
Stories 41 - 60 | << Prev   Next >>

Tea Party Senate Candidate Opposes Masturbation

'Lust is adultery,' says Delaware's Christine O'Donnell

(Newser) - Now that's abstinence. Delaware Tea Party Senate candidate Christine O'Donnell is opposed to masturbation because the Bible says "lusting in your heart" is the same as committing adultery and, as O'Donnell so correctly pointed out in a past MTV interview, "you can't masturbate without lust ." During a...

FDA Considers 'Pink Viagra' to Boost Female Libido

Critics: Drug driven by pharma profit, danger for abused women

(Newser) - Does "pink Viagra" offer much-needed relief to women suffering from low sex drive or is it just a money-making scheme cooked up by the pharmaceutical industry? That's the question the FDA will face next month when it considers whether or not to approve flibanserin, a new drug that—despite...

13 Actors Playing Against (Sexual) Type
 13 Actors Playing 
 Against (Sexual) Type 
newsweek controversy

13 Actors Playing Against (Sexual) Type

Sean Hayes certainly isn't the first gay actor to play straight

(Newser) - Inspired by the controversy Newsweek stirred up when it ran a review slamming Sean Hayes’ portrayal of a straight man in Promises, Promises, CNN offers up a list of 13 actors who have played roles counter to their actual sexual orientation:
  • Portia de Rossi: Played it straight on Ally McBeal

Nixon's Fiancée 'A Short Man With Boobs'

Sex and the City star dishes on relationship

(Newser) - Cynthia Nixon is engaged to a woman—or, in Nixon’s words, “a short man with boobs.” The Sex and the City star talks about her relationship with Christine Marinoni in The Advocate :
  • Gender roles: “A lot of what I love about her is her butchness,”

Health Law Slips in $250M for Abstinence-Only Education

Critics charge approach is ineffective, dangerous

(Newser) - Obama's health care reform includes $250 million for abstinence-only sexual education. To receive the funding, programs must teach that abstinence from sexual activity is "the only certain way to avoid out-of-wedlock pregnancy, sexually transmitted diseases, and other associated health problems." They must also tell young people that pre-marital...

Staying Healthy Boosts 'Sexual Life Expectancy'

Study finds that the average sex life ends before 70

(Newser) - The average person's sex life is history by the time they're 70, but "sexual life expectancy" can be extended if people stay in good health, a new study says. Researchers looked at surveys involving thousands of elderly people and found that older people in better health were nearly twice...

Johnny Depp, King of Sexual Ambiguity

The Mad Hatter is the latest in a long line of gender-bending roles

(Newser) - Johnny Depp is routinely lauded for playing “unconventional” characters, “but here unconventional is code for ‘sexually ambiguous.’” And yet Depp—who approaches “role after role as installments in a serial drag show”—has remained “more popular than ever, bending popular notions of...

UK Study Warns of 'Pornification'

Calls for crackdown on lads mags, sexist billboards

(Newser) - Britain must crack down on nudity and sex on television, in men's' mags, and on billboards to prevent the 'pornification' of society, a new study warns. The research, commissioned by the government, also rips digitally altered photographs, saying children are being pressured to conform to unrealistic images and gender stereotypes...

Four Contenders in the Quest for the 'Female Viagra'

Not in the mood? Maybe one of these new drugs will help

(Newser) - Good news for women with lagging libidos: The market for drugs and devices that stoke a woman’s desire is set to explode in the coming years. Vogue looks at some of the pills, shots, and jolts in development:
  • Orgasmatron: The decidedly unsexy combination of electrodes in your lower spine

She's Not Feeling Sexy? Blame It on Guilt
 She's Not 
 Feeling Sexy? 
 Blame It on Guilt 

She's Not Feeling Sexy? Blame It on Guilt

Some women may not realize arousal, research shows

(Newser) - Not in the mood to get frisky tonight? Are you sure? A new study shows women may be turned on and not realize it—and the cause is linked to guilt. Researchers who looked at 132 studies carried out over 40 years found that some women, though showing clear physical...

