Osama bin Laden death photos

16 Stories

Navy SEAL Kept Secret Pic of bin Laden Corpse: Report

Matt Bissonnette's business dealings now under investigation

(Newser) - A former Navy SEAL who took part in the raid that killed Osama bin Laden kept a secret photo of the terrorist's corpse, sources say. Matt Bissonnette—who landed in hot water over his best-seller about the 2011 raid—turned over a hard drive containing the photo to US...

Court: You Don't Get to See bin Laden Death Photos

Judges side with Obama administration

(Newser) - It doesn't look like the CIA's photos of a dead Osama bin Laden will ever see the light of day. A federal appeals court today ruled that the Obama administration's argument that releasing them would incite riots and anti-US violence makes sense, reports Reuters . A conservative watchdog...

Obama on bin Laden: No High-Fives, but 'Satisfaction'
Obama on bin Laden Death:
I Didn't Do a High-Five

Obama on bin Laden Death: I Didn't Do a High-Five

Obama gives detailed interview about the terrorist leader's demise

(Newser) - It's the first anniversary of the US raid that killed Osama bin Laden, and MSNBC today released a series of interviews Brian Williams conducted with President Obama, Hillary Clinton, and other top-ranking officials detailing their preparation for and reaction to the raid. "Ultimately, it was a 50/50 proposition...

Judge Blocks Release of bin Laden Death Photos

CIA, Pentagon had good reasons to keep images classified, he decides

(Newser) - A federal judge, saying he wasn't prepared to second-guess the Pentagon and CIA's reasoning in the matter, has rejected a request to order the release of photos and video taking during the raid that killed Osama bin Laden a year ago next week. The watchdog group Judicial Watch...

US Fights to Keep bin Laden Death Photos Secret

Administration argues in court that they would endanger Americans abroad

(Newser) - The Obama administration filed court documents this week arguing that the 52 photographs and video recordings it has of Osama bin Laden's corpse are "wholly exempt from disclosure," and that it would not release them for fear of inspiring violence against Americans abroad. The filing is in...

Lawmakers Describe 'Gruesome' Osama Photos

'He's dead. He's gone ,' Sen. Inhofe says

(Newser) - The first lawmakers invited to see photos of Osama bin Laden's corpse say the gruesome photos are definite proof that the terrorist is dead. "That was him," Sen. Jim Inhofe, told CNN . "He is gone. He's history." The Republican says he saw 15 photos...

Senators to View bin Laden Death Photos

Raid intel providing new leads hourly

(Newser) - The CIA has invited selected senators to view the photos of Osama bin Laden's death that the White House has decided not to release to the public. Members of the Senate Intelligence Committee and Senate Armed Services committee have been told that they can make an appointment with the...

64% of Us Don't Want Death Photos Released

New survey shows most back President Obama's decision

(Newser) - Despite the fact that many decried President Obama's decision not to release the Osama bin Laden death photos , most Americans agree with it. An NBC News poll finds that 52% of respondents strongly believe the photos should not be released; an additional 12% agree, but not as strongly. In...

Why We Must Release bin Laden's Death Photos
 Why We Must Release 
 bin Laden's Death Photos 
OPINION roundup

Why We Must Release bin Laden's Death Photos

Most disagree with President Obama's decision

(Newser) - Reactions to President Obama's decision not to release the Osama bin Laden death photos are rolling in—and most seem to disagree with the prez:
  • "While gory photographs would have inflamed some jihadists and wannabes, I believe they would have disillusioned and deflated others," writes Eugene Robinson

Reuters Publishes Grisly Photos of Osama Raid

They show 3 victims, but not bin Laden

(Newser) - Reuters has released a series of photos it says were taken in the aftermath of the raid on Osama bin Laden's compound. Among them are gruesome images of three dead men, though not of bin Laden. The news agency says it bought them from a Pakistani security official who...

What's With Live-Feed Blackout During Raid?

Live Feed Goes Dark for 24 Minutes, Panetta reveals

(Newser) - More questions are arising about the US raid on Osama bin Laden's compound as CIA director Leon Panetta indicated that there was a video feed blackout during the critical confrontation with the al-Qaeda leader, reports the Telegraph . Live-feed cameras mounted on the helmets of the US fighters apparently switched...

Jon Stewart: C'mon Guys, We Can Take Gruesome

Public needs to see Osama death photos, Daily Show host argues

(Newser) - The White House's decision not to release gruesome photos of Osama bin Laden's corpse doesn't make a lot of sense in a country that sees gaping head wounds every night on shows like Bones and CSI, Jon Stewart argues. "I’m all for healthy skepticism and...

Scott Brown Fooled by Fake Photo of bin Laden

Senator says image was 'not authentic'

(Newser) - The advice bears repeating: Beware links promising photos of a dead Osama bin Laden . And now we can add: Especially, if you're a US senator. Scott Brown admitted he got fooled today, reports the Boston Globe . In an interview with a Boston TV station earlier in the day, he...

Obama: We Won't Release bin Laden Photos as ‘Trophies’

President explains why he won't release Osama bin Laden Images

(Newser) - CBS has new details on President Obama's decision not to release photos of a dead Osama bin Laden. It comes down to not inciting violence or gloating, he tells 60 Minutes. Read a partial transcript here from the interview that airs Sunday. Excerpts:
  • "It is important to

White House Won't Release Osama bin Laden Photos

Obama: 'We don't trot this stuff out as trophies'

(Newser) - President Obama has decided not to release grisly photos of Osama bin Laden's body. Obama himself tells Steve Kroft of his decision in a 60 Minutes interview to air Sunday, reports CBS News . Excerpts will be out later today. The decision— NBC reported it earlier today—comes after CIA...

Obama Cooling to Idea of Releasing Osama Death Pics

Leon Panetta says yes, Robert Gates and Hillary Clinton say no

(Newser) - Yes, yes, no, who knows? Though CIA Director Leon Panetta indicated photos of a dead Osama bin Laden would likely be released—“I think we have to reveal to the rest of the world the fact that we were able to get him and kill him”— ABC News...

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