John Kasich

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Jeb Bush, GOP Hopefuls to Woo Casino Mogul

Sheldon Adelson played major role in the 2012 race

(Newser) - Jeb Bush and a handful of other GOP presidential hopefuls are heading to Las Vegas later this week to court big bucks—mostly from the pocket of casino mogul Sheldon Adelson, the LA Times reports. Bush will be featured speaker at the Republican Jewish Coalition (for donors offering $25,000...

Scott Walker Is GOP's Best Bet Right Now

Virginia's Larry Sabato: And only Elizabeth Warren has a chance of beating Hillary

(Newser) - University of Virginia political scientist Larry Sabato is out with his updated "crystal ball" on the 2016 presidential elections, and Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker sits atop it on the GOP side. (Note that this is a reflection of his strength in the Republican primary and not necessarily a general...

Ohio Spares Man 'Too Fat to Be Executed'

But it wasn't Ronald Post's weight that saved him

(Newser) - A 450-pound murderer in Ohio who argued that he was too fat to be executed has been spared—but not because of his weight. Gov. John Kasich followed a parole board's recommendation and commuted Ronald Post's death sentence to life without parole on the grounds that he had...

Already? 2016 Hopefuls Buddy Up to Big Donors

Plus: Adelson donated way more than first reported

(Newser) - The race for giant 2016 campaign sugar daddies is on. Already, potential GOP presidential contenders Govs. Bobby Jindal, John Kasich, and Bob McDonnell have met with casino owner Sheldon Adelson , who spent big on Republican efforts this year. Meanwhile, Democrats Joe Biden, Maryland Gov. Martin O'Malley, and Virginia Sen....

McCain: Libya Worse Cover-Up Than Watergate
 McCain: Libya 
 Worse Cover-Up 
 Than Watergate 

McCain: Libya Worse Cover-Up Than Watergate

Political tongues wag over Sandy's effect on election

(Newser) - In a world gone mad over Sandygeddon , at least we can turn on our televisions and find the comforting spectacle of politicians bickering. The looming hurricane, the looming election, and Libya dominated today's political talk shows, with John McCain leading the GOP's charge on the White House's...

First Round of RNC Speakers Announced

Haley, Rice, Martinez among Tampa speakers

(Newser) - The first round of speakers for the Republican National Convention has been announced, and it includes plenty of women—but none of them named Palin. Speakers at the Tampa convention will include South Carolina's Nikki Haley and New Mexico's Susana Martinez, the first female governors of their states,...

DNC Chair: Romney, GOP 'Rooting for' Economy to Tank

Debbie Wasserman Schultz also blasts war on women

(Newser) - Debbie Wasserman Schultz blasted Mitt Romney and his fellow Republicans today for actively "rooting for economic failure" and narrow-mindedly focusing "on one job, Barack Obama's, for really the last two years." The DNC chair spoke this morning on CNN , saying that while the economy has been...

Romney Backpedals: I Back Limits on Unions

He supports Ohio ballot measure to curb collective bargaining rights

(Newser) - Mitt Romney is backpedaling today after right and left slammed his stance—or lack thereof—on union powers in Ohio. Yesterday, Romney told listeners at a GOP phone bank that he was “not speaking about the particular ballot issues” in Ohio, including one that would allow the Republican governor...

Ex-Governor: 'Crazy' GOPers Can't Win Ohio

Nobody but Mitt Romney even stands a chance, Ted Strickland says

(Newser) - As Ohio goes, so goes the nation? Former Democratic Gov. Ted Strickland tells Politico that none of the current Republican candidates can beat President Obama in the state that has picked the winner in 25 out of the last 27 presidential elections. The only one that even stands a chance...

Obama, Boehner Tee Off in Golf Summit

They hit the links with Joe Biden, John Kasich

(Newser) - Who knows what they'll talk about in the cart— foreign policy , maybe?—but President Obama and John Boehner have begun a round of golf together at Andrews Air Force Base, reports Politico . They're joined by Joe Biden and Ohio's Republican governor, John Kasich, notes AP . "Did...

Ohio Anti-Union Law Makes Wisconsin's Look Soft

Ohio bill cracks down on firefighters, police, allows districts to overrule teachers

(Newser) - There hasn’t been a lot of attention lavished on Ohio’s new anti-union law , which Governor John Kasich signed last night, and that’s a bit surprising, the New York Times observes, because it’s in many ways tougher than the much-debated similar law passed in Wisconsin. Whereas Wisconsin’...

Ohio Passes Anti-Union Bill
 Ohio Passes Anti-Union Bill 

Ohio Passes Anti-Union Bill

Bill in some ways harsher than Wisconsin's

(Newser) - Ohio's House and Senate each passed a controversial bill yesterday that will in some ways limit the rights of public workers even more than Wisconsin's much-discussed law. As lawmakers voted on the bills, jeers from pro-labor protesters and chants of "Shame on you!" filled their chambers, the AP...

Budget-Slashing Governors See Poll Numbers Plummet

Voters singing different tune as promises of tough cuts materialize

(Newser) - Last year, Americans voted in a wave of governors who vowed to cut spending—but now that leaders are actually doing so, their constituents seem to be having second thoughts. One poll finds just 30% approve of the performance of GOP Ohio Gov. John Kasich, who earlier this month outlined...

Ohio, Wisconsin Spurn $1.2B to Build Train Lines

Stimulus funds will go to other states

(Newser) - The US is redistributing $1.2 billion in federal stimulus money that had been headed to Ohio and Wisconsin, after both states' Republican governors-elect called for an end to proposed train projects, arguing they were unnecessary and would cost millions to operate. “Wisconsin taxpayers were victorious today in defeating...

GOP Eyes Newest Stars for 2012 VP Bid

Will Rubio, Kasich or Martinez be on the ticket?

(Newser) - The 2010 election is barely behind us, but people are already talking about the GOP's prospects in 2012. An early favorite for the 2012 ticket is Marco Rubio of Florida, who delivered his party's first post-election weekly address, reports Politico . "People like Marco Rubio and Nikki Haley have regional...

Lynch Wins 4th Term as NH Governor

 GOP Grabs 
 10 Democratic 
republican governors

GOP Grabs 10 Democratic Governorships

Also, Nikki Haley wins in South Carolina

(Newser) - Republicans captured governorships that had been held by Democrats in Michigan, Tennessee, Kansas, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, Wyoming, Ohio, Iowa, New Mexico, and Oklahoma. In other big races, Nikki Haley won in South Carolina, Jan Brewer won in Arizona, and Harry Reid's son lost in Nevada. GOP highlights below; see Democratic highlights...

7 Governor's Races to Watch
 7 Governor's Races to Watch 
Midterms 2010

7 Governor's Races to Watch

Republicans poised for huge redistricting advantage

(Newser) - Governor’s seats are up for grabs in 37 states today, and Republicans look poised to win loads of them—which could have a profound impact when it comes time to redraw district lines . This Huffington Post tally shows 29 seats held by or leaning toward Republicans, to 16 for...

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