Foster Friess

10 Stories

Trump-Backed GOP Donor Loses Wyoming Primary

But Liz Cheney easily won her primary

(Newser) - President Trump tried his best to appeal to coal country but, amid a truckload of bad political news, the top coal-producing state didn't love him back. Instead, Wyoming voters chose Secretary of State Mark Gordon, a rancher who grew up at the foot of the Bighorn Mountains, over political...

A $2B Election? It's on Track for 2012

Romney, Obama campaigns could each spend $1B

(Newser) - Barack Obama raised $750 million for his 2008 run, and John McCain's sum nudged the combined total over the $1 billion mark. How quaint. Come November, the nation's first $2 billion election could be in the books. A memo from the Romney campaign obtained by the New York ...

Foster Friess: I Hope Obama's 'Teleprompters Are Bullet-Proof'

We can't imagine why anyone would be offended, can you?

(Newser) - Former Rick Santorum sugar daddy Foster Friess picked an unfortunate metaphor in an interview yesterday on Fox Business. "There are a lot of things that haven’t been hammered at because Rick and Mitt have been going at each other," he said, according to the LA Times . "...

Citizens United Unleashed the 'Crankocrats'

Timothy Noah points out that corporations aren't the ones funding super PACs

(Newser) - When the Citizens United decision came down, many people expected a corporate takeover of the political system. But that hasn't happened, Timothy Noah of The New Republic points out. Corporations wanted no part of campaign controversy. Instead, super PACs are fueled by "crankocrats," tycoons like Foster Friess,...

Rush: Want Birth Control? Post Sex Videos in Return

Limbaugh also offers aspirin for women to 'put between knees'

(Newser) - Rush Limbaugh isn't quieting down about birth control. After calling a Georgetown law student who supports health insurance coverage for birth control a "slut," he's now insisting that women who want contraceptive coverage should "pay" in return by posting sex videos of themselves online. "...

Santorum Opposes Prenatal Tests

He rips insurance for amniocentesis, which 'creates abortions'

(Newser) - Amniocentesis for pregnant women? Forget it, says Rick Santorum. Such prenatal testing only results in more abortions, the candidate says. Santorum reiterated views he first expressed over the weekend in Ohio, where he ripped President Obama's support of insurance coverage of the test "because it ends up in...

Santorum Backer Sorry for Birth Control 'Joke'

Foster Friess' unfunny comment not campaign's problem: candidate

(Newser) - After making headlines yesterday by saying aspirin "between [gals'] knees" once served as birth control , Foster Friess explained his comments to Lawrence O'Donnell last night. "I love the expression, 'It’s not so much what people say, it’s what people hear,' and obviously...

Santorum Backer on Birth Control: 'Gals' Put Aspirin Between Knees

Foster Friess raises eyebrows with odd recollection

(Newser) - The billionaire pouring money into a super PAC in support of Rick Santorum went on Andrea Mitchell's MSNBC show today to make the case that Santorum's views on birth control ( he's not a fan ) were being blown out of proportion, reports USA Today . In the...

Stop the Billionaires: Amend the Constitution
Stop the Billionaires:
Amend the Constitution

Stop the Billionaires: Amend the Constitution

Jonathan Alter: Citizens United, super PACs killing our democracy

(Newser) - To Jonathan Alter, it's already clear that the 2012 presidential election will be "one of the most corrupt in US history." It's all thanks to Citizens United, the court ruling that allows a "tiny group of billionaires"—the current crop includes Sheldon Adelson , the...

Santorum Raises $1M in 24 Hours

Billionaire Foster Friess backing pro-Rick super PAC

(Newser) - He'll probably never be able to beat Mitt Romney in a money fight, but more cash has been coming Rick Santorum's way since his surprise triple win Tuesday night. Santorum's campaign says it raised $1 million after the wins in Colorado, Minnesota, and Missouri, with $800,000...

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