Apple stores

10 Stories

1st Apple Store to Unionize Will Also Be 1st to Strike

Union votes to authorize a strike against Apple's retail operations at Maryland location

(Newser) - It was the first Apple Store to unionize, and now it will be the first Apple Store to strike. Employees at the Towson, Maryland, Apple Store, located in the suburbs of Baltimore, voted Saturday night to authorize a strike against Apple's retail operations, according to a statement from the...

Teen Says Apple's Facial Recognition Tech Got Him Arrested

He's suing for $1 billion over the matter

(Newser) - A New York 18-year-old says he was falsely arrested in November—and he blames Apple's facial recognition technology. Ousmane Bah says Apple uses such technology to identify shoplifters at its stores, and he's suing the tech giant for $1 billion over the matter, the New York Post reports....

Woman, 83, Sues Apple After Walking Into Glass Door

Evelyn Paswall wants $1M

(Newser) - "Apple wants to be cool and modern" with its nifty glass front doors, says the indignant lawyer for an 83-year-old woman who was foiled by those very doors, "but they have to realize that the elderly generation are their customers, too." Evelyn Paswall, the octogenarian in question,...

Protests Head for Apple Stores Today

6 stores will be hit in protest of suppliers' treatment of workers

(Newser) - Consumers are planning to flock to one of a half-dozen Apple stores around the globe today—and not to wait in line for the latest gadget. Protests are set to hit "marquee locations" in Washington, DC; New York City, San Francisco, London, Sydney, and Bangalore. The gripe? The way...

First in Line for iPhone 4S: Steve Wozniak

Crowds line up in cities across the world, pay tribute to Steve Jobs

(Newser) - Some say 4S means "for Steve." True or not, the new iPhone 4S' first day on sale is, for many, a moment to reflect on the former Apple CEO. Lines wrapped around blocks in Sydney and Tokyo as Apple fans rushed to buy the last device unveiled during...

China Discovers 22 Fake Apple Stores in Single City

Stores ordered to stop using Apple logo without permission

(Newser) - Following embarrassing reports of fake Apple Stores in the southwestern Chinese city of Kunming, city officials decided to track down all the shops improperly using Apple brands and logos—and discovered 22 of them, reports the BBC . The shops were ordered to stop using Apple's logo, as local law...

Chinese Retail's Latest Rip-Off: Ikea

Part of a movement to cash in on established brands

(Newser) - Why create knock-offs of specific items when you can knock off an entire brand? A warehouse store in China called 11 Furniture has adopted almost everything from Ikea—from staged rooms and minimalist furniture designs to tiny pencils and an in-store restaurant. It's part of a rapidly growing market...

Fake Apple Stores Sprouting in China

Blogger uncovers ultimate Apple knock-off

(Newser) - Fake Apple products are common in China but some entrepreneurs have stepped it up a notch with entire fake Apple stores. Kunming-based blogger BirdAbroad stumbled across one such store, and found that its interior—and products—resembled the real thing so closely that she had to check online to make...

The Secrets of the Apple Store
 The Secrets of the Apple Store 

The Secrets of the Apple Store

Employee interactions are intensely controlled at retail giant

(Newser) - At a time when retail is suffering, one store continues to thrive: the Apple Store. To wit: The number of people who visited the 326 stores in one quarter outweighed the number of visitors to the four main Disney theme parks last year. Apple’s retail sales per square foot—...

Apple Axes iPad Facebook App
 Apple Axes iPad Facebook App 

Apple Axes iPad Facebook App

Similar iPhone apps still available, maverick creator notes

(Newser) - A popular application allowing easy Facebook use on the iPad has already been jettisoned from the Apple Store for "copyright violations." Facebook Ultimate, which sells for $2.99, was already among the top 10 highest selling apps when Apple axed it. A spokesman for Facebook, which hasn't gotten...

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