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Bad News From 'Cancer Alley'
'Cancer Alley' Yields Bad News

'Cancer Alley' Yields Bad News

Researchers find higher levels of dangerous chemical than expected in southeast Louisiana

(Newser) - Researchers using high-tech air monitoring equipment rolled through an industrialized stretch of southeast Louisiana in mobile labs and found levels of a carcinogen in concentrations as much as 10 times higher than previously estimated, according to a paper published Tuesday in the journal Environmental Science & Technology . As the AP...

US Bans Last Type of Asbestos in Use Here

Chrysotile asbestos, a carcinogen, is used in bleach, brake pads, and more

(Newser) - The EPA on Monday announced a comprehensive ban on asbestos, a carcinogen that's still used in some chlorine bleach, brake pads, and other products and that kills thousands of Americans every year, per the AP . The final rule marks a major expansion of EPA regulation under a landmark 2016...

Lab Wants Recall of Common Acne Meds

They may contain elevated levels of a cancer-causing chemical

(Newser) - An independent lab is calling on the FDA to suspend sales of benzoyl peroxide after finding the acne medication degraded into a cancer-causing chemical in products from popular brands like ProActiv and Clearasil. Valisure analyzed 99 acne treatment products containing benzoyl peroxide (BPO). Before heating, the carcinogen benzene was detected...

At This AFB, Cancer Diagnoses Abound. Now, a New Find

Air Force finds unsafe carcinogen levels at Montana's Malmstrom nuclear missiles base

(Newser) - The Air Force has detected unsafe levels of a likely carcinogen at underground launch control centers at a Montana nuclear missile base where a striking number of men and women have reported cancer diagnoses. A new cleanup effort has now been ordered, reports the AP . The discovery "is the...

Report: WHO to Deem Sweetener as Possible Carcinogen

Meanwhile, the FDA, nearly 100 nations have greenlit aspartame

(Newser) - Last month, the World Health Organization released new guidelines that cautioned people against using artificial sweeteners for weight control, citing findings that suggest long-term use ups the risk of diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and other issues. Now the agency is signaling it may soon issue a new warning on one of...

Consumer Reports: Avoid Those Purple and Pink Peeps

Marshmallow candies look yummy, but Consumer Reports warns of their cancer-tied Red Dye No. 3

(Newser) - If you're picking up some last-minute Peeps for the kids' Easter baskets this weekend, you might want to stick with the yellow variety. That's because although the pink and purple marshmallow-candy chicks and bunnies are definitely eye-catching, Consumer Reports has issued a warning that those versions of the...

There Were Rules on Handling Asbestos. They Were Ignored

ProPublica takes a deep dive on US' inaction on banning carcinogen, effect on chem plant workers

(Newser) - Each year, hundreds of tons of asbestos arrive in the US from Brazil, most of it destined for two big chemical companies: Olin Corporation and OxyChem, which use the cancer-causing fibrous minerals to help produce chlorine. The US still hasn't banned asbestos, despite dozens of other nations doing so,...

'Most of Us Have Glyphosate in Our Urine'
'Most of Us Have
Glyphosate in Our Urine'

'Most of Us Have Glyphosate in Our Urine'

New study finds the chemical in 80% of US samples

(Newser) - "People of all ages should be concerned, but I’m particularly concerned for children." So says one scientist interviewed by the Guardian in reaction to a new CDC study that found glyphosate in 80% of US urine samples. The study used 2,310 samples from what was meant...

P&G Recalls Old Spice, Secret Sprays Over Carcinogen
New Woes on the
P&G Recall Front

New Woes on the P&G Recall Front

Last month it was aerosol antiperspirants, over benzene; now it's various hair care products

(Newser) - Update: First it was Procter & Gamble's antiperspirants. Now the company is recalling nearly three dozen dry shampoos, dry conditioners, and other hair care products, after "unexpected levels" of benzene, a cancer-causing chemical, were found in them, reports NBC News . In a Friday Food and Drug Administration release...

Popular Heartburn Drugs Are Being Recalled

Generic versions of Zantac are being recalled over concerns about probable carcinogen

(Newser) - Nearly two weeks after a probable carcinogen was detected at low levels in heartburn medications, the over-the-counter drugs are being recalled. Drug manufacturer Apotex said Thursday it's voluntarily recalling 75mg and 150mg ranitidine tablets sold at Walgreens, Walmart, and Rite Aid over the possible presence of cancer-causing impurity NDMA....

