Herman Cain

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Polls in Early States: Good News for Romney

He's at the top in the first four, with Cain second

(Newser) - A CNN/Time survey of the first four states to vote bodes well for Mitt Romney. He leads them all, though Herman Cain is within a whisker in Iowa and South Carolina. A quick look at the top two in the state polls:
  • Iowa (Jan. 3): Romney, 24%; Cain, 21%
  • New

Georgia, Cain Battled Over Unpaid Tax Bill

He didn't pay '06 income tax until late '08

(Newser) - Herman Cain's only tax-related beef isn't with the federal tax code: The GOP frontrunner was involved in a brouhaha with Georgia over his 2006 state income taxes that lasted until late 2008, according to documents obtained by the Daily Beast . To be fair, Cain was undergoing treatment for...

Herman Cain Creates Buzz With Smoky New Video

His chief of staff's cigarette plays a starring role

(Newser) - Herman Cain's new campaign video is generating lots of attention, but not because of 9-9-9 or 9-0-9 or anything remotely related to policy. It's all about a cigarette: The video (it's in the gallery at left) features chief of staff Mark Block praising his boss for about...

Herman Cain Says Poor Would Have a 9-0-9 Plan Under His Proposal
 Cain: Poor Would Get '9-0-9' 

Cain: Poor Would Get '9-0-9'

He clarifies plan, unveils 'opportunity zones'

(Newser) - Herman Cain clarified and amended his 9-9-9 tax plan today, addressing concerns that it would raise taxes on the poor, who currently pay no income tax. Cain said he wouldn’t change that. “If you are at or below the poverty level, your plan isn’t 9-9-9, it is...

Herman Cain: People Choose to Be Gay
Herman Cain: People Choose to Be Gay

Herman Cain: People Choose to Be Gay

Also, no abortion for rape victims, but he wouldn't ban it

(Newser) - Herman Cain hit on some hot-button social issues in his interview with Piers Morgan last night, including homosexuality and abortion. In one exchange transcribed by Politico , Cain says that “because of my biblical beliefs” he thinks being gay is “a personal choice,” challenging Morgan to show him...

Clinton, Karzai Joke About Herman Cain

2012 candidate doesn't know the difference between 'all the 'stans'

(Newser) - Hillary Clinton started today’s meeting with Afghan President Hamid Karzai with a chuckle over Hermain Cain’s recent Uzbekistan remarks. (The presidential hopeful said that if he was asked about the president of “Ubeki-beki-beki-beki-stan-stan,” he would answer, “I don't know. Do you know?”) As...

Cain's 9-9-9 the Cure for a Convoluted Tax Code

Arthur Laffer on the stimulating powers of lower taxes

(Newser) - Herman Cain’s 9-9-9 plan has come under a lot of fire, but Arthur Laffer, of the Laffer Center for Supply Side Economics, thinks it will “right the wrongs of our federal tax code.” These days we’re mired in “ever-more arcane tax codes” that seek not...

Herman Cain, Mitt Romney Lead in South Carolina, Florida Polls
 Cain, Romney Lead 
 Pack in SC, Florida 
polls say

Cain, Romney Lead Pack in SC, Florida

Rick Perry in single digits in both places

(Newser) - The GOP primary is a two-horse race at the moment in pivotal South Carolina and Florida—just not between the two horses you thought it would be last month. Herman Cain has taken the lead in both states, topping Romney 30% to 26% in South Carolina and by a slim...

Romney Wins Angry Debate
 Romney Wins Angry Debate 

Romney Wins Angry Debate

Las Vegas showdown a bad night for Herman Cain, pundits say

(Newser) - The Republican candidates in last night's CNN-sponsored debate in Las Vegas were significantly more combative than in previous debates. But despite some fierce attacks and tense moments, Mitt Romney appears to have come out on top again, pundits say.
  • Romney was put on the defensive, especially by Rick Perry

Audience Loudly Cheers Cain's 'Blame the Jobless'

Crowd startles again in GOP debate

(Newser) - It's becoming common in this wave of GOP debates that audience members are also newsmakers: At last night's debate, the crowd cheered lustily when Herman Cain proudly stood by an earlier statement that the unemployed are to blame for their unemployment. "If you don't have a...

