New Coke

5 Stories

Coke Zero Fans Fear Another 'Taste Tragedy'

The changes are minor, the company says, but bad memories of New Coke persist

(Newser) - With memories of the 1985 New Coke debacle somehow still fresh, the announcement that the taste of Coke Zero is changing has regular drinkers on edge. One suggested Coca-Cola have a backup plan before demanding it "stop messing with a good thing." Another poster suggested the company concentrate...

New Coke Is Coming Back
New Coke Is Coming Back

New Coke Is Coming Back

Just 500K cans of it though, thanks to 'Stranger Things'

(Newser) - New Coke was infamously unpopular , and yet something tells us the 500,000 cans Coca-Cola will soon be making available will go pretty quickly. The widely detested soda was introduced as the new version of the beloved beverage in 1985, but the original version was quickly brought back due to...

Beck Weeps for 'Simpler America'

He recalls kinder, gentler football players

(Newser) - Glenn Beck had a weepy "Kodak moment" when he shared old commercials with viewers yesterday and recalled a "simpler" America when "we used to be united." One of the oldie ads he played—a day after fellow right-wing commentator Rush Limbaugh was bounced from a Rams...

The Worst Soft Drinks Ever
 The Worst Soft Drinks Ever 

The Worst Soft Drinks Ever

Coke's Vio is only the latest in ill-conceived beverages

(Newser) - Coke is currently testing Vio, a carbonated-milk drink it hopes will capture the US market—but Time is a little skeptical. Here are some other misbegotten beverage ideas:
  • Coors Rocky Mountain Sparkling Water. Prominent placement of the Coors logo made the company’s spring water look a lot like a

Coke Will Drop 'Classic' Tag from Labels

Branding was unveiled after much-panned New Coke experiment

(Newser) - If you’re still haunted by New Coke, fear no more: Coca-Cola plans to drop the “Classic” tag from its branding, ensuring that the original formula faces no more threats from upstart incarnations, the Atlanta Journal-Constitution reports. The “Classic” label, which was introduced in 1985, is “a...

5 Stories
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