
Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>

Cops Hunt Runaway Groom Who Skipped Bail

Man becomes husband and fugitive in same weekend

(Newser) - Police, and likely an angry wife, are looking for an Australian man who jumped bail last week. Murat Shomshe was released from Port Phillip Prison in Victoria to attend his wedding July 25, then sneaked out of his house two days later, reports the Herald Sun . The 33-year-old was incarcerated...

Fugitive Caught Thanks to Role in Horror Movie

Cops saw his photo in the newspaper

(Newser) - When it comes to promoting a movie, no press is bad press, right? Unless you happen to be a fugitive, in which case any press is bad press. Police in Olympia, Washington, arrested Jason Stange, 44, after recognizing him in photos that ran in the Olympian about the horror movie...

Escaped Prisoner May Have Been Drunk When Shot

Richard Matt's body smelled of alcohol, reports Buffalo News

(Newser) - The escaped prisoner who was shot to death on Friday may have been both drunk and sick when troopers finally caught up with him, reports the Buffalo News . The body of Richard Matt reeked of booze, authorities tell the newspaper. That gibes with the report of a cabin owner who...

Prisoner Who Escaped in 1959 Finally Caught

Ohio's Frank Freshwaters is picked up in Florida

(Newser) - Safe to say that Frank Freshwaters probably thought he had beaten the system for good. After escaping from an Ohio prison facility in 1959, Freshwaters managed to assume a new identity as William Cox and settle in Florida's Brevard Country. But as Cleveland.com reports, authorities finally tracked down...

Escapee Surrenders After 39 Years—for Health Care

Clarence David Moore recently suffered a stroke

(Newser) - Clarence David Moore escaped from North Carolina's Henderson County Prison Unit on Aug. 6, 1976, and was never heard from again—until he turned himself in to police in Kentucky this week, citing his poor health and lack of insurance. Moore, 66, had previously escaped from state prisons in...

FBI: Bunker of 'America's Most Wanted' Perp Found

Bradley Steven Robinett, 46, apparently set up shop near a lake in Washington state

(Newser) - Using clues that "read almost like a childhood treasure hunt," local police and federal agents have uncovered what they believe was a fugitive's underground bunker near Washington's Lake Sammamish, KOMO reports. Authorities say they think the moldy, garbage-strewn hideout was at some point built and used...

Hunt Is On for Fugitive Treasure-Hunter's Loot

Investors want bounty worth millions they say Tommy Thompson got on 'Ship of Gold'

(Newser) - Deep-sea treasure hunter Tommy Thompson made headlines in 1988 when he found the legendary "Ship of Gold" (aka the USS Central America) shipwreck off the coast of South Carolina, which sank to the ocean floor with thousands of pounds of gold in 1857. Now he's in the news...

'One of Most Intelligent Fugitives Sought' Is Found

Treasure hunter Tommy Thompson found in a Boca Raton Hilton

(Newser) - A treasure hunter locked in a legal battle over one of the greatest undersea hauls in American history has been arrested in Florida after more than two years on the lam, authorities said today. The US Marshals Service tracked Tommy Thompson to a Hilton hotel in West Boca Raton and...

Florida Fugitive Caught After 37 Years in Mexico

Somebody finally turned 81-year-old in

(Newser) - The law has caught up with a former Florida resident a mere 37 years after he failed to surrender for a 10-month prison sentence. Robert Woodring, now 81, was ordered to surrender in October 1977 after being found guilty of moving a yacht so federal authorities couldn't seize it,...

Crowd Taunts Captured Fugitive Frein

He is arraigned in Pennsylvania on murder charges

(Newser) - As officers led newly captured fugitive Eric Frein from a courthouse in Pennsylvania today, the New York Times reports that they stopped for a moment as if to give the 150 or so bystanders a good look. Shouts of "Rot in hell," "You're not a real...

