Arab protests

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Gadhafi Ups Airstrikes as Rookie Mistakes Trip Rebels

Their forces are untrained, and barely organized

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi’s forces launched at least three new airstrikes against Libyan rebels today near the oil port of Ras Lanouf, and one witness says the Gadhafi loyalists also recaptured Zawiyah, the city closest to Gadhafi’s stronghold in Tripoli, the AP reports. Meanwhile, in the rebel-held east, a spokesperson...

Gadhafi Kills Soldiers Who Won't Shoot Us: Rebels

Unverified video allegedly shows executions

(Newser) - A video sent to al-Jazeera by Libyan rebels allegedly shows army officers who refused to fire on the rebels in the mountainous region west of Tripoli—and were executed because of it. A survivor of the killings claims that after refusing, the soldiers’ legs were tied together and they were...

Libya Rebels to UN: Give Us No-Fly Zone

Gadhafi holds undeniable advantage in the air

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's jets rained down airstrikes on rebels again today, underscoring the Libyan leader's unmitigated dominance of the skies. Egged on by Libyan rebels who insist that threat needs to be curtailed in order to level the playing field, the AP reports that Britain and France today began work on...

Angry Protesters Storm Egypt's State Security

They ignore warning shots from military

(Newser) - Hundreds of Egyptian activists yesterday stormed the headquarters of the notorious State Security, long associated with human rights abuses against political prisoners, expressing frustration that the military has been slow to shut it down. The dismantling of the intelligence force was one of the protesters’ key demands, but it has...

Thomas Friedman: Stop Wasting $100 Billion a Year on Afghanistan, Pakistan Regimes
 Stop Wasting $110B 
 a Year on These Turkeys 

Stop Wasting $110B a Year on These Turkeys

As Arabs spread democracy, we prop up Afghan, Pakistan regimes

(Newser) - Democracy is on the march across the Arab world, so "What are we doing spending $110 billion this year supporting corrupt and unpopular regimes in Afghanistan and Pakistan that are almost identical to the governments we’re applauding the Arab people for overthrowing?" asks Thomas Friedman in the New ...

Saudi Arabia: Protests Not Allowed

Leaders get nervous as 'day of rage' approaches

(Newser) - Saudi Arabia's leaders are starting to shake in their boots: As a Facebook page calling for a "March 11 Revolution of Longing" in Saudi Arabia has begun attracting hundreds of viewers, the Interior Ministry today announced that demonstrations will not be tolerated in Saudi Arabia—and its security forces...

A 'Massacre' as Gadhafi Forces Re-Take Town
 A 'Massacre' as 
 Gadhafi Forces 
 Re-Take Town 

A 'Massacre' as Gadhafi Forces Re-Take Town

Violence against armed, unarmed becoming commonplace

(Newser) - An elite pro-Gadhafi militia used brutal force to re-take swaths of rebel-held Zawiyah yesterday, in what rebels tell the New York Times was a "massacre." “I am watching neighbors dying unarmed in front of their homes,” one said via phone. At least 35 rebels were among...

Yemeni President Agrees to Resign

Strikes deal with protesters to stay until end of year

(Newser) - Yemen’s president has agreed to a deal with opposition leaders that will usher him out of office by the end of the year—instead of by his previous 2013 deadline. A government official said, without elaborating, that the sides had reached “common ground” on a deal. Opposition leaders...

Venezuela's Chavez Trying to Play Libya Peacemaker

Gadhafi has accepted his mediation plan, but not rebels

(Newser) - His isn't the first name to come to mind as a peacemaker, but Venezuela's Hugo Chavez is floating a proposal to negotiate a solution in Libya on behalf of his old pal Moammar Gadhafi. It's not clear how seriously the plan will be taken by the outside world, but Gadhafi...

Gadhafi Launches Strikes Against Oil Town

But rebel forces appear to have taken control there

(Newser) - Libyan air forces rained at least three airstrikes down on Brega today, a day after rebel forces drove Gadhafi loyalists out of the major oil town. There was also a strike just outside of Ajdabiya, about 40 miles away, the Washington Post reports. But there was no fresh ground fighting,...