Amid Increasing Drug Recalls, FDA Focuses on 2 Factories

Agency: Factories in China, India that made blood pressure drugs have equipment, process problems

(Newser) - With the significant number of drugs and drug ingredients made overseas, it's hard for the FDA to provide airtight oversight. But two plants in China and India that pump out oft-prescribed blood pressure and heart medications are now on the agency's radar after FDA tests revealed trace amounts...

Judge Delivers Bad News to Makers of Roundup

Hundreds of lawsuits alleging a link to cancer move forward

(Newser) - A federal judge ruled Tuesday that hundreds of lawsuits by people attributing their cancer to the weed-killer Roundup can proceed to trial, reports Reuters . Despite referring to expert opinions that active ingredient glyphosate causes cancer as "shaky," US District Judge Vince Chhabria concluded that a jury might find...

California Judge Rules Coffee Must Come With Cancer Warning

It has to do with a state law requiring warnings about a wide range of carcinogens

(Newser) - A Los Angeles judge has ruled that California law requires coffee companies to carry a cancer warning label, the AP reports. Superior Court Judge Elihu Berle said in a proposed decision Wednesday that Starbucks and other coffee companies failed to show the threat from a chemical compound produced in the...

Coffee Sold in California Could Carry Cancer Warning

Lawsuit could be wake-up for industry

(Newser) - A future cup of coffee in California could give you jitters before you even take a sip. A nonprofit group wants coffee manufacturers, distributors, and retailers to post ominous warnings about a cancer-causing chemical stewing in every brew and has been presenting evidence in a Los Angeles courtroom to make...

Like to Booze? You're More Likely to Get Skin Cancer

Researchers find a link between alcohol intake and non-melanoma skin cancers

(Newser) - Alcohol has already been linked to at least seven types of cancer . And while it's too early to conclude that alcohol consumption causes skin cancer, researchers report in the British Journal of Dermatology that there's a clear association between how much someone drinks and how likely they are...

California Has Bad News for Signature Monsanto Product

Glyphosate, active ingredient in Roundup, to be added to state's carcinogens list

(Newser) - California's latest environmental and health crackdown has Monsanto in its crosshairs: Reuters reports that as of July 7, glyphosate , the herbicide serving as the main ingredient in the agrochemical company's Roundup weed killer, will take a spot on the Golden State's list of cancer-causing chemicals, per the...

Teens Move From Vaping to Dripping for the 'Throat Hit'
1 in 4 Teens Who
Vape Have 'Dripped'
new study

1 in 4 Teens Who Vape Have 'Dripped'

Yale scientists poll students at 8 Connecticut high schools

(Newser) - The latest hack to get media attention has nothing to do with computers: A new study has found that teens aren't just vaping, but are hacking their e-cigarettes so they can apply liquid nicotine right on the heated coils and breathe in the resulting thick clouds. Researchers at Yale...

Toxins Hang Around Homes Months After Smoke Clears
Toxins Hang
Around Homes
Months After
Smoke Clears

Toxins Hang Around Homes Months After Smoke Clears

'No level of exposure to tobacco is safe'

(Newser) - A home's air may seem cleaner after a smoker has quit, but researchers report in the journal Tobacco Control that toxins from tobacco smoke can linger for months. "We tend to see smoke in the air and then it’s out of sight, out of mind," lead...

WHO No Longer Thinks Coffee Will Give You Cancer

Unless it's served above 149 degrees

(Newser) - Celebrate the latest news from the WHO with a cup of joe: The organization's International Agency for Research on Cancer is set to reverse its rating of coffee as "possibly carcinogenic" Wednesday, noting there is "inadequate evidence" linking the beverage to cancers of the bladder, pancreas, and...

Cancer-Stricken Farmers Sue Monsanto Over Roundup

They allege company is hiding herbicide's dangers

(Newser) - Three cancer-stricken Nebraska farmers and an agronomist are suing Monsanto, alleging that the company misled consumers about the safety of Roundup, the most widely used herbicide around the globe. The World Health Organization labeled glyphosate, the active ingredient in Roundup, as a likely carcinogen last year. The four Nebraskans suing...

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