National Day of Unplugging

3 Stories

'Unplugging'? You're Just Ignoring the Real World

Our digital lives matter, Casey Cep argues

(Newser) - Earlier this month, people around the country swore off all things digital in the fifth annual National Day of Unplugging . It's an understandable response to our "age of technological anxiety," writes Casey Cep at the New Yorker . "What sex was for the Puritans, technology has become...

Tomorrow: National Day of Unplugging

Time to turn off the smartphones—and everything else

(Newser) - Feeling the stress of being plugged in and available 24 hours a day, every day? Tomorrow is an opportunity to take a break from all that. Starting at sundown today—in accordance with the Jewish Sabbath—thousands of Americans are set to shut down their gadgets (yes, all of them)...

'Tech Sabbath' Proponents Unplug Tonight
 'Tech Sabbath' 
 Unplug Tonight 
no facebook for 24 hours

'Tech Sabbath' Proponents Unplug Tonight

'Manifesto' calls for 24 hours without digital distractions

(Newser) - There might be a reality show in this: Take a full day off from your gadgets, starting tonight at sundown. No computer, smartphone, or digital camera for 24 hours—can you hack it? The "National Day of Unplugging" is the brainchild of Reboot, a New York-based think tank that's...

3 Stories
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