Cops Find Tuna, Ramen Left by Fugitive Survivalist

Troopers say they're closing in on Eric Frein

(Newser) - Accused cop killer Eric Frein continues to elude authorities in the mountains of Pennsylvania, but police think his task just got a lot harder: He left behind a stash of tuna, ramen noodles, clothes, and ammo at a campsite, reports NBC News . “I would surmise we pushed him out...

Cops Find 2 Pipe Bombs in Hunt for Survivalist

Authorities say Eric Frein is making 'significant mistakes' in woods of Pennsylvania

(Newser) - Authorities on the trail of suspected trooper-killer Eric Frein have found diapers , cigarettes, and now two pieces of evidence with more sinister overtones: two fully functional pipe bombs, reports the Scranton Times-Tribune . Pennsylvania police, however, say Frein never got a chance to deploy the bombs because they were "hastily...

Fugitive Missing 14 Years Found in Nepal

Neil Stammer had been living in Nepal since 2006

(Newser) - A New Mexico man who fled sex abuse and kidnapping charges 14 years ago has been returned following his capture in Nepal, according to the FBI. Neil Stammer, 47, arrived this afternoon at the Albuquerque International Sunport and is now in custody, awaiting charges. Authorities say a federal arrest warrant...

Police Find 21-Year Fugitive on Facebook

He'd been wanted on tax charges since 1992

(Newser) - And now, yet another reminder that for criminals, Facebook doesn't pay. Francisco R. Legaspi was indicted yesterday in California on charges of failing to appear, after spending 21 years evading his tax-evasion charges, the San Francisco Chronicle reports. Legaspi was originally charged in 1992 with aiding in the presentation...

Fugitive's Home for 18 Years: Key West Houseboat

Michelle Singleton was living as Catherine Harris

(Newser) - Michelle Singleton had a seemingly enviable life in Key West, Florida—that is, until police knocked on the door of her houseboat on Friday and took her into custody, 18 years after she was convicted of payroll check fraud. Singleton had skipped town in 1996, leaving Kansas City, Mo., before...

Military Fugitive Who Escaped in 1977 Caught

James Robert Jones fled Fort Leavenworth, landed in Florida

(Newser) - A convicted murderer who escaped prison and made a new life for himself in Florida is back in custody after 37 years, reports AP . James Robert Jones murdered a fellow Army private and got sentenced to 23 years at the military's maximum security prison at Fort Leavenworth in Kansas...

Fugitive Child Rapist Caught After Week on Run

Eric Hartwell escaped in Denver and was arrested in Virginia

(Newser) - A child rapist who escaped from custody in Denver last week made it across the country before being captured today, reports CNN . Eric Hartwell apparently cut off his ankle monitor and fled a halfway house, reports Fox 31 Denver . Authorities finally caught up with the 51-year-old at a motel in...

Woman Captured After Escaping Prison—in 1977

Judy Lynn Hayman caught, 36 years later

(Newser) - Judy Lynn Hayman has finally been caught ... more than 36 years after she escaped from a Michigan prison. Hayman, who was then 23 and serving a 16- to 24-month sentence for attempted larceny, fled the Huron Valley Correctional Facility on April 14, 1977. She had served 10 months of her...

Wanted Man Posts Mugshot, Gets Captured Immediately

Anthony James Lescowitch shared police department's post

(Newser) - Note to those wanted by police: If your goal is not to get caught, it's probably not a good idea to "share" your mugshot on Facebook after the police department posts it . That's what Anthony James Lescowitch did Monday, police say; not surprisingly, the move led to...

Knox: I'm Willing to Become a 'Fugitive'

'I will not willingly submit myself to injustice'

(Newser) - If convicted again of murder , Amanda Knox says she won't willingly return to Italy to face punishment; instead, she told an Italian journalist, "I will be—how do you put it?—a fugitive," the Guardian reports. The reporter, Meo Ponte, who interviewed her over Skype, has previously...

Stories 161 - 180 | << Prev   Next >>