BP oil spill

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BP: An Oil Spill Would 'Boost' Local Economies

But Australia's regulators weren't convinced

(Newser) - Two years ago, BP applied to drill for oil off the Australian coast. Now government letters show that BP praised the "welcome boost" local economies could receive doing cleanup in an oil spill, the Sidney Morning Herald reports. Australia's National Offshore Petroleum Safety and Environmental Management Authority—or...

BP Ponies Up $18.7B to Gulf States in Spill

Settlement money to be spread among Florida, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi

(Newser) - Officials in Florida, Alabama, Mississippi, and Louisiana announced an $18.7 billion settlement with BP today that resolves years of litigation over the 2010 Gulf of Mexico oil spill. The settlement comes as a federal judge was preparing to rule on how much BP owed in federal Clean Water Act...

BP May Have to Pony Up $14B for Oil Spill

New Orleans judge assessing fine for Deepwater Horizon disaster

(Newser) - The $4.5 billion criminal penalty that BP had to pay for the catastrophic Deepwater Horizon oil spill was pretty hefty, but a New Orleans judge may be about to triple that fine. Nearly five years after the disaster that dumped hundreds of millions of gallons of oil into the...

BP Spill Left Huge, Oily 'Bathtub Ring'

 BP Spill Left Huge, 
 Oily 'Bathtub Ring' 

BP Spill Left Huge, Oily 'Bathtub Ring'

Millions of gallons ended up on seafloor

(Newser) - The 2010 Deepwater Horizon spill left oily residue on the seafloor that scientists liken to a "bathtub ring"—if the tub were big enough to fit Rhode Island. Researchers who tested thousands of sediment samples from more than 500 locations in the Gulf of Mexico believe around 84...

BP Ruled 'Reckless' in Gulf Spill; Could Owe Billions

Judge's finding could quadruple civil penalties owed by BP

(Newser) - A federal judge has ruled that BP's reckless conduct resulted in the nation's worst offshore oil spill, leaving the company open to billions of dollars in penalties. US District Judge Carl Barbier's ruling today could nearly quadruple the amount of civil penalties BP could face for polluting...

Ex-BP Engineer Guilty of Hiding Spill Evidence

Jury said deleted text messages amounted to obstruction of justice

(Newser) - A former BP drilling engineer was convicted today of deleting text messages to obstruct a federal investigation of the company's massive 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico, making him the first former or current BP official to be found guilty in the mess. He now faces up...

BP Sues Lawyer Over Thousands of 'Phantom' Plaintiffs

Company slams 'fraud' in oil spill case

(Newser) - Three years after the Gulf of Mexico oil spill, BP has launched a suit of its own—against a plaintiffs' lawyer who, the company says, has represented tens of thousands of "phantom" clients in the case. BP says part of its settlement over the spill, worth $2.3 billion,...

Mammoth Gulf Oil Spill Trial Begins

Feds want BP to pay handsomely

(Newser) - With billions of dollars at stake, the trial to figure out how much more BP and other companies should pay for the nation's worst offshore oil spill began today with the federal government saying the oil giant was mostly to blame for a disaster caused by putting profits ahead...

Gulf's Mystery Sheen Baffles BP, Coast Guard

But the once-burst well is still sealed

(Newser) - Underwater inspections conducted with robot submarines at the site of BP's Deepwater Horizon rig disaster have failed to identify the source of a persistent sheen on the surface of the Gulf of Mexico, officials said yesterday. It's not all bad news: The Coast Guard and BP both said...

Emails: BP Lied About Extent of Oil Spill

Accused engineer plans to release evidence

(Newser) - Emerging evidence may support accusations that BP initially lied about the extent of its devastating 2010 oil spill , reports the Huffington Post . Former BP engineer Kurt Mix, charged with destroying spill-related text messages, plans to defend himself by releasing emails that show BP knew about the true extent of the...

US Suspends BP From Future Contracts

Temporary move cites 'lack of business integrity'

(Newser) - The Obama administration put a temporary stop to new federal contracts with British oil company BP today, citing the company's "lack of business integrity" and criminal proceedings stemming from the Deepwater Horizon disaster in 2010. The action by the Environmental Protection Agency bars BP and its affiliates from...

BP's $4.5B Spill Fine Is Biggest in US History

Firm pleads guilty to criminal misconduct

(Newser) - Looks like BP will need to reach deep into its pockets to pay its fine over the 2010 Gulf oil spill : a record $4.5 billion to resolve Justice Department and SEC claims, reports the New York Times . CNN reports that the biggest criminal penalty in US history was previously...

BP's Tab So Far in Gulf Spill: $38B

But third-quarter results better than expected

(Newser) - BP is still calculating its costs related to the Deepwater Horizon oil spill, but the Gulf of Mexico disaster has now cost the oil giant more than $38 billion to date, Sky News reports. The firm’s third-quarter report included $59 million in payments related to the spill, but even...

Tests Confirm Isaac Stirred Up Oil From BP Spill

Tar balls have washed onto beaches in Louisiana, elsewhere

(Newser) - It looks like Gulf Coast beaches will be getting periodic reminders of the 2010 BP oil spill for years to come. Tests confirm that tar balls washed ashore in the wake of Hurricane Isaac did indeed come from the infamous Macondo well, reports the AP . Isaac apparently dredged up oil...

Isaac Brings Old Oil to La. Beaches

Tar could be leftover from BP oil spill

(Newser) - The latest fallout from Hurricane Isaac: The storm caused old oil to wash up on beaches in Louisiana, and it may be from the Deepwater Horizon spill. Officials restricted fishing and are testing the tar to determine if it's from the 2010 BP spill, the AP reports. Wildlife management...

Fishing Haul Way Down in Estuary Near BP Spill

But overall in Louisiana, numbers were about the same

(Newser) - The seafood stats are in for the Gulf's 2011 harvest, and though the finger-pointing (at BP and the oil spill, of course) has begun, the numbers paint a complicated picture. Last year was the first full year of fishing since the spill, and some areas definitely saw a depressed...

Feds: Engineer Deleted 200 BP Spill Texts

Kurt Mix the first to be hit with criminal charges

(Newser) - The Justice Department said today it filed the first criminal charges in the Deepwater Horizon disaster in the Gulf of Mexico, accusing a former BP engineer of destroying evidence. Kurt Mix was arrested on two counts of obstruction of justice, and is accused of deleting a string of 200 text...

Eyeless Shrimp? Report Raises Concerns in Gulf

Mutant creatures showing up after BP spill, says Al Jazeera English

(Newser) - Shrimp missing their eyeballs (and even eye sockets), fish covered in lesions, deformed crabs, and other mutated sea creatures are showing up in unsettling numbers in the Gulf of Mexico two years after the giant BP oil spill, according to an investigation by Al Jazeera English . "The fishermen have...

Ailing Dolphins May Be Linked to BP Spill

Many turning up in Gulf with variety of diseases, say researchers

(Newser) - Another sign that the catastrophic 2010 oil spill in the Gulf of Mexico is taking a serious toll on the local dolphin population: Researchers conducted physicals on 32 of them last summer in a particularly hard-hit bay and discovered that many suffered from anemia, low blood sugar, low weight,...

BP Reaches $7.8B Settlement in Gulf Oil Spill

Deal does not include biggest plaintiff of all: US government

(Newser) - BP has agreed to pay about $7.8 billion to thousands of individuals and businesses around the Gulf of Mexico in economic and medical compensation for the massive 2010 oil spill, reports the Washington Post . About $2.3 billion will go to compensation to the seafood industry alone. BP also...

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