Colbert's New Candidate: Cain

Unless, of course, you don't like Cain...

(Newser) - Rick Perry ( er, “Parry” ) used to be Stephen Colbert’s preferred presidential candidate. But with the Texas governor's poll numbers down, it’s time for a new pick with more promise: Enter Herman Cain. Colbert touted Cain’s controversial “electric border fence” idea, which, of...

Romney, Perry Tangle at Debate

Santorum also hits Romney on health care

(Newser) - The latest GOP debate has wrapped up, and it's clear Rick Perry had Mitt Romney in his sights. They had a number of nasty exchanges, including one in which Perry resurrected allegations that Romney hired a lawn service that employed illegals:
  • Perry: "You stood here and did not

Cain: I'm 'Very Proud' of Koch Ties

Says relationship isn't 'close'

(Newser) - Following an AP story revealing his ‘long’ ties to the billionaire Koch brothers , Herman Cain has acknowledged the relationship—and says he’s “very proud” of it,” notes ThinkProgress . “I know the Koch brothers,” he told CNN. “I’m very proud of the relationship...

8 Dos, Don&#39;ts for Tonight&#39;s Debate
 8 Dos, Don'ts for 
 Tonight's Debate 

8 Dos, Don'ts for Tonight's Debate

Cain needs more substance; Perry just needs a better performance: Politico

(Newser) - Tonight’s GOP debate—the last one for three weeks—is one of the few remaining chances for the Republican presidential candidates to change the opinions (for better or worse) of millions of TV viewers before Iowa’s Jan. 3 caucuses . With that in mind, Maggie Haberman offers some advice...

Cain's Campaign Buys $86K of His Own Books

Campaign paying own foundation for autobiography

(Newser) - Herman Cain’s campaign has spent $86,523 buying copies of the candidate’s autobiography and other books—and it’s buying them from Herman Cain THE New Voice, Cain’s own motivational speaking company. “They are buying my books and my pamphlets,” Cain confirmed for Bloomberg, but...

At Tonight's GOP Debate, All Eyes on Herman Cain

While Rick Perry tries to dig out of his hole, Romney tries to get over the hump

(Newser) - Herman Cain’s sudden meteoric rise from political novelty to poll-topping candidate should put him in the spotlight at tonight’s debate—which might be a very dangerous place to be. The big question for Cain is “are you serious?” Politico ’s Reid Epstein writes, noting that Cain...

Cain: I Was Joking About Killer Electric Border Fence

But that appears less-than-clear

(Newser) - Anyone want to make a bet as to whether this comes up at tomorrow night's GOP debate ? When David Gregory asked Herman Cain yesterday about statements—made as recently as the day before—that he’d build an electrified fence to keep out illegal immigrants, Cain brushed it...

Bachmann, Gingrich, Huntsman All Broke

Romney, Perry pull in combined $30M in Q3

(Newser) - Campaign reports reveal a GOP presidential field whose members are on vastly different financial footing. While Mitt Romney and Rick Perry raised a combined $30 million in Q3, three of their competitors are deep in debt, WNYC reports. Michele Bachmann raised $3.9 million between July and September, but currently...

Herman Cain Takes Heat Over 9-9-9 Plan
 Cain Takes 
 Heat Over 
 9-9-9 Plan 


Cain Takes Heat Over 9-9-9 Plan

Says he's killing invisible taxes with a visible one

(Newser) - Sudden GOP frontrunner Herman Cain defended his 9-9-9 tax plan on the talk show circuit today, shooting back at critics who say it would jack taxes for the poor, middle class, and elderly. "There are invisible taxes that are built into everything we buy," said Cain, adding...

Herman Cain Has Long Ties to Koch Brothers

Far from outsider, Cain's campaign full of Koch associates

(Newser) - Herman Cain is the plain-talking and surging Republican presidential candidate everyone knows for his 9-9-9 plan and his days at the helm of Godfather's Pizza. But the AP takes a closer look at his resume, and finds close and longstanding ties to Americans for Prosperity, the right-leaning advocacy group...

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