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Fan's Suit Rips Madonna for 'Pornography Without Warning'

Class-action complaint takes singer to task for 'sexual acts,' 'topless women' at concert

(Newser) - Filed today in the "did you know what concert you were going to see" category: A (former?) fan has sued Madonna and Live Nation for what he says was a concert filled with "pornography without warning," with half-naked women, "sexual acts" performed onstage, and uncomfortably warm...

Taylor Swift Fans, Friends Unhappy With NYT Article
NYT Piece
Speculating on
Taylor Swift's
Sexuality Sparks Ire

NYT Piece Speculating on Taylor Swift's Sexuality Sparks Ire

Fans, friends call it inappropriate

(Newser) - There's quite a bit of fallout after the New York Times, in an uncharacteristic move, published an opinion piece openly speculating on a person's sexuality. The move would have been "highly unusual for a reputable news organization," as CNN puts it, no matter who the column...

Pink Has a Feisty Response to Florida Book Bans

Singer will give out thousands of banned or restricted books at Miami, Sunrise concerts this week

(Newser) - Groups and individuals have said they're boycotting visits to Florida and refusing to hold events in the Sunshine State due to Gov. Ron DeSantis' new laws on gender-affirming care, abortion, gun ownership, and teaching race- and LGBTQ+-themed subjects in school, among others. Pink is taking a different tack: The...

She Talked Penis Size With Letterman, Taught on Fetishes

Former nurse Sue Johanson, who became a celebrity sex expert in US and Canada, dies at 93

(Newser) - Sue Johanson, a nurse who became a popular TV sex expert in Canada and the United States when she was in her 60s, has died, her daughter said. Johanson died in Toronto on Wednesday at age 93 after a long decline, Jane Johanson said, per the AP . Johanson's straight...

Aaron Hernandez's Sexuality Was a Huge Struggle: Ex-Teammate

College teammate talks about NFL star ahead of 2 upcoming documentaries

(Newser) - A teammate of Aaron Hernandez's at the University of Florida tells People the football star, who went from the Florida Gators to the NFL before ultimately killing himself in prison in 2017 at age 27, was dealing with a lot. "Everything about Aaron was a struggle," the...

Miley Cyrus' Comments on Homosexuality Don't Go Over Well

She tells women they 'don't have to be gay' because 'there are good men out there'

(Newser) - Miley Cyrus has a new boyfriend , and while doing a livestream with him on her Instagram feed Sunday, she had this to say to her female fans, per E! : "Guys, I was being a little too, like ... hardcore feminist vibes and, just like, I don't know, not allowing...

'Straight Pride' Parade Draws Protesters

Police made over 30 arrests amid arguments and minor fights

(Newser) - A "straight pride" parade and counter-demonstration went off in Boston Saturday without any major conflicts reported between the two groups, the AP reports. An organization calling itself Super Happy Fun America announced the parade as Boston celebrated LGBTQ Pride Month earlier this summer, saying it believes straight people are...

Bella Thorne: I'm Pansexual
Bella Thorne:
I'm Pansexual

Bella Thorne: I'm Pansexual

'If I just like it, I like it!' actress explains

(Newser) - Bella Thorne previously came out as bisexual, but in an interview with Good Morning America this week, the actress revealed, "I'm actually a pansexual, and I didn't know that." As she defined it, being pansexual means "you like what you like. Doesn't have to...

Parents Complain About Survey Sent to Fifth Graders

It asked about their sexual history and gender identity

(Newser) - A survey that asked fifth-grade students in Vermont about their sexual history, preference, and gender identity has drawn complaints from parents, the AP reports. The survey sent to Windsor Elementary School students was conducted by WISE, a nonprofit domestic violence prevention and advocacy group, WPTZ-TV reported. A notice was sent...

Caught Your Teen Sexting? Don't Panic
Caught Your Teen
Sexting? Don't Panic

Caught Your Teen Sexting? Don't Panic

Researchers say it could be a healthy part of sex education, if handled correctly

(Newser) - If you've finally mastered "OMG" and "IYKWIM," you may be ready for the next step in deciphering text messages—though if you're the parent of a teen, you might not like what you uncover. That's because teens are spending more time sexting, with at...

