
Stories 101 - 117 | << Prev 

Unemployment Now Lasts Longer Than Benefits

(Newser) - A rough milestone on the jobless front: The average length of time it takes to find a job—26.2 weeks—now exceeds the standard length of unemployment benefits—26 weeks. That's first time it's happened since the Labor Department began keeping stats 60 years ago, reports Bloomberg. The bit...

Jobless Outnumber Jobs, 6-1
 Jobless Outnumber Jobs, 6-1 

Jobless Outnumber Jobs, 6-1

Ratio hits worst level since recording began in 2000

(Newser) - Even as the US pulls out of the recession, the ranks of the out-of-work have swelled to 14.5 million people, leaving six jobless people vying for every available job—the worst ratio since the Labor Department began keeping track in 2000. "There's too much uncertainty out there,"...

UK Unemployment Soars to 14-Year High

Jobless rate expected to keep rising despite signs of economic recovery

(Newser) - The unemployment rate in Britain has climbed to 7.9% despite signs the economy is slowly beginning to pick up, the Wall Street Journal reports. The rate is now the highest since 1995, and analysts expect it to keep rising until well into next year. Unemployment remains especially high among...

Job Loss Anxiety Hurts More Than No Job at All

Smoking, hypertension worse than unemployment fear

(Newser) - Worried about your job? It may be better for your health if you just quit, new research suggests. Looking at studies of nearly 2,000 adults, scientists at the University of Michigan have found job loss anxiety can be more harmful to your health than unemployment, hypertension, or even smoking,...

Jobless Rates Jump in 26 States
 Jobless Rates Jump in 26 States 

Jobless Rates Jump in 26 States

16 states' unemployment at least 10%

(Newser) - Jobless rates climbed in 26 states last month, suggesting employment recovery will be slow and governors may face worsening budget woes, Bloomberg reports. Unemployment in California, Georgia, Rhode Island, and Nevada was at its highest since record-keeping started in 1976. While California’s rate rose from 11.6% to 11....

Credit Checks Trap Jobless in Financial Spiral

(Newser) - For many unemployed Americans, a new trend is keeping the prospect of a new job out of reach: detailed credit checks of prospective employees. Once used mostly for government positions, cheap credit checks are now routine at private employers seeking to cull huge applicant pools. Businesses say they're just...

Silicon Valley Unemployed Turn From Tech

With jobs in short supply, many shift to health care, energy

(Newser) - After holding its own against the economic tide, the tech industry is hurting—and many jobless in Silicon Valley are heading to other sectors, the Wall Street Journal reports. One group that helps job-seekers grew to capacity this year, from 180 to 225 members, with 450 on the waiting list;...

Stimulus Cash Isn't Making It to Hard-Hit Minorities

African-Americans, Hispanics pummeled by recession

(Newser) - With unemployment at 14.7% among African Americans and 12.2% among Hispanics, the recession is hitting minority communities particularly hard. But as is often the case with so-called “colorblind” spending, stimulus funds, intended to be equal-opportunity, aren’t making it to these groups. The government must “start...

Obama: Expect Jobless Rate to Rise Further

Hiring 'typically lags' after recovery begins

(Newser) - President Obama expects unemployment to continue to “tick up” for a few months, Reuters reports. “We have seen some stabilization in the financial markets, and that’s good, because that means that companies can borrow and banks are starting to lend again,” he said today. But “...

Dow Falls 223 on Jobs Data
 Dow Falls 223 on Jobs Data 

Dow Falls 223 on Jobs Data

(Newser) - Stocks posted losses today, soured all session by worse-than-expected June employment data, the Wall Street Journal reports. With unemployment up a tenth of a percent to 9.5%  and wages remaining stagnant, investors have little to be optimistic about. The Dow lost 223.32 to settle at 8,280.74....

Looking for Work? Better Have a Job Already

Another hurdle for job-seekers as unemployment nears 10%

(Newser) - Finding a job when unemployment is at 9.4% is hard enough. But the recently laid-off have another hurdle to contend with: Many employers are most interested in attracting candidates who are still working, the Wall Street Journal reports. “If they’re employed in today’s economy, they have...

Welfare Rolls Soar Along With Unemployment

Many make shift as jobless benefits run out

(Newser) - Welfare rolls are on the rise nationwide for the first time since President Clinton signed a bill overhauling the system in 1996, the Wall Street Journal reports. Welfare recipients’ ranks fell in some areas at the beginning of the recession, but now 23 of the 30 biggest US states are...

In First, US Jobless Rate Set to Eclipse Western Europe's

(Newser) - The unemployment rate in the US is set to eclipse that of Western Europe for the first time on record, the New York Times reports. When April numbers for the first 15 EU members come in, the US’ 8.9% will probably be higher than Europe’s, 8.5% in...

Pfizer Offers Free Lipitor, Viagra to Jobless

70 drugs available to those who lost jobs since Jan. 1

(Newser) - Pfizer is unveiling a new program that will let people who have lost their jobs and health insurance keep taking some of its medications—including Lipitor and Viagra—for free for up to a year. The world’s biggest drugmaker will provide more than 70 of its prescription drugs free...

Europe's Jobless Thrive as US Counterparts Struggle

European safety nets make joblessness easier, recovery more difficult

(Newser) - On either side of the Atlantic, different narratives are playing out among the unemployed, the Wall Street Journal reports. While Americans left jobless by the recession struggle to pay insurance and bills, Europe’s social safety nets provide many with the majority of their former incomes and cover health-care costs....

For Bush Veterans, DC Jobs Are Scarce

Former administration officials find bad economy, overwhelmed job market

(Newser) - Former Bush administration staffers are feeling the economic pinch as acutely as other victims of the sagging economy, Politico reports. GOP job-seekers in Washington face a triple whammy of economic chaos, minority status on Capitol Hill, and an excess of qualified Republicans. “The Washington side is a bit of...

Calif. Unemployment Hits Record 11.2%

(Newser) - The unemployment rate in California rose to 11.2% in March, the Los Angeles Times reports today. A loss of 62,100 jobs puts the state at the highest jobless level since 1976, when recording started. It trails only Michigan (12.6%), Oregon (12.1%), and South Carolina (11.4%)....

Stories 101 - 117 | << Prev