
17 Stories

Climatologist Sues Critics for Defamation

Blog posts said he faked data, compared him to molester

(Newser) - A leading climatologist has filed a defamation suit against the National Review and a conservative think tank because they claimed he manipulated data and compared him to child molester Jerry Sandusky, report the Guardian and Scientific American . In 2010, Michael Mann was one of several scientists at the heart of...

Hacker Releases Thousands of New Climategate Emails from University of East Anglia
 Trove of New 
 Emails Released 

Trove of New Climategate Emails Released

Communications offer look at scientists facing skepticism

(Newser) - Soon after it was debunked, Climategate is back—on the eve of new UN talks seeking a global deal on climate change. A hacker has unveiled a new batch of some 5,000 emails from the same trove of University of East Anglia files initially hacked, the Washington Post reports....

Climategate Debunked, Media Pounces on ... McRib?

Cable news cares more about McDonald's, he complains

(Newser) - When climate scientists were accused of massaging data in 2009, cable news networks pounced on the "Climategate" story, offering up a slew of talking heads to declare global warming a hoax, Jon Stewart noted last night. A new independent study, however—funded in part by none other than the...

Other Great Wikileaks Scoops
 Other Great Wikileaks Scoops 

Other Great Wikileaks Scoops

Site exposed military blunders, Scientology's weird inner workings

(Newser) - Wikileaks' release of 90,000 classified Afghanistan war records is the biggest but far from the first scoop the whistleblower site has picked up since it went public in early 2007, the Telegraph notes, listing some other major coups.
  • Iraq helicopter attack . The Pentagon accused Wikileaks of endangering national security

Penn State Clears Climategate Scientist

It finds no evidence of research fraud

(Newser) - Another investigation into the so-called Climategate scandal has found no evidence that researchers manipulated data to buttress their case for global warming. In the latest, Penn State today cleared Michael Mann, the meteorology professor at the heart of the controversy, of research fraud, reports CBS . It's the fourth investigation, including...

'Climategate' Scientists Cleared
'Climategate' Scientists Cleared

'Climategate' Scientists Cleared

But independent panel questions their statistical methods

(Newser) - The scientists at the center of the so-called “Climategate” email scandal were a “dedicated if slightly disorganized” bunch who didn’t intentionally commit any scientific malpractices, an independent academic review panel has concluded. But the panel did raise an eyebrow at the team’s statistical methods, saying it...

Greenpeace Finds 'Kingpin of Climate Denial'

Little-known US oil company has spent $67M to foster doubt

(Newser) - A little-known private US oil company called Koch Industries has become the driving force behind the climate change denial industry, according to an investigative report from Greenpeace (full pdf here ). Koch funneled $25 million into groups opposed to climate change from 2005 to 2008—three times as much as...

Climate Scandal Prof Weighed Suicide

Under attack over Climategate emails, Phil Jones considered killing himself

(Newser) - The British scientist accused of fudging data that might weaken the case for global warming was so traumatized by the torrent of hostility directed at him since what's been dubbed Climategate that he considered killing himself—"several times," the Times of London reports. Phil Jones, the professor whose...

'Climategate' Scientist Faces New Fraud Claims

Data behind some work of Jones work can't be verified

(Newser) - The British scientist accused of ignoring data in order to make climate change look more dire—and whose leaked emails ignited the so-called “Climategate” scandal—faces new fraud claims tonight after a newspaper’s investigation found that some data was seriously flawed, and that documents backing up the research...

Palin: Gore's Wrong! I'm Not a Denier...
Palin: Gore's Wrong! I'm Not
a Denier...

Palin: Gore's Wrong! I'm Not a Denier...

...I just don't think humans are to blame for global warming

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says Al Gore was wrong to call her a climate change “denier,” even though she doesn’t think humans are “primarily responsible” for global warming. Asked about a Palin op-ed that called for President Obama to boycott the Copenhagen climate change summit, Gore replied, “...

Al Gore: Climategate Changes Nothing
 Al Gore: Climategate 
 Changes Nothing 


Al Gore: Climategate Changes Nothing

Uproar over 10-year-old emails just 'sound and fury'

(Newser) - Al Gore thinks the so-called climategate emails are nothing but “sound and fury,” dredged up by the "noise machine built by the climate deniers," and “do not in any way cause any question about the scientific consensus.” In an interview with Slate , Gore notes...

Palin's 'Boycott Copenhagen' Op-Ed, Annotated

Ambinder parses ex-gov's 'Climategate' rhetoric

(Newser) - Sarah Palin says President Obama should boycott Copenhagen because the Climategate emails cast doubt on climate change—and Marc Ambinder in the Atlantic shoots back at Palin's Washington Post editorial line by line. His translations of her key points:
  • Palin: "radical environmental movement." Ambinder: "overwhelming scientific consensus.

Palin to Obama: Boycott 'Politicized' Copenhagen

Climategate emails prove how flawed summit is

(Newser) - Contending that the so-called “Climategate” emails prove how politicized and flawed the ongoing summit is, Sarah Palin urges President Obama to boycott the Copenhagen gathering. “The agenda-driven policies being pushed in Copenhagen won’t change the weather,” she writes in the Washington Post , “but they would...

Russian Spies Accused of Leaking Climate Emails

Senior IPCC members say attack was pro job

(Newser) - The hackers behind the leaked climate change emails were none other than the Russian secret service, say higher-ups at the UN’s Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Panel members say the hack was a sophisticated, professional operation, and note that the emails were originally leaked from a server in the...

Climate of Skepticism Swells in Copenhagen

Leaders all but abandon hopes for binding treaty this year

(Newser) - Global warming talks kick off today in Copenhagen, but leaders have already largely given up hope of a binding international treaty amid a climate of swirling skepticism toward the issue. The “climategate” emails do little to debunk two decades of climate science, scientists and policymakers tell the New York ...

UN Panel to Investigate Climate Emails

IPCC switches its stance, calls the allegations serious

(Newser) - The UN’s climate change panel says it will investigate the recently leaked e-mails from British climate scientists that have caused a conservative uproar. The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change initially dismissed the "Climategate" emails, in which scientists from the University of East Anglia’s Climate Research Unit discuss...

Conservatives Want Al Gore's Oscar Back
Conservatives Want
Al Gore's Oscar Back

Conservatives Want Al Gore's Oscar Back

Two academy members say Climategate undermines his movie

(Newser) - “Hollywood conservative” might sound like an oxymoron, but there are some, and they’re calling on the Academy to take back Al Gore’s Oscar for An Inconvenient Truth in light of the “Climategate” e-mails. Roger Simon and Lionel Chetwynd, both Academy members and unabashed right-wingers, say the...

17 Stories
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