'Nashville Statement' on Gays, Transgenders Earns Mayor's Ire

And the ire of many others after evangelicals issue their 'Christian manifesto'

(Newser) - The mayor of Nashville has lashed out after a group of evangelical leaders put out a "Christian manifesto" named after her city to offer church guidance on sexuality issues. Per the Washington Post , the so-called "Nashville Statement," a 14-point cheat sheet from the Council on Biblical Manhood...

Size Does Matter When It Comes to Flings vs. Partners

Women prefer slightly longer penises in their one-time partners, study finds

(Newser) - Size doesn't matter? Well, maybe it does, at least a little. A new study finds that when it comes to a fling, women prefer a bigger penis. More specifically, researchers found that in a one-time sexual partner, women on average prefer a penis 6.4 inches long and 5...

More of Us Are Knocking Boots With the Same Sex
More of Us Are Knocking Boots With the Same Sex

More of Us Are Knocking Boots With the Same Sex

More Americans approve of homosexual encounters, too

(Newser) - The 2010s, baby. More Americans are opening up to the idea of same-sex experiences—and trying them out, according to a survey of 30,000 adults that's been ongoing since 1972. A year after the survey began, just 11% of participants thought homosexual sex was A-OK. By 1990, that...

Emma Watson: I Pay to Learn About Sexual Pleasure

'Harry Potter' star recommends

(Newser) - Emma Watson is learning about things you won't find in the Hogwarts school library. The 25-year-old Harry Potter star—who says she's taking a break from acting to educate herself about feminism—is learning about women's sexual pleasure from a website called , reports People . "...

Duke Freshmen Refuse to Read Graphic Novel on Sexual Identity

Say Alison Bechdel's 'Fun Home' goes against personal, religious beliefs

(Newser) - Alison Bechdel's Fun Home , a "family tragicomic," is a graphic memoir about the cartoonist's relationship with her distant father growing up and her coming of age as she grappled with her sexual identity. But although the committee tasked with giving incoming freshmen at Duke University a...

29% of Young Americans Are Some Degree of Bisexual

British youths are even more fluid with their sexuality

(Newser) - Gay, straight, or in between? When asked to place themselves on a sexuality scale, almost a third of young Americans—and nearly half of their British counterparts—consider themselves some degree of bisexual, reports polling website YouGov , which states the results indicate an "increasingly open-minded approach to sexuality."...

Ben Carson: Being Gay Is a Choice, and Prison Proves It

Potential 2016 candidate says straight people leave prison gay

(Newser) - Ben Carson says being gay is "absolutely" a choice and that the evidence to back his claim is prison. "A lot of people who go into prison go into prison straight—and when they come out, they're gay," the potential 2016 GOP candidate says in a...

Why I Want My Daughter to Be Gay Like Me

For Sally Kohn, being gay has always been 'a gift'

(Newser) - CNN political commentator and mom Sally Kohn is offering an outlook on parenting she says even her friends aren't so sure about: "I'm gay," Kohn writes in the Washington Post , "and I want my kid to be gay, too." Kohn says that despite the...

What It Means to Be Demisexual

Asexual people, 'gray-aces' feel limited sexual desire

(Newser) - For some, sexual identity isn't about whom you find attractive, but whether you feel much attraction at all. In Wired , Kat McGowan suggests that our expanding understanding of sexuality may still have a long way to go. Asexual people are defined at the Asexual Visibility and Education Network as...

Jealous Men Focus on Sex, Jealous Women on Feelings

Giant study looks at gender, sexuality differences on cheating

(Newser) - Ask a heterosexual man and woman about their reactions to their partners cheating, and you'd likely get two very different answers. That's according to a huge study on jealousy among people of different sexes and sexualities. Researchers at Chapman University polled some 64,000 people on how they'...

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