Saifullah Paracha

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Gitmo's Oldest Prisoner Goes Home
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Gitmo's Oldest Prisoner Goes Home

Saifullah Paracha, 75, was held for 2 decades though never charged

(Newser) - Saifullah Paracha no longer has the distinction of being the oldest prisoner at Guantanamo Bay. The US has released the 75-year-old back to his native Pakistan, reports NBC News . The former businessman had been held for 20 years by the US on suspicion of ties to al-Qaeda leaders including...

Oldest Gitmo Prisoner Loses Bid for Freedom

Saifullah Paracha, 68, considered too dangerous for release

(Newser) - Guantanamo's oldest prisoner won't soon return to Pakistan or the US as he had hoped: The Guantanamo parole board has ruled that 68-year-old Saifullah Paracha will remain in custody as "a continuing significant threat to the security of the United States." The Pakistani businessman has been...

WikiLeaks Reveal: New York City Businessman Saifullah Paracha Worked with Al-Qaeda Toward Post-9/11 Attacks
NYC Businessman Plotted Post-9/11 Attacks
wikileaks reveal

NYC Businessman Plotted Post-9/11 Attacks

Former travel agent colluded with 9/11 planner Khalid Sheikh Mohammed

(Newser) - Al-Qaeda operatives pushed for a series of attacks following 9/11, but the plans were foiled following the capture of leading figures, WikiLeaks documents say. Among the plots discussed were attacking West Coast aircraft, blowing up a gas-filled apartment and gas stations, and cutting cables on the Brooklyn Bridge, the New ...

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