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Australia Foils Gruesome ISIS Beheading Plot

In largest raids in country's history, 15 are detained

(Newser) - Fifteen people have been detained in Australia, and police there say that in so doing, they have thwarted a plot to carry out a random beheading in Sydney. More than a dozen properties across Sydney were raided today by a force of 800 federal and state police officers, making it...

UK to ISIS: We'll Hunt You for 'Act of Pure Evil'

Cameron comes out swinging after apparent execution of David Haines

(Newser) - David Cameron emerged from an emergency meeting this morning with harsh words for Islamic State militants in the wake of yesterday's video that purports to show the beheading of British aid worker David Haines : Calling the execution—which hasn't been officially verified, though a UK Foreign Office rep...

ISIS Claims Beheading of British Hostage

Video purports to show execution of David Haines

(Newser) - ISIS appears to have carried out its threat to behead yet another Western hostage, this time a British citizen named David Haines. The executioner who killed Steven Sotloff in the last video had threatened that Haines would be next . Britain's foreign office said it is "working urgently" to...

James Foley's Mom Rips US Over Son's Death

Says government threatened to prosecute if family paid a ransom

(Newser) - James Foley's mother has some blistering words for the US government in how it handled her son's abduction . In an interview with Anderson Cooper that airs tonight on CNN , Diane Foley says she is "embarrassed and appalled" at how American officials acted. Officials threatened family members with...

Sotloff Execution Video Is Real: US

'We will not be intimidated,' Obama says

(Newser) - The US has confirmed the authenticity of an ISIS video featuring journalist Steven Sotloff's beheading , with President Obama asserting that the recent executions only "stiffen our resolve" against the militant group. After intelligence officials analyzed the clip, Obama discussed it today in Estonia, the New York Times reports....

Sotloff Family Grieves After Release of Video

Journalist was aware of Syria dangers, colleagues say

(Newser) - The family of American journalist Steven Sotloff is aware that ISIS has released a video it claims shows his beheading and is "grieving privately," a spokesman says. The State Department says it is "sickened" and is trying to determine whether the video is genuine, reports the AP...

ISIS Claims to Execute US Journalist Sotloff

Video emerges with apparent beheading, threatens British captive next

(Newser) - The captors of American journalist Steven Sotloff appear to have carried out their threat to execute him as they did James Foley , reports the AP . A new video posted online by the Islamic State, or ISIS, claims to show his beheading. A global terrorism monitor, SITE Intelligence Group, says the...

Rapper Eyed in Beheading of James Foley

UK intelligence said to have found a suspect

(Newser) - British officials say they've identified the ex-pat who beheaded James Foley but won't yet release his name, the Sunday Times reports. Investigators narrowed the case down to four suspects—including a British doctor's brother and an ex-gang member who went to Syria—but UK rapper Abdel-Majed Abdel...

Ex-Hostage: 'John' the Jihadist Beheaded James Foley

Hostages dubbed captors 'the Beatles' because of UK accents

(Newser) - A former hostage says he went by the name "John." Now the FBI and British intelligence are trying to identify the UK-born jihadist who led a group of captors in Syria and likely beheaded James Foley. "John" was a smart, educated, fervent believer in radical Islam, an...

Could Ransom Have Saved James Foley?

Islamic State demanded a multimillion-dollar ransom for his release

(Newser) - Special forces reportedly tried to free journalist James Foley in Syria earlier this summer, but to no avail. A ransom, however, may have gotten the job done. The Islamic State, which filmed the decapitation of the 40-year-old video journalist who'd been held hostage since 2012, had demanded a multimillion-dollar...

Syrian Rebels Accidentally Behead a Syrian Rebel

Al-Qaeda linked group apologizes

(Newser) - Everybody makes mistakes at work. Here at Newser, that means making a typo. For fighters in al-Qaeda-affiliated rebel groups, it means beheading the wrong guy. Militants from the Islamic State of Iraq and Syria posted a video online recently in which they showed off a severed, bearded head, saying it...

Facebook: Decapitation Video Not OK After All

But will still allow other violent content

(Newser) - After on Monday defending a gory video of a man beheading a woman posted on the site, Facebook has done a 180, deciding the violent video wasn't OK after all and removing the offending clip. The site initially deemed such violent content fine as long as it wasn't...

Facebook: Beheadings Now OK, but No Breasts

Ban on gore lifted, as long as acts are condemned

(Newser) - Facebook users might want to brace for bloodier newsfeeds: The site has quietly dropped a ban on gory photos and videos, including those showing beheadings. Gory videos were temporarily banned earlier this year, but the policy has now changed again, the BBC found when investigating a complaint about Facebook's...

Saudi Problem: Not Enough Swordsmen for Executions

Firing squads now an acceptable alternative

(Newser) - The only country in the world that still beheads criminals is facing a shortage of swordsmen, leading Saudi Arabian authorities to rule that using a firing squad is an acceptable alternative to publicly lopping the heads of those convicted of crimes including murder, drug trafficking, and apostasy, the New York ...

Sri Lanka Roils Over Saudi Beheading of Maid

Sri Lankan gov't accused of not doing enough to save Rizana Nafeek

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia is coming under heavy criticism for beheading a Sri Lankan maid yesterday, after she was found guilty for killing a baby under her care in 2005 when she was 17 years old, reports al-Jazeera . Human rights groups say Rizana Nafeek was denied access to lawyers during her initial...

Outraged India Says Pakistanis Beheaded Soldier

Tensions rise in Kashmir, but Pakistani officials call claim 'baseless'

(Newser) - Things are again heating up in volatile Kashmir, where Indian officials charge that Pakistani army members slaughtered and mutilated two Indian soldiers, beheading one of them and taking the severed head with them. India says Pakistani army members fired over the Line of Control that divides the contested territory yesterday,...

Afghan Woman Beheaded, Refused to Sleep With Man

Her in-laws, husband sought to turn her into prostitute

(Newser) - A 20-year-old Afghan woman was beheaded for refusing to sleep with a man to comply with her husband and his family's plan to make her a prostitute, according to police. The wanna-be customer, Najibullah, and the in-laws and husband of the victim Mah Gul have been arrested for the...

British Doc Beheaded in Pakistan

Body found in orchard near Quetta, four months after kidnapping

(Newser) - A British doctor working for the Red Cross in Pakistan has been found beheaded after being kidnapped in January, reports the Guardian . The body of Khalil Rasjed Dale was found in an orchard just outside of Quetta, with a note saying he had been killed by the Taliban. Dale was...

12 Cops Probing 10 Beheadings Killed in Mexico

Police ambushed as they searched for victims' bodies

(Newser) - A dozen police officers investigating the beheadings of 10 people were killed in an ambush in southern Mexico. Another 11 officers were injured. The officers were traveling in six patrol cars searching for the bodies of seven men and three women whose heads were found dumped outside a slaughterhouse in...

Agency Trying to Sell Pics of Severed Hollywood Head

$5K being asked for shots of woman posing with gruesome find

(Newser) - A photo agency that usually sells paparazzi shots is trying to sell photos of the severed head found near the Hollywood sign earlier this week. One of the dogwalkers who found the head posed for photos with it and is smiling in at least one of them, reports Gawker , which...

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