Gadhafi Loyalists Beat Back Rebels in Key Areas

Clashes increase as loyalists retake some areas

(Newser) - Libyan protesters are fighting to keep control of the areas they've taken as they increasingly clash with pro-Gadhafi forces. The latest:
  • The two sides are fighting over a key oil installation and airstrip, the AP reports. They are located on the coast of eastern Libya, most of which is held

Gadhafi: 'My People Would Die for Me'

Ruler says Libyan demonstrators are al-Qaeda operatives

(Newser) - In Moammar Gadhafi's Libya, the only protesters are a few al-Qaeda-backed, drug-addled Libyans, the rest of his people love him, and he in fact can't step down—and certainly has no intention of doing so. The Libyan leader sat down with ABC's Christiane Amanpour and the BBC's Jeremy Bowen for...

Iran Jails Opposition Leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi, Mehdi Karoubi
 Iran Reportedly Jails Mousavi 

Iran Reportedly Jails Mousavi

Tehran formally detains opposition leaders, wives

(Newser) - Iran is cracking down on its opposition today, jailing prominent leaders Mir Hossein Mousavi and Mehdi Karoubi, reports the AP. The pair and their wives were arrested and taken to Tehran's Heshmatiyeh jail, according to reformist website The two have been under house arrest for two weeks for...

Omani Protesters Burn Buildings, Block Port

Unofficial death toll rises to 6

(Newser) - The unofficial death toll in Oman rose to six over the weekend, as hundreds of demonstrators in Sohar blocked roads leading to a port and a refinery, reports Reuters . A supermarket was looted and burned, two government buildings were also set on fire, and protesters raided a police station to...

In Revolution, Dignity Returns to Arab World

After decades of repression, Arabs feel liberated, as one

(Newser) - There's blood and chaos in the revolutions wracking the Arab world, but there's also a new dignity and hope rising from the smoldering ashes of years of repression, reports Jeffrey Fleischman in the LA Times. Such feelings were an important part of the pan-Arabism of the 1950s, but decades of...

Two Dead as Protests Spread to Oman

Sultan Qaboos bin Said has ruled for 4 decades

(Newser) - Two people have died as protests hit their second day in normally quiet Oman, reports Reuters, noting that police fired rubber bullets and tear gas into crowds. There were unsubstantiated reports that police used live ammunition. "Police and anti-riot units moved against this subversive group to protect citizens and...

Gunmen Attack Iraq's Largest Oil Refinery

One guard killed as protests continue

(Newser) - Gunmen attacked Iraq's largest oil refinery before dawn today, killing a guard and detonating bombs that sparked a fire and forced the facility to halt operations, officials said. The attack on Beiji began at about 3:30am. Assailants carrying pistols fitted with silencers attacked guards and planted bombs near some...

Libya Protests: Moammar Gadhafi's Security Forces Crack Down on Protesters in Tripoli
 Gadhafi Arms 
 Civilian Supporters 

Gadhafi Arms Civilian Supporters

Plus: Security forces violently crack down on protesters

(Newser) - Terrified protesters in Libya say that Moammar Gadhafi is arming civilian supporters so that they can, as one protester tells the AP , "drive around the city and terrorize people." Says another, "People are panicked, they are terrified. Few leave their houses. When it gets dark, you can't...

Gadhafi to Supporters: 'Get Ready to Fight'

Libyan leader vows to 'triumph over enemies'

(Newser) - The rebels are closing in and other nations are seeking sanctions against Libya, but Moammar Gadhafi has no plans to step down. The Libyan leader addressed supporters in Tripoli's Green Square today, urging them to put the rebels "to shame" and insisting, "We can triumph over the enemies,...

Yemen President Orders Forces to Protect Protesters

After two were killed in Sanaa clashes on Tuesday

(Newser) - Thousands gathered in a Sanaa square in Yemen yesterday, just one day after supporters of President Ali Abdullah Saleh, wielding clubs, tried to force them out. Amnesty International says two were killed in the Sanaa clashes late Tuesday, the capital’s first fatalities since protests began. Saleh said last night...

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