Herman Cain

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Herman Cain Stays Defiant, Plans Decision in a 'Few Days'

He also blasts 'character assassination'

(Newser) - Whether Republicans will need a podium for Herman Cain at Saturday's debate won't be resolved today. He told CNN that he will make a decision on whether to continue in a "few days." Earlier, he gave a defiant speech in Ohio during which he blasted the...

Ginger White: Cain Gave Me Money, Took Me on Trips

Alleged mistress talks to 'Good Morning America'

(Newser) - Ginger White dished up more details of her alleged affair with Herman Cain today on Good Morning America , calling their 13- or 14-year relationship an "on-and-off," "very casual affair." She divulged that Cain "flew me on several trips," including to a Mike Tyson-Evander Holyfield...

If Herman Cain Drops Out of Republican Race, Who Benefits?
 Who Benefits 
 if Cain Quits? 


Who Benefits if Cain Quits?

Cain dropping out could work either way for Romney, pundits say

(Newser) - The news that Herman Cain is "reassessing" his campaign in the wake of allegations of an extramarital affair has left pundits wondering which candidate would come out on top if the Cain Train came to a halt. A look around the blogosphere:
  • Some of Cain's Tea Party and

Cain 'Reassessing' Whether to Stay in Race

He tells staffers on a conference call that affair allegation might sink him

(Newser) - Herman Cain is “reassessing” his campaign in the wake of Ginger White’s allegations . “This is cause for reassessment,” Cain told staffers on a conference call today, according to a transcript posted on the National Review . Cain reiterated his denial that he’d had an affair, but...

Businesswoman Alleges Affair With Cain

She dishes details, but faces scrutiny of her past

(Newser) - She admired Herman Cain the first time she saw him. Atlanta businesswoman Ginger White says they met in Louisville, Kentucky, then reconnected in Palm Springs and embarked on a 13-year affair that still hasn't entirely ended, MyFox Atlanta reports. On Fox 5 News tonight, White says she's divulging...

GOP Field Packed With Friends—and Frenemies

Gingrich 'everyone's buddy'; Romney, Perry not so tight

(Newser) - We’ve seen them battle on camera—but how do the Republican candidates relate to each other behind the scenes? The candidates’ complex network of relationships is the stuff of TV drama, a New York Times piece suggests: They range from buddy-buddy to all-out “frenemies.” Having worked together...

Cain Sat Out Civil Rights Movement

He became political only when government raised minimum wage, his taxes

(Newser) - Herman Cain came of age in the heat of the civil rights movement, but unlike many of his politically conscious peers at the predominantly black Morehouse College, he largely ignored it. “I wasn’t determined to make social change,” Cain tells the Wall Street Journal . “I wanted...

And the Winner Is ...
 The GOP Debate Winner Is ... 

The GOP Debate Winner Is ...

But immigration comments could end up hurting Newt Gingrich

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich got more airtime than usual in last night's national security-focused Republican debate, and most pundits agree that his performance was good enough to win over plenty of undecided voters.
  • "Gingrich showed that he has been thinking about these issues for decades," writes Corbett B. Daly

Candidates Pick Fights on Patriot Act, Immigration

Republicans debate national security

(Newser) - The Republican candidates were back at it tonight, this time in Washington and this time with a focus on national security. (Click to read about Mitt Romney's first-name moment .) Some highlights:
  • Newt Gingrich: Strongly backed the Patriot Act. "All of us will be in danger for the

Gingrich in Hot Seat at Tonight's Debate

Will new frontrunner keep his position?

(Newser) - Tonight’s GOP debate in Washington will focus on foreign policy—though, as Politico notes, “foreign policy isn’t going to decide the 2012 presidential race.” The topic just “isn’t where the interest has been for voters or the media,” a strategist tells the Economic ...

