National Equality March

2 Stories

Gay Activists Gaga for the Lady

The outlandish pop singer brings her charisma to Washington

(Newser) - It became official this weekend in Washington: Lady Gaga is the new icon for the gay community, this generation’s Cher. She brought the crowds to their feet—twice—at the Human Rights Campaign dinner, where even President Obama said, “It is a privilege to be here tonight to...

Gay Rights Rally Draws Tens of Thousands to DC

Energized by Obama's vow on 'don't ask, don't tell,' activists demand equality

(Newser) - Thousands of gay and lesbian activists marched from the White House to the Capitol today, demanding that President Obama keep his promises to end "don't ask, don't tell" and work to end discrimination against gays. Rainbow flags and homemade signs abounded as participants chanted "Hey, Obama, let mama...

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