
8 Stories

New Theory Deflates 'Alaska Ice Monster'

It's probably just rope

(Newser) - Sadly, it's beginning to look like the Loch Ness Monster does not have a cousin in Alaska, but a video shot by a Bureau of Land Management worker was fun all the same. In the original Facebook post , the BLM said the video "captured this strange 'thing'...

Experts 'Verify' New Loch Ness Monster Pic

Tour guide George Edwards snaps pic of 'creature'

(Newser) - Yet another hazy, distant photo has emerged of a creature swimming around Loch Ness. This one comes from a Nessie tour guide who apparently photographed the mythical, humped monster in Scotland's most popular freshwater loch. "It was slowly moving up the loch towards Urquhart Castle and it was...

Loch Ness Monster May Have a Cousin...

Kayaker on UK's Lake Windemere snaps photo of 'Bownessie'

(Newser) - The British press has been having some fun with this one: A kayaker on England's Lake Windemere snapped a photo with his phone of what he thinks is "Bownessie," a creature along the lines of the more famous Loch Ness monster alleged to be lurking in the 11-mile-long...

Search for Nessie Yields ... Golf Balls

Hundreds of thousands of them found at bottom of Loch Ness

(Newser) - Researchers in Scotland hoping to find the famous Loch Ness monster instead stumbled across hundreds of thousands of golf balls at the lake's bottom. Apparently tourists and locals alike enjoy using the lake as a driving range, but Planet Green doesn't think it's a laughing matter. It notes a recent...

'Montauk Monster' Killed in Panama

Hairless creature on beach confounds cryptozoologists

(Newser) - A bizarre-looking creature found on a Panama beach has excited the world of cryptozoology, the Daily Telegraph reports. A group of teens said they feared for their safety and beat the hairless creature to death as it crawled from a cave and moved toward them. The animal—dubbed "Gollum"...

Paquin: 'I Take Off My Bra for Sex'

(Newser) - Sassy Anna Paquin has absolutely no trouble stripping down for scenes in HBO's steamy series Tru Blood, she tells Nylon in a let-it-all-hang-out interview. "I'm sorry, maybe there are women who keep their bras on while they have sex. I don't happen to be one of them," quips...

YouTube Video Catches Lake Champlain 'Monster'

(Newser) - A cell phone video has revived the legend of “Champ,” the monster long rumored to reside in Lake Champlain, ABC News reports. Nessie’s less-famous North American cousin has been spotted 300 times, if you believe the locals, but only photographed once before, in 1977. The new video...

It's Baaaack: Montauk Monster Reappears

What it is, no one knows

(Newser) - It’s baaaack: the Montauk Monster—or something like it—has been spotted on a Long Island beach after sparking a flurry of blog speculation when it washed ashore last year, Gawker reports. The dead creature, which looks like a half-dog, half-pig with a beak, was stolen after its first...

8 Stories
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