Mormon crickets

5 Stories

Mormon Crickets Are Causing Crashes in Nevada

Slippery remains of squashed insects blamed for multiple crashes on interstate

(Newser) - In Nevada, Mormon crickets are back—and in some areas, they're making things extremely messy. The Eureka County Sheriff's Office has warned drivers to beware of "Mormon cricket sludge" on the roads, NBC News reports. In a Facebook post , the sheriff's office said the slippery remains...

A Section of Nevada Is Basically Just Gross Right Now

Thanks to the invasion of foul-smelling Mormon crickets

(Newser) - Elko, Nevada, is home to about 20,000 people—and, currently, millions of Mormon crickets. It's a migratory population so overwhelming that Department of Transportation crews have been using plows to clear the roads of the insects' squashed bodies. A DOT tweet last week had photos of the guts-slicked...

Cops in the West Issue Warning on Oddly Moving Roads

Swarms of Mormon crickets are plaguing a bunch of states

(Newser) - Farmers in the US West face a creepy scourge every eight years or so: swarms of ravenous insects that can decimate crops and cause slippery, bug-slick car crashes as they march across highways and roads. Per the AP , experts say this year could be a banner one for Mormon crickets—...

Town Cranks Stones, Zeppelin to Fight Crickets

Up to mile-long swarms invade village regularly

(Newser) - A tiny Nevada town faces a yearly menace next month in the form of legions of crickets that can be a mile long and two miles across. Among the more unusual tools in their arsenal: rock music. Residents of Tuscarora swear it works, or at least helps, and are getting...

Mormon Crickets: Earmark to Some, Real Plague to Others

(Newser) - Critics, most notably John McCain, have lambasted the latest omnibus spending bill for its 8,500 earmarks; one frequently cited provision is $1 million to fight Mormon crickets in Utah. “Is that a species of cricket or a game played by the Brits?” joked McCain over Twitter. But to...

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