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Pakistan Says Karzai Working With Taliban

As Afghanistan says Pakistan is useless in peace process

(Newser) - The rift between Pakistan and Afghanistan appears to be growing. Pakistani intelligence yesterday accused Hamid Karzai's administration of working with Taliban groups allied with Pakistan's main Taliban faction, Tehrik-e-Taliban. In testimony before Pakistan's Supreme Court, the ISI said elements from Afghanistan were providing "strong support" for...

Afghanistan: Foreign Spies Infiltrating Our Army

Karzai blames neighboring countries for 'green on blue' attacks

(Newser) - Why are so many Afghan soldiers killing their NATO allies? They're not; foreign spies are. Or at least, that's what Hamid Karzai's office said today, saying that based on interrogations and other evidence, the main culprits behind the so-called "green on blue" attacks were from neighboring...

Backed By Pakistan, Taliban Set to Retake Afghanistan
Backed By Pakistan, Taliban Set to Retake Afghanistan
secret report

Backed By Pakistan, Taliban Set to Retake Afghanistan

ISI providing direct assistance, says secret NATO report viewed by the BBC

(Newser) - Big news from the BBC this morning: It says it has viewed a secret NATO report that suggests the Taliban will retake Afghanistan as soon as NATO exits the country, thanks in part to assistance it is receiving from Pakistan's ISI. The report was compiled following 27,000 interrogations...

US Soldiers Suspect Pakistan Fired on Them

'There's a lot of smoke. Is there fire?'

(Newser) - US soldiers in Paktika Province, Afghanistan, have a sneaking suspicion that the Pakistani military opened fire on them last month in an attempt to protect insurgents, they tell the Washington Post . The soldiers were patrolling near a Pakistani border post on October 25 when they came under a hail of...

US Had Secret Talks With Haqqani Network

Meeting was set up by Pakistan's ISI

(Newser) - The US held at least one secret peace negotiation this summer with the Haqqani Network, the militant group at the center of its current public spat with Pakistan, senior officials tell the Wall Street Journal . The meeting was set up by Pakistani intelligence, which the US says confirms its suspicions...

Haqqani Denies Link With Pakistan

And insists it didn't assassinate peace envoy Burhanuddin Rabbani

(Newser) - The Haqqani network has no ties to Pakistan’s ISI and isn’t responsible for the assassination of former Afghan president Burhanuddin Rabbani , Siraj Haqqani tells the BBC . Siraj is the son of Haqqani network founder and namesake Jalaluddin Haqqani, and is a major leader within the group. “We’...

Pakistanis Double-Crossed Americans in '07 Ambush

One American killed in attack covered up by both governments

(Newser) - With US-Pakistani tensions on the verge of boiling over , the New York Times today has a shocking account of a 2007 incident in which the Pakistanis allegedly opened fire on American and Afghan military officials after a meeting to discuss a disputed border post. As the officers were getting into...

Pakistan Makes US Look Like Fools

 Pakistan Makes US 
 Look Like Chumps 
Christopher Hitchens

Pakistan Makes US Look Like Chumps

Christopher Hitchens thinks it's time to call Pakistan what it is: an enemy

(Newser) - Last week, Admiral Mike Mullen called out Pakistan’s Inter-Service Intelligence agency “as the most adroit double-dealing profiteer from terrorism in the entire region,” Christopher Hitchens writes for Slate . Mullen accused Pakistan of orchestrating the attack on the US embassy in Kabul, and Hitchens believes him; after all,...

Pakistan to US: No, We Won't Attack Haqqani

Pakistan 'cannot go beyond what it has already done': official

(Newser) - Following a "special" meeting of Pakistan's military leaders, the country has decided not to heed US calls to attack Haqqani , a local paper says. “We have already conveyed to the US that Pakistan cannot go beyond what it has already done,” a military official told the...

Pakistan to US: 'No Boots on Ground'

And denies any link to the Haqqani network

(Newser) - Pakistan is shoving back against US accusations and ultimatums over its connection with the Taliban-affiliated Haqqani network, denying any involvement and warning the US against crossing the border to deal with the insurgents unilaterally. “The Pakistan nation will not allow the boots on our ground, never,” Interior Minister...

