Obama Nobel Peace Prize

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Obama Jokes About Nobel Peace Prize

Energy secretary 'actually deserved' his prize, president quips

(Newser) - President Obama made light of his increasingly controversial Nobel Peace Prize during a speech on energy. He praised the efforts of Energy Secretary Steven Chu before quipping: "Chu’s the right guy to do this, he’s got a Nobel prize in physics—he actually deserved his Nobel prize,...

Is It Time to Revoke Obama’s Peace Prize?

Not until we revoke Arafat's, ElBaradei's, writes Allahpundit

(Newser) - In the wake of the US military intervention in Libya, Bolivian President Evo Morales thinks it's time to take back President Obama's Nobel Peace Prize . On Hot Air , Allahpundit begs to differ. Despite Morales' insistence that no Nobel Peace Prize winner should lead "a gang to attack and invade,...

First Dog Bo Cost $1,600

 First Dog Bo 
 Cost $1,600 

First Dog Bo Cost $1,600

Obama family's Portuguese water dog was a gift from Ted Kennedy

(Newser) - The Obama family's Portuguese water dog, Bo, cost $1,600, according to financial disclosure documents made public today. The scoop on Bo's price tag is the most interesting tidbit from the forms; President Obama's financial situation was made clear when his tax returns were released last month, the Washington Post...

Obama Donates $1.4M Nobel Cash to 10 Charities

Most goes to veterans, Haiti, and education

(Newser) - President Obama has donated the $1.4 million he got with the Nobel Peace Prize to 10 charities, with a heavy emphasis on education. The most money, however, went to Fisher House, which provides care for patients at VA and military hospitals. It gets $250,000, while the Clinton-Bush Haiti...

Mechanic Offers a Nobel Prize for an Oil Change

Has a little fun mocking the president in conservative Texas town

(Newser) - A Texas car mechanic has turned President Obama’s unlikely Nobel Peace Prize into an even unlikelier promotion, and his conservative customers are loving it. At Horizon Auto in Rockwall County, an oil change comes with a Nobel—well, a sticker with a picture of the prize. And these stirring...

Obama Revives Cold War Liberalism

 Obama Revives  
 Cold War Liberalism  

Obama Revives Cold War Liberalism

In Nobel speech, a 'Christian realist' Obama Doctrine

(Newser) - President Obama's Oslo speech showed a spirit of Christian realism that most liberals abandoned after Vietnam but that would have been very familiar to Harry Truman, writes David Brooks. Obama, by acknowledging that evil exists and stressing that power needs to be constrained within institutions like NATO, is applying the...

Sarah Palin, Newt Love Obama Speech
 Sarah Palin, Newt 
 Love Obama Speech 
rare praise

Sarah Palin, Newt Love Obama Speech

Conservatives like the tough talk from the president

(Newser) - Conservatives just love President Obama's Nobel speech today, at least the parts in which he talked about the US responsibility to fight "evil" in the world. “I liked what he said," Sarah Palin tells USA Today . "Of course, war is the last thing I believe any...

Obama: 'War Is Sometimes Necessary'
 Obama: 'War Is 
nobel acceptance speech

Obama: 'War Is Sometimes Necessary'

Obama accepts peace prize by saying force morally justified

(Newser) - President Obama accepted the Nobel Peace Prize today with, paradoxically, a defense of war. Obama began his speech by acknowledging the controversy surrounding his reward, both because his accomplishments are slight and because of the wars he presides over. “We will not eradicate violent conflict in our lifetimes,”...

Obama Arrives in Oslo
 Obama Arrives in Oslo  

Obama Arrives in Oslo

Protesters mar peace prize ceremony

(Newser) - Obama's motorcade arrived at Oslo's high-rise government complex to a few dozen anti-war protesters gathered behind wire fences nearby. Obama's first stop was the Norwegian Nobel Institute, where the Nobel committee meets to decide who gets the prestigious prize. After signing the guest book at the Institute with a lengthy...

Obama Plan to Skip Some Nobel Events Riles Norway

President nixes traditional activities like lunch with king

(Newser) - While perhaps it’s a bit much to expect President Obama to attend a kiddie peace presentation while he’s in Oslo to accept the Nobel Peace Prize, the fact that Obama begged off lunch with King Harald—and a host of other Nobel-related events—has Norwegians fuming. The Norwegian...

