
2 Stories

Sex Attacker Went After a Woman ... She's a Kickboxer

UK man 'bit off more than he could chew' with his target, judge says

(Newser) - A UK woman who'd been taking kickboxing lessons for two years didn't cut off Mark Willis' oxygen flow because she thought she'd get some cash out of it; she did it because she was trying to survive. But a judge awarded $785 to the unnamed woman as...

Kickboxer Sought in US Marine Murder

Marine on leave stabbed after Thai bar fight

(Newser) - Police are seeking a British kickboxer in the stabbing murder of a US Marine in Thailand. Dashawn Longfellow, 23, was on holiday after being wounded in Afghanistan when he was challenged to a fight in a Phuket bar by kickboxer Lee Aldhouse, 28, according to witnesses. The two brawled after...

2 Stories
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