US to Pakistan: Take Out Haqqani

Or we will; rhetoric increasing in wake of embassy attack

(Newser) - US officials have been sending Pakistan an increasingly sharp message in recent days: Take out the Haqqani Taliban network, or we will. Pakistan’s intelligence service has a longstanding relationship with the Haqqani network—Adm. Mike Mullen described it as a “proxy connection”—but after a series of...

Pakistan Captures Top al-Qaeda Figure

...with the CIA's help

(Newser) - A new significant blow for al-Qaeda: Pakistani agents working with the CIA have arrested Younis al-Mauritani, a senior leader believed to have been tasked by Osama bin Laden with targeting American economic interests across the globe, Pakistan announced today. The Pakistani military said the arrest of Mauritani and two other...

Feds: Pakistan Spies Funded DC Lobby Group

Kashmiri group's director arrested

(Newser) - American-Pakistani relations slumped further downhill yesterday with the arrest of a Washington-based lobbyist accused of being in the pay of Pakistan's spy agency. Federal investigators say Pakistan spent millions of dollars attempting to influence American policy on the disputed territory of Kashmir with campaign donations to members of Congress...

Pakistan on Dead Journo: Accusation 'Irresponsible'

It is definitely not happy with what Adm. Mike Mullen had to say

(Newser) - Pakistan is furious today over US allegations that it tortured and killed journalist Saleem Shahzad. A few days ago, US military officials were reluctant to even anonymously confirm that the Pentagon suspected the ISI in the killing, but yesterday Admiral Mike Mullen himself said he believed Pakistan’s government had...

Pakistan Bars bin Laden Family From Leaving

Commission doesn't want wives, children repatriated

(Newser) - Osama bin Laden's three widows and six children are still in Pakistan, and the country has now decided to bar them from leaving. Initially, Pakistan intended to repatriate the women to their countries of birth, Yemen and Saudi Arabia. But an independent commission investigating the US raid that killed...

US Links Pakistan's ISI to Journalist's Murder

Spies allegedly silenced Saleen Shahzad after articles tying military to militants

(Newser) - The US has obtained classified intelligence that shows that Pakistan’s ISI spy agency ordered the killing of journalist Saleem Shahzad, senior administration officials tell the New York Times . Several officials say the intelligence is reliable and conclusive, with one calling the ISI’s actions “barbaric and unacceptable.”...

Phone Suggests bin Laden Link to Pakistan Intelligence

His courier had contact info to militant group with ISI connections

(Newser) - The cellphone of Osama bin Laden's infamous courier, who was killed along with the al-Qaeda leader, contained contact information to a militant group with longstanding connections to Pakistan's intelligence agency, reports the New York Times . It's not a "smoking gun," say officials, but it certainly...

Once Burned, Afghans Fear Repeat of 1989

Troop withdrawal could lead to instability, some fear

(Newser) - Political leaders in Afghanistan are concerned that President Obama's decision to start withdrawing US forces could lead to a repeat of the US withdrawal in 1989, when Pakistan's Inter-Services Intelligence was allowed to gain major influence. "We don't want to go back 20 years when [ISI...

Failed Raids Suggest Pakistan Tipped Off Insurgents

It's another sour note in US-Islamabad relations

(Newser) - CIA chief and soon-to-be defense chief Leon Panetta remains in Pakistan today for talks on shoring up US-Islamabad relations. The Washington Post illustrates just how hard that might be with two examples that suggest Pakistan can't be trusted with intelligence findings. Last month, the US handed over surveillance video...

Terrorist: Pakistan Helped Plan Mumbai Attack

David Headley says ISI recruited him for Lashkar-i-Taiba

(Newser) - Pakistani spies helped plan the 2008 Mumbai terror attack, confessed Pakistani-American terrorist David Coleman Headley testified yesterday. Headley said that after he had trained with the Lashkar-e-Taiba terror group for three years, he was recruited by an ISI officer when he was detained near the Afghan border in 2006—and,...

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