journalists killed

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NPR Photographer Killed in Afghanistan

He's first non-military US journalist killed in 15-year war

(Newser) - NPR is mourning veteran photojournalist David Gilkey, who has become the first American journalist outside the military to be killed in almost 15 years of US involvement in Afghanistan. Gilkey, 50, was killed alongside 38-year-old Afghan interpreter Zabihullah Tamanna when their vehicle was hit by shellfire as they traveled in...

8 Other US Journos Killed Because of Work Since 1992

Today's victims bring the total to 10

(Newser) - Alison Parker and Adam Ward, killed this morning while reporting live , are the ninth and tenth journalists killed while on assignment (or because of work) in the US since 1992 by Poynter's count. It recalls the other eight, in part with information courtesy of the Committee to Protect Journalists...

Slain Journalist's Tweet Against Hate Makes Waves

Kenji Goto reflected on what he'd learned in Syria, Iraq

(Newser) - More than four years ago, journalist Kenji Goto tweeted a message whose power has only grown after he was apparently killed as an ISIS hostage. The tweet, the AP reports, has gone viral both in Japanese and in English. A translation of the Sept. 7, 2010 message: "Closing my...

Japanese Journalist Apparently Beheaded in New ISIS Video

Militant with British accent shown killing hostage Kenji Goto

(Newser) - An online video released today purported to show an Islamic State militant beheading Japanese journalist Kenji Goto , ending days of negotiations by diplomats to save the man. The video, released on militant websites and highlighted by militant sympathizers on social media sites, bore the symbol of the Islamic State group'...

Ebola Workers 'Killed in Cold Blood' in Guinea

Bodies found in septic tank, some with throats slit

(Newser) - A delegation of Guinean government officials, doctors, and journalists arrived in the village of Wome on Tuesday to educate villagers about Ebola. Instead, eight of them "were killed in cold blood," a government rep says, per the Los Angeles Times . Villagers attacked the delegation with machetes, stones, and...

Sotloff Execution Video Is Real: US

'We will not be intimidated,' Obama says

(Newser) - The US has confirmed the authenticity of an ISIS video featuring journalist Steven Sotloff's beheading , with President Obama asserting that the recent executions only "stiffen our resolve" against the militant group. After intelligence officials analyzed the clip, Obama discussed it today in Estonia, the New York Times reports....

Sotloff Family Grieves After Release of Video

Journalist was aware of Syria dangers, colleagues say

(Newser) - The family of American journalist Steven Sotloff is aware that ISIS has released a video it claims shows his beheading and is "grieving privately," a spokesman says. The State Department says it is "sickened" and is trying to determine whether the video is genuine, reports the AP...

James Foley Honored With Hometown Mass

Slain journalist opened our eyes, bishop says

(Newser) - Hundreds of people packed a church in Rochester, New Hampshire, yesterday to honor murdered journalist James Foley at a mass in his hometown. At the Catholic church they attend, Foley's parents received a standing ovation after giving thanks for all the support they had received, reports the Wall Street ...

Foley's Parents Release Last Email From Captors

Pope Francis calls to console family

(Newser) - James Foley's Catholic parents received a call from Pope Francis himself yesterday to console them on the gruesome death of their son. The pontiff was "very compassionate, very loving," and spoke to the New Hampshire couple through a translator for around 20 minutes, a family friend tells...

Could Ransom Have Saved James Foley?

Islamic State demanded a multimillion-dollar ransom for his release

(Newser) - Special forces reportedly tried to free journalist James Foley in Syria earlier this summer, but to no avail. A ransom, however, may have gotten the job done. The Islamic State, which filmed the decapitation of the 40-year-old video journalist who'd been held hostage since 2012, had demanded a multimillion-dollar...

AP Photographer Killed by Afghan Cop

And AP reporter wounded in shooting

(Newser) - A veteran Associated Press photographer was killed and an AP reporter was wounded today when an Afghan policeman opened fire while they were sitting in their car in eastern Afghanistan. Anja Niedringhaus, 48, an internationally acclaimed German photographer, was killed instantly, according to an AP Television News freelancer who witnessed...

Tracks in Sand Led to Journos&#39; Suspected Killer
 Tracks in Sand Led to 
 Journos' Suspected Killer 

says official

Tracks in Sand Led to Journos' Suspected Killer

Detainees thought to include 'at least one of 4 killers'

(Newser) - A Malian intelligence official says about a half-dozen people have been detained by French forces east of the north Mali city of Kidal in connection with the kidnapping and killing of two French journalists . The official says the journalists' bodies were found next to the attackers' abandoned car. He says...

2 French Journalists Kidnapped, Killed in Mali

Radio reporters taken following interview

(Newser) - Two French radio journalists were kidnapped by gunmen in northern Mali today and killed hours later, the French Foreign Ministry says. It says the bodies of Claude Verlon and Ghislaine Dupont have been found. Earlier, radio station RFI confirmed the kidnappings on its website, saying that the two were taken...

Israel 'Violated Laws of War': Rights Group

Human Rights Watch says it targeted media in Gaza conflict

(Newser) - Israel broke the laws of war by targeting media facilities and journalists "that were making no apparent contribution to Palestinian military operations" during its November offensive against Gaza, Human Rights Watch argues in a statement released today. The group recorded four attacks by Israeli forces over the eight-day conflict...

Ex-Cop Charged in Anti-Putin Journo's Murder

Politkovskaya murder ordered by 'person upset with publications'

(Newser) - A fresh arrest has been made in the murder of an outspoken Russian journalist who was gunned down in Moscow nearly six years ago. A former policeman has been charged with helping to organize the murder of 58-year-old Anna Politkovskaya and supplying the gun that was used. When she was...

Photojournalists Murdered in Mexico

Dismembered bodies found on World Press Freedom Day

(Newser) - Somebody in Mexico's Veracruz state has declared war on news photographers. The dismembered bodies of three photojournalists from different news organizations were found in plastic bags in a canal yesterday—World Press Freedom Day—along with the body of one photographer's girlfriend, AP reports. All the bodies bore...

Trapped French Journalists Escape Syria

Edith Bouvier, William Daniels arrive in Lebanon

(Newser) - After being trapped for more than a week in Homs, a pair of French journalists have been smuggled out of Syria. "Edith Bouvier and William Daniels are currently safe on Lebanese territory and will within moments be under the protection of our embassy in Beirut," Nicolas Sarkozy told...

Syria Deliberately Targeted Journalists

Army doesn't want the story to get out

(Newser) - Syrian troops had vowed to shoot to kill Western reporters when an American and French journalist were targeted yesterday, according to sources. Troops pledged to "kill any journalist who set foot on Syrian soil," the press was warned, reports the Telegraph . Marie Colvin, 56, and French photographer Remi...

Slain Journo Was Supposed to Leave Syria Yesterday

She was working on a story, explains her mother

(Newser) - A heartbreaking addendum to the story of Marie Colvin , the American working for Britain's Sunday Times who was killed in Homs today. Her mother tells Newsday that Colvin was due to leave Syria yesterday but opted to stay one more day. "She had a story she felt was...

US Journo Dies in 'Sickening' Homs Shelling

Reporter Marie Colvin's last video said, 'I saw a baby die today'

(Newser) - Two veteran war journalists were killed as Syrian government forces shelled the city of Homs, opposition activists say. The pair were named as Marie Colvin, an American working for Britain's Sunday Times, and French photographer Remi Ochlik, Reuters reports. Three other journalists were injured when a shell hit a...

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