All Guys Watch Porn
 All Guys Watch Porn 

All Guys Watch Porn

Research stymied by pornography's ubiquity

(Newser) - Canadian researchers hit a roadblock in recent attempts to study the effects of porn on male sexuality: they couldn't find any 20-something men who hadn't watched porn, dashing hopes of creating a "porn-free" control group, Gawker reports. Just how porn-addled are young men? Single guys watch 40 minutes in...

The Vibrator Play: The Doctor Will Please You Now

But comedy about docs treating 'hysterical' women is 'very discreet'

(Newser) - In the Next Room, or The Vibrator Play? Why, yes, it is about exactly that—but playwright Sarah Ruhl says that “a lot of it happens under a sheet,” making the comedy “very discreet.” The play, about a 19th-century doctor who treats female patients using a...

Point of Vampire Craze: No Sex Is Deviant Anymore
Point of Vampire Craze:
No Sex Is Deviant Anymore

Point of Vampire Craze: No Sex Is Deviant Anymore

Bloodsuckers of today just want to fit in

(Newser) - A cultural obsession with vampires usually coincides with changing sexuality, writes Stephen Marche. The vampire is a realized sexual other—whether an aristocratic libertine or an AIDS victim—with the human characters representing the mainstream. Usually, the normals have killed the other, but our current vampire moment is different: Whether...

Why Women Have Sex
 Why Women Have Sex 

Why Women Have Sex

Psychologist discusses female sexuality, and what men can do to get ahead

(Newser) - Psychologists Cindy Meston and David Buss, authors of the 2007 study “Why Humans Have Sex,” have completed a second go-round, this time focused on women only. They come up with 237 reasons, and though they're not enumerated in the article, Time asks Buss for some highlights:
  • Besides sexual

Women Want Sex Just as Much as You
Women Want Sex Just as Much as You

Women Want Sex Just as Much as You

The Fox 'sexpert' debunks myths about the fairer sex

(Newser) - Men have a lot of screwy ideas about women and sex, but Dr. Yvonne K. Fulbright, Fox News’ “sexpert” is here to set them straight. And she’ll use the whip if she has to. Here are some myths she’s debunking:
  • She needs an emotional connection, not a

Sex Party Enters Aussie Political Fray

Sex Party gains official recognition

(Newser) - Australia’s “Sex Party” has been certified as a political party after receiving approval from the Electoral Commission, the Sydney Morning Herald reports. The commission’s approval is a victory for free speech and “democratic rights,” says the Sex Party’s convenor. The party hopes to “...

Men Spend a Full Year Ogling Opposite Sex

Males ogle women for a solid year of their lives, study finds

(Newser) - Men check out 10 women every day, spending an average of 43 minutes with their eyes fixated on a member of the opposite sex—adding up to a full year over a lifetime, researchers tell the Sun. A Kodak Lens Vision study found that the wandering eye is not unique...

Not Feeling Sexy? 'Just Do It.'

New book reveals reasons behind lack of sex in marriage

(Newser) - Why does passion so often fizzle in a marriage? Prepare to be shocked: Bettina Arndt’s The Sex Diaries reveals the reasons aren’t what you think, the Daily Mail reports. Included in the nearly 100 couples who kept diaries for a year are many men who love their wives...

Married 41 Years, Profs Turn Sex 101 Into an Institution

UC Santa Barbara profs

(Newser) - For more than 20 years, John and Janice Baldwin have instructed students at UC Santa Barbara about sex, love, and everything in between, while implicitly offering their own 41-year-old marriage as a positive example, the LA Times reports. Their “Sociology of Human Sexuality” is one of the most popular...

Friend Tries to Unravel Jacko's Complex Sexuality

Lisa Marie said King of Pop was 'hot stuff in bed', into role-playing

(Newser) - When he was accused of sexual abuse in 1993, Michael Jackson’s complex sexuality changed forever. The "virgin" superstar that Tatum O'Neal once described as "so shy he hardly says two words" now had police bearing down on Neverland, and sent maids scurrying to hide pictures of undressed...

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