American exceptionalism

4 Stories

Giuliani: I've Been So Blunt Everyone Misunderstood Me

Ex-NYC mayor explains what he really meant in comments about the president

(Newser) - Rudy Giuilani is blunt. So blunt, in fact, that the ex-NYC mayor reportedly said last week that he doesn't believe President Obama loves America (or you or me, for that matter). He got even more blunt a day later when he reminded the New York Times that Obama had...

Okla. Lawmakers Take Issue With AP US History Course

Curriculum leaves out American exceptionalism: legislators

(Newser) - Oklahoma lawmakers are taking aim at Advanced Placement courses—specifically, AP US history, which they say doesn't support the idea of American exceptionalism. The course, says Republican state Rep. Dan Fisher, focuses on "what is bad about America," the Tulsa World reports. He put forward a bill...

Where Have All Our Grand Dreams Gone?
 Where Have All Our 
 Grand Dreams Gone? 

Where Have All Our Grand Dreams Gone?

GOP, Dems mired in tiny ideas. Where's our modern race to the moon?

(Newser) - After three days of listening to speeches at the Republican National Convention, Thomas Friedman grew tired of listening to endless propounding about "American exceptionalism," he writes in his latest column in the New York Times . Fifty years after President Kennedy launched America on a great journey to the...

Rubio's Right: America Is Exceptional
 Rubio's Right: 
 America Is Exceptional 

Rubio's Right: America Is Exceptional

Essay: More Republicans should follow his lead

(Newser) - Marco Rubio triumphed in Florida with a stump speech that focused on American exceptionalism, notes Andrew Ferguson in the Weekly Standard . (Sample line: "It's sometimes easy to forget how special America really is.") More Republicans would be wise to follow suit in part because it's true and...

4 Stories
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