
3 Stories

Anti-GMO Crusader: I Was Wrong
Anti-GMO Crusader:
I Was Wrong

Anti-GMO Crusader: I Was Wrong

Mark Lynas: Science convinced me to stop fighting GMO crops

(Newser) - In the 1990s, environmental activist Mark Lynas helped start the anti-GMO movement, fighting against genetically modified food crops. But now he's done a complete 180, telling the Oxford Farming Conference earlier this month that he was wrong to "demon[ize] an important technological option which can and should be...

Prof Attacks Chemical Firm Using ... Hip-Hop Lyrics

Syngenta complains about taunting emails

(Newser) - Chemical company Syngenta has filed an ethics complaint over a Berkeley professor's trash-talking. The company, the world's largest producer of the controversial herbicide artrazine, complains that Tyrone Hayes has sent offensive emails quoting rap lyrics to company execs, Gawker reports. Hayes' research has linked artrazine to cancer in humans and...

5 Big Fat Green Food Lies

 5 Big Fat Green Food Lies 
eco-friendly mcd's? C'mon!

5 Big Fat Green Food Lies

McDonald's and other companies that aren't as green as they act

(Newser) - The food industry hasn’t missed the fact that many people are hopping on the green bandwagon. But how can you tell the difference between true sustainability and marketing baloney? Anna Lappe lists the five least green claims in her book Diet for a Hot Planet, excerpted by Salon :
  • Sara

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