Duke and Duchess of Cambridge

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Kate, William File Criminal Complaint Over Topless Pics

'Closer' magazine could be shut down, editors jailed

(Newser) - Prince William and Kate Middleton are not taking this topless photo scandal lying down: The royal couple this morning filed a criminal complaint in France against Closer, the magazine that published the pictures of Kate, the BBC reports. They had already filed a civil lawsuit . Experts say the criminal case...

Irish Tabloid to Be Shut Over Topless Kate Pics

Journalists union blasts 'over the top' reaction

(Newser) - They don't mess around with nude royals in the UK. An Irish tabloid is about to be shut down by its British media mogul owner after the paper reprinted photos of the topless duchess of Cambridge. Some 120 people work for the Irish Daily Star, which is based in...

French Mag Prints Topless Kate Pics
 William, Kate Sue 
 Over Topless Pics 

William, Kate Sue Over Topless Pics

French magazine posts photos of her

(Newser) - Prince Harry has some company, because now his sister-in-law Kate, the Duchess of Cambridge, is embroiled in her own nude photo scandal, the BBC reports. French magazine Closer published blurry topless pictures of Kate, apparently taken with a long lens while she and Prince William were on a private holiday...

William: I Want 2 Kids With Kate

Plus, rumors swirl that she's already pregnant

(Newser) - Stop the presses, because Prince William has actually discussed the babies he will one day have with wife Kate. Specifically, he would like two of them, Wills said today while the couple was touring Singapore as part of Queen Elizabeth's Diamond Jubilee. "Someone asked him how many children...

Kate Middleton to Sleep on the Streets

Duchess of Cambridge wants to raise awareness of homeless youth

(Newser) - Kate Middleton is royalty now, but she's not above spending a night on the streets of London. She'll join Centrepoint, a charity supporting homeless youth, for its next Sleep Out campaign to raise awareness of the increasing homeless problem, according to Lisa Maxwell, an ambassador for the group....

Diamond Jubilee Ends With a Fly-by

Philip 'feeling better': Prince Edward

(Newser) - Queen Elizabeth waved to massive crowds from the balcony of Buckingham Palace this afternoon as her Diamond Jubilee celebration came to a close. World War II and Red Arrow aircraft zoomed past the palace in a celebratory flyover to end the extended weekend. Meanwhile, Prince Philip is "feeling better,...

Party Boy Prince Harry a 'Neighbor From Hell'

Duke and duchess prefer snuggling on sofa, despite Harry's party pleas

(Newser) - It seemed so sweet when Prince Harry moved into Kensington Palace to be close to brother Wills and his sis-in-law. But he's turned into what sounds like a "neighbor from hell," thanks to his hard-partying ways and constant pressure on the royal couple to kick up their...

Wills: Grandma Made Us Rip Up Wedding Guest List

Prince talks about Queen Elizabeth in new interview

(Newser) - When Prince William first started planning his wedding to Kate Middleton, he was handed the original guest list, with 777 names on it—"not one person I knew or Catherine knew," he reveals in an ITV1 documentary about Queen Elizabeth airing next month. He took the list to...

Palace: Kate Has &#39;Graduated&#39;
 Palace: Kate Has 'Graduated' 

Palace: Kate Has 'Graduated'

Congratulations are apparently in order for the Duchess of Cambridge

(Newser) - One year after her marriage to Prince William, the former Kate Middleton has something new to celebrate: Her "induction" is now complete and St. James' Palace considers her a "fully fledged member" of the British monarchy, a senior royal source tells CNN . She achieved this vaunted status by...

Kate Gives First Public Speech
 Kate Gives First Public Speech 

Kate Gives First Public Speech

Duchess of Cambridge speaks at children's hospice

(Newser) - Members of the adoring public who didn't get quite enough of Kate Middleton's perfectly British voice while watching her exchange vows with Prince William had a chance for another fix today: The Duchess of Cambridge gave her first public address as royalty, speaking at the opening of a...

Kate Sent William Risque Valentine's Gift

Prince gets Ralph Lauren underwear for the holiday

(Newser) - Apparently one of the downsides of being British royalty is that you can't buy your husband a nice pair of Valentine's Day undies in peace. The Sun brings us the oh-so-breaking news that Kate Middleton sent her hubby, who is currently serving in the Falkland Islands, a pair...

Wills and Kate: No, We Will Not Tell You Our Dog's Name

Royal cocker spaniel is a 'private pet,' says spokesperson

(Newser) - You may have heard the happy news: Prince William and Kate Middleton are the proud parents of a 3-month-old cocker spaniel . However, if you were hoping to find out what they're calling the puppy, prepare to be disappointed. The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge have strictly instructed aides not...

Queen&#39;s Income Shaved to Mere $48M
Queen's Income
Shaved to Mere $48M

Queen's Income Shaved to Mere $48M

Things are tough all over

(Newser) - Britain's queen is facing a royal comedown as new austerity measures will likely trim her income to some $48 million, which will be frozen until 2015. It's actually a sizable cut from the good old days in 1991, when her take was a hefty $125 million. So what...

Is Kate Middleton Pregnant?
 Is Kate Middleton Pregnant? 

Is Kate Middleton Pregnant?

She's avoiding peanut paste, holding her belly

(Newser) - Is Kate Middleton pregnant already? London's Sun has speculated that there could soon be the patter of little feet at the new larger digs of the princess and her prince. One hint? Kate turned down a taste of high-protein peanut paste with her hubby during a visit to a...

Kate Goes to Princess School
 Kate Goes to Princess School 

Kate Goes to Princess School

She's learning all she can to be a good royal

(Newser) - Some people are born into royalty. Others have to learn what to do at princess school. Such is the fate of the Duchess of Cambridge, née Kate Middleton, who is learning her Ps and Qs from a series of private tutors. In recent weeks, experts on various aspects of...

Celebs With 2012 Guinness World Records

Apparently, a lot of people live streamed the royal wedding

(Newser) - The Guinness Book of World Records is not just for regular joes who go on epic bar crawls or paddleboard rides . No, it's also for celebrities—and according to Perez Hilton , Gossip Cop , and MTV , a whole slew of them made their way in to the 2012 edition:
  • Lady

Kate Undergoes Hardcore Anti-Kidnap Training

Now she probably knows how to communicate in code

(Newser) - It's not all summer holidays with the Queen and royal tours of California : The Duchess of Cambridge also has to deal with the possibility that she'll be kidnapped. As such, Kate recently went through a personal protection program run by members of the Special Air Service, Scotland Yard'...

Kate Middleton's Phone Likely Hacked, Too

Duchess of Cambridge could have been hacked as early as 2005

(Newser) - Add Kate Middleton, Duchess of Cambridge, to the list of likely phone hacking victims. Previously, just Prince William, Prince Harry, and three aides were thought to be targeted by tabloid phone hackers, but now investigators think that most of the royal family was probably targeted, reports the Telegraph . In fact,...

Queen Wants to Get to Know Kate Better

Queen aims to 'get to know her better'

(Newser) - After starring in the biggest wedding in a generation and traveling the world with her new hubby, new royal Kate Middleton has a new challenge in store for her: summer holidays with the in-laws. Only in this case, one in-law includes Queen Elizabeth II, of course. The Queen has invited...

And the Big Reveal of Will and Kate's Trip...

Is that she's ... allergic to horses?

(Newser) - Did you just feel yourself getting a little less glamorous, California? That's probably because Prince William and wife Kate wrapped up their three-day tour yesterday, heading home via (gasp!) a commercial flight on British Airways, Radar reports. More details from their trip:
  • The biggest, or at least most

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