John Conyers

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Investigate Bush: Conyers
 Investigate Bush: Conyers 

Investigate Bush: Conyers

Congress must review his abuses to prevent a repeat

(Newser) - As the country moves forward, we can’t afford to repeat the mistakes of the past: it’s time to review the abuses of the Bush administration, writes Michigan congressman John Conyers, Jr. in the Washington Post. Congress must keep pushing for “stonewalled” Bush documents; it should create an...

Conyers Raps Obama Surgeon General Pick

Gupta 'lacks the requisite experience,' congressman charges

(Newser) - Barack Obama's apparent choice for surgeon general, Sanjay Gupta, is drawing fire from within his own party, ABC News reports. John Conyers of Michigan, the House Judiciary Committee chair, sent a letter to his fellow legislators today encouraging them to join him in protesting the nomination of the CNN fixture...

Proof Mounts of Impropriety by Feds in Siegelman Case

US Attorney continued to guide case after recusing herself over GOP ties

(Newser) - New court documents call further into question the actions of Justice Department officials in their prosecution of former Alabama governor Don Siegelman on corruption charges, Time reports. With the Democrat’s appeal scheduled for next month, the House Judiciary Committee disclosed violations by the Bush-appointed US Attorney, Leura Canary, who...

Rove Spurns Subpoena on US Attorneys

Attorney's response to Conyers' 'ass kicking' invite: No, thanks

(Newser) - Karl Rove RSVPed in the negative to the subpoena the House Judiciary Committee issued yesterday, Politico reports. His lawyer said Rove wants none of what committee chair John Conyers has promised to dole out. Citing Conyers' promise of an "ass kicking," Robert Luskin said he's not “the...

House Panel Subpoenas Karl Rove
House Panel Subpoenas
Karl Rove

House Panel Subpoenas Karl Rove

Lawmakers want to know if attorneys were fired over politics

(Newser) - A House panel slapped Karl Rove with a subpoena today to compel his testimony on the White House's role in the firing of federal attorneys and the prosecution of Democratic Alabama Gov. Don Siegelman, the Chicago Tribune reports. Rove, due to appear July 10, refused requests to speak voluntarily to...

Ex-Gov: Rove Probe 'Will Make Watergate Look Like Child's Play'

Bush guru merits more inquiry: Siegelman

(Newser) - Don Siegelman is out of jail and fighting to clear his name, but the case is a lot bigger than just him, the former Democratic governor of Alabama tells the Anniston Star. Siegelman says his prosecution on corruption charges was orchestrated by Karl Rove as a way to keep Dems...

Delta, Northwest Execs: Merger Would Ease Gas Burden

Dems skeptical, see 'cascade' of deals

(Newser) - The CEOs of Delta and Northwest took their case for a merger to Capitol Hill today, where they argued that they would be better equipped to deal with surging gas prices as a single company. Both businesses had big first-quarter losses, and the executives told lawmakers they’d be better...

House Democrats Again Summon Rove

Committee looking into prosecution of former Alabama governor Siegelman

(Newser) - Four months after its Senate counterpart held Karl Rove in contempt for refusing to testify, the House Judiciary Committee demanded today that the ex-Bush strategist testify about potential political motives for a prosecution. A committee report found “troublesome facts” in the case of a former Alabama governor, saying the...

Sheehan Arrested in Impeachment Protest

Anti-war mom will run against Pelosi

(Newser) - Antiwar mom Cindy Sheehan was arrested yesterday after overstaying her welcome in Rep. John Conyer's office on Capitol Hill. She was there to urge Conyers to impeach President Bush over his conduct of the war in Iraq, and to announce that she will run for House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's San...

House Panel Schedules Contempt Vote
House Panel Schedules Contempt Vote

House Panel Schedules Contempt Vote

Executive privilege battle looms in US attorney firings probe

(Newser) - Congress is speeding toward a constitutional collision with the White House over the US attorney firings, the Washington Post reports. The House Judiciary Committee votes tomorrow on contempt citations against current chief of staff Joshua Bolten and ex-counsel Harriet Miers. President Bush has said he will challenge any attempt to...

White House Orders Miers to Clam Up
White House Orders Miers
to Clam Up

White House Orders Miers to Clam Up

Bush instructs ex-official to defy congressional subpoena

(Newser) - On President Bush's orders, Harriet Miers will ignore a subpoena and will not appear tomorrow before a House committee investigating the US attorney firings. The ex-White house counsel "has absolute immunity from compelled congressional testimony," current counsel Fred Fielding wrote to her lawyer in a letter made public...

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