Shiloh Jolie-Pitt

5 Stories

Shiloh Jolie-Pitt Is Dropping a Surname

Daughter of Angelina Jolie, Brad Pitt files paperwork on 18th birthday to drop the 'Pitt' from her moniker

(Newser) - Shiloh Jolie-Pitt just turned 18 this month, and she apparently had a big birthday wish she'd been waiting to fulfill. TMZ reports that the oldest biological child of actors Angelina Jolie and Brad Pitt filed paperwork on Monday to request a name change—specifically, to drop the "Pitt"...

Brad: We're Considering Marriage keep asking, so 'it's something we've got to look at'

(Newser) - Brad Pitt says he and long-time lover Angelina Jolie might consider marriage now—not because they're passionate about tying the knot, but because their kids are discussing it. The Hollywood powerhouse duo have said they won't marry until gays are allowed to wed. But now “the kids...

Angelina on Family, 'Sexy' Brad ... Dead Birds

 on Family, 
 'Sexy' Brad, 
 Dead Birds 
'vogue' interview

Angelina on Family, 'Sexy' Brad, Dead Birds

She's happy, fulfilled, and doesn't mind Shiloh's taste in pets

(Newser) - Angelina Jolie opens up about her home life and her “extremely handsome and … most sexy” beau Brad Pitt in the December issue of Vogue , along the way relaying a funny story about Shiloh that she says will surely inspire “some comment … which fortunately I will not...

Jolie: Tomboy Shiloh Is 'Fascinating'

Necktie-wearing 4-year-old is just expressing herself

(Newser) - Four-year-old daughter Shiloh's tomboy style is "fascinating," Angelina Jolie tells Reuters , defending the tot's recent penchant for wearing boys' neckties, jackets, and hats. "Children should be allowed to express themselves in whatever way they wish without anybody judging them because it is an important part of their...

Shiloh 'Wants to Be a Boy,' Tabs Shocked
 Shiloh 'Wants to Be 
 a Boy,' Tabs Shocked 
why do we care so much?

Shiloh 'Wants to Be a Boy,' Tabs Shocked

Why can't we just let her be who she is—like Angie does?

(Newser) - First the media got all up in arms about Shiloh Jolie-Pitt’s insistence on dressing like a boy; now Angelina Jolie has revealed she actually “wants to be a boy”—and hysteria is at a fever pitch. ( Here’s one example of many “Shiloh Wants to...

5 Stories