
7 Stories

Woman Falls in Dumpster, Gets Compacted by Trash Truck

New Hampshire resident was compacted 4 times and survived

(Newser) - A woman fell into a dumpster while throwing out her garbage and was later rescued from a trash truck that had compacted the contents while she was inside, fire department officials in New Hampshire said. Luckily, neighbors heard her screams, and the trash compartment was equipped with a camera, reports...

Woman Who Dumped Puppies in Dumpster Learns Fate

Deborah Sue Culwell will spend a year in jail

(Newser) - The charmer who opted to drop seven newborn puppies in a steamy Dumpster instead of at her local animal shelter will spend a year in her local criminal shelter, aka county jail. Deborah Sue Culwell, 54, pleaded guilty to seven counts each of animal cruelty and animal abandonment after she...

Drunk Pair Rudely Awakened in Dumpster Love Nest

Why yes, the Sunshine State strikes again

(Newser) - It takes a good stretch of the imagination to get from a hot night at the casino to the back of a garbage truck, but a couple from America's hotbed of strange and often illegal activity has this morning given us such a tale: As the Tampa Bay Times...

Body of OSU Player Was Found in Dumpster

Gun found as well in apparent suicide

(Newser) - More sad details are emerging in the apparent suicide of the missing Ohio State University football player found dead yesterday. NBC4i and ABC News report that Kosta Karageorge's body and a gun were found in a dumpster just a few hundred yards from his apartment. "Reports were that...

Prof Plans to Live in Dumpster for a Year

Jeff Wilson wants highlight benefits of green living

(Newser) - Talk about slumming it: A professor in Austin, Texas plans to live in a dumpster for a year to highlight the benefits of a green lifestyle, TreeHugger reports. Environmental science professor Jeff Wilson started by selling off his belongings—appliances, clothes, furnishings—for $1 each and secretly planning the project...

Dumpsters Make Splash as Swimming Pools

In Brooklyn, people clamor to get into ultra-private urban pools

(Newser) - The newest hangout for the recession chic set is the Dumpster—transformed into a swanky pool. The repurposed, invitation-only trash bins, hidden on a private lot in Brooklyn, are gaining a reputation in the blogosphere and could soon pop up in formerly dingy strip malls. “It’s a very...

Full-Price Fury Sends Writer to the Dumpster

W. Hodding Carter fed up with supermarket prices

(Newser) - Since February, W. Hodding Carter's family of six has been living within their means on $550 a month, which means making hummus at home and slashing extras like candy and fancy cheese. But now, in a fury over the "unconscionably insufficient number of sale items" at his local supermarket,...

7 Stories
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