Herman Cain Scared of 'Foreign'-Sounding Doctor

But feels much better when assistant assures him doc is a Christian

(Newser) - Herman Cain campaigned at Florida’s Holy Land Experience (yes, really … it’s a Christian amusement park) Friday, and on Yahoo! News , Chris Moody relates one particularly interesting tidbit from his speech. While talking about his recent cancer struggle, Cain said he worried when he learned the name of...

Gingrich on Top in New Poll
 Gingrich on Top in New Poll 

Gingrich on Top in New Poll

He's in a dead heat with Romney, according to a USA Today/Gallup poll

(Newser) - Newt Gingrich is getting his turn on the merry-go-round that has been the top spot in Republican primary polling. A new USA Today / Gallup poll has Gingrich on top among registered Republican voters with 22%, though that’s just a hair ahead of Mitt Romney’s 21% and within...

Nancy Pelosi: Herman Cain 'Clueless' for 'Princess Nancy' Comment
 Pelosi: Cain 
 Is 'Clueless' 

Pelosi: Cain Is 'Clueless'

Ridicules candidate's 'Princess Nancy' label

(Newser) - Herman Cain called her "Princess Nancy" last week, and the former House speaker is finally firing back: "Really, it’s another one of those clueless statements—clueless in that you don’t say something like that," she tells the Washington Post . "I don’t know that...

Herman Cain Gets Secret Service Protection

He is the first GOP candidate to receive it

(Newser) - The Secret Service will start protecting Herman Cain on the campaign trail, reports CNN . He is the first GOP candidate to get the protection this election cycle, though neither the Cain camp nor Secret Service officials would specify whether any threats were made to the candidate. Under government guidelines, the...

Cain Bails on NH Newspaper Interview

After refusing to allow it to be taped

(Newser) - An interview Herman Cain had scheduled with New Hampshire’s largest newspaper fell through today, in what the New Hampshire Union Leader dubbed a “no-show.” Cain’s camp blamed the newspaper. Scheduled a week in advance, the sit-down was originally supposed to be an hour long and aired...

Cain Asks for Help Speaking 'Cuban'

Big mistake in little Havana

(Newser) - Foreign policy is widely seen as Herman Cain's weak spot, and the candidate didn't do himself any favors in Miami yesterday. After biting into a croqueta at a campaign stop in Little Havana, Cain asked: "How do you say 'delicious' in Cuban?" He did not appear...

Cain's Poll Numbers Head South

Meanwhile, Gingrich surging, Ron Paul suddenly strong

(Newser) - For the most part, people who liked Herman Cain before his sexual harassment scandal still like him—but they’re pretty much the only ones. According to a new ABC News/Washington Post poll, Cain’s unfavorability rating has shot up 17 points, with 44% of the public viewing him negatively...

Cain Contradicted by Accuser's Former Boyfriend

Candidate spent evening with woman he 'never met,' says Victor Jay Zuckerman

(Newser) - Herman Cain spent an entire evening with Sharon Bialek, the woman the candidate claimed he never met , says her former beau. "Sharon indeed did meet and spend time with Mr. Cain," Victor Jay Zuckerman said at a press conference yesterday. Zuckerman, a Louisiana pediatrician, said he and Bialek...

Cain: If Bachmann Were an Ice Cream Flavor, She'd Be...

'Tutti-frutti,' of course

(Newser) - GQ had to know what answer was coming when it asked Herman Cain what ice cream flavor best describes Michele Bachmann. “I’m not going to say it. I’m not going to say it …" said Cain. Then of course he said it: "Tutti-frutti. I know...

Gloria Cain on Hubby: He &#39;Totally Respects&#39; Women
Gloria Cain on Hubby:
He 'Totally Respects' Women
her 1st interview

Gloria Cain on Hubby: He 'Totally Respects' Women

Cain's wife defends him in Fox interview to air tonight

(Newser) - “He totally respects women," Herman Cain's wife says in defense of her husband in her first TV interview ever, set to air tonight on Fox, reports the Washington Post . Partial transcripts were released last night, with Gloria Cain, Herman Cain's wife of 43 years, declaring (...

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