle attacks in the UK

(Newser) - When people spot cows idling in a field, it typically becomes an idyllic photo op. In the UK, however, cattle are the leading cause of accidental death in the nation's agricultural sphere, and they're said to be even more dangerous than dogs when it comes to going on...

Forget Shark Week, Cow Week Is Here

Turns out bovines are more dangerous than sharks

(Newser) - Maggie Koerth-Baker was astounded when she learned that cows actually kill more people than sharks—27 times more people, at least between 2003 and 2008. It made her think about "the way we talk about sharks" and "the way we think about risk," she writes on Boing...

Cow Runs Away From Home, Goes to McDonald's

Darcy the dairy cow found at takeout window

(Newser) - What did the dairy cow order when she got to the drive-thru window at McDonalds? Nothing—she just wanted a little attention. That's what Sandy Winn says was the reason her cow, Darcy, wandered from her pen on Friday and ended up at the takeout window of the fast-food...

3 Stories