Nobel Speech Bedevils Wartime President

Obama faces minefield in Oslo tomorrow

(Newser) - What to say when you're a Nobel Peace Prize winner who's just ordered 30,000 more troops to war? Barack Obama's acceptance speech in Oslo tomorrow presents a rhetorical minefield, testing the president's ability to articulate a moral vision for his foreign policy in the face of an escalating war...

Latest Undeserved Honor: Black Belt
 Latest Undeserved 
 Honor: Black Belt 

Latest Undeserved Honor: Black Belt

Obama is now a master of tae kwon do, with 0 years practice

(Newser) - This has gone too far. First President Obama gets the Nobel Peace Prize “without actually producing any peace,” writes Andrew Malcolm. Now the South Korean president has awarded him a black belt in tae kwon do “after zero long years of study. What would Chuck Norris do?”...

Obama's Had Year We Can Believe In
 Obama's Had Year
We Can Believe In

Obama's Had Year We Can Believe In

Prez has already changed the world

(Newser) - There's been plenty to quibble about over the last year, but a look at the big picture shows that President Obama has been changing the world just as he was elected to do, writes Eugene Robinson. Obama's biggest accomplishment has been averting another Great Depression, Robinson notes in the Washington ...

Nobel Chief: Why We Picked Obama
 Nobel Chief: 
 Why We 
 Picked Obama 

Nobel Chief: Why We Picked Obama

'It's better to speak than to shoot'

(Newser) - Republican assertions to the contrary, the head of the Nobel Peace Prize panel that picked Barack Obama says the choice isn't meant to be a repudiation of George W. Bush. "This prize is not against anybody," Thorbjorn Jagland tells Deborah Solomon . He added, however, that he agreed it's...

Climate Activists Torqued By Obama Nobel
Climate Activists Torqued By Obama Nobel

Climate Activists Torqued By Obama Nobel

With US the biggest obstacle to action, they hope prize acts as stick

(Newser) - The Taliban and conservative commentators in the US aren’t the only ones steamed by  Barack Obama's Nobel Peace Prize. “It’s hard for me to emphasize enough the thickness of the international resentment towards America at the climate negotiation level,” Ben Jervey writes. The argument is simple:...

Nobel Jury: Obama Is the Right Choice

One says of critics: 'Where do these people come from?'

(Newser) - The Nobel panel that gave the peace prize to President Obama is strongly defending its choice amid widespread criticism. "We simply disagree that he has done nothing," said chairman Thorbjoern Jagland. Another of the five panelists said of critics: "Where do these people come from?" The four...

Israelis, Palestinians Skeptical of Obama Nobel

Israel fears prize will spur president to 'force-feed' them peace deal

(Newser) - President Obama won praise from Israeli and Palestinian leaders after yesterday's surprise Nobel Peace Prize win, but many others on both sides of the conflict expressed puzzlement and wariness. The decision is "very strange," said the speaker of Israel's parliament, adding that he hoped Obama wouldn't now feel...

Reagan Would've Applauded Nobel Decision
Reagan Would've Applauded Nobel Decision

Reagan Would've Applauded Nobel Decision

(Newser) - Republican pundits reacted predictably to news of President Obama’s Nobel Peace Prize. Noting that the committee gave the award on the basis of Obama’s efforts rather than accomplishments, John Bolton noted, “President Reagan called for a world without nuclear weapons; where was his Nobel peace prize?” But...

Obama's Nobel Is the 'Not George W. Bush' Award

He's now the fourth recipient

(Newser) - The Nobel Peace Prize President Obama won today is nothing more or less than the “fourth Nobel Prize for Not Being George W. Bush,” writes Michael Grunwald. The other beneficiaries of the NPNBGWB were Jimmy Carter in 2002, for criticizing the Iraq war buildup; Mohamed ElBaradei of the...

Six People Irked by Obama's Nobel Prize

What do Sarkozy, Clinton and the Taliban have in common?

(Newser) - The decision to award President Obama the Nobel Peace Prize has clearly made some people unhappy, writes Katie Connolly for Newsweek. Here are six of the most peeved:
  1. Nicolas Sarkozy: The French president was also up for the honor but was passed over for someone he’s described as “

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