Hudson crash

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Flight 1549 Co-Captain: 'I'm Just an Airline Pilot'

Copilot reports Obama is a 'very, very nice guy'

(Newser) - He helped saved 155 people with the successful water landing of US Airways Flight 1549, but co-pilot Jeff Skiles says he was only doing his job. "I'm just an airline pilot, and that's what we do,” Skiles told the New York Post. "We weren't doing anything any...

Second Engine Found in Hudson
 Second Engine 
 Found in Hudson 

Second Engine Found in Hudson

FAA advisory warned that plane could stall

(Newser) - The missing left engine from US Airways Flight 1549 was found intact today, the New York Post reports. Sonar scans detected an object of matching dimensions at the bottom of the Hudson yesterday, but choppy currents prevented investigators from confirming their find until today. The engine is being subjected to...

Plane Crash Tweets Help Twitter Overtake Digg

Microblogging site gets the edge in market share for first time since launch

(Newser) - Twitter traffic has overtaken Digg for the first time since the microblogging site's launch, Hitwise reports. The newcomer edged up to #84 last week—one spot above Digg—after the US Airways crash spawned a huge number of updates. A photo of the scene taken by a Twitter user on...

Flight 1549 Passengers Get $5K to Offset Lost Luggage

Investigation means possessions aren't coming back soon ... if they're even salvageable

(Newser) - Saying that passengers of Flight 1549 will not get their belongings back for months, if ever, US Airways sent each $5,000, CNN reports; the airline also provided “an obvious reimbursement” of the ticket price. As part of the investigation, all luggage must be weighed in its “current...

Loud Noise Rocked Earlier Flight 1549

(Newser) - The same US Airways flight that landed in the Hudson River nearly made an emergency landing 2 days before when passengers heard loud banging noises, CNN reports. "It sounded like the wing was just snapping off," said one passenger. "Red lights started going on." Then the...

Hudson Survivors Nearly Charged Cancellation Fees

Passengers Spirit put on downed jet had uphill battle in getting out of return ticket

(Newser) - An airline that canceled its own flight and placed passengers on US Airways 1549 will not, after all, charge them for canceling their return trip, WTIC-TV reports. “I need your credit card number,” a passenger on the jet that ditched in the Hudson River recalls a representative of...

Obama Invites Hero Pilot to Inauguration

Sullenberger will reunite with family in Washington

(Newser) - The pilot of downed US Airways Flight 1549 has received a personal invitation to tomorrow’s inauguration from Barack Obama, the San Jose Mercury News reports. The event will also give Chesley Sullenberger, who gained national-hero status for guiding the damaged plane to safety, a chance to see his wife...

Search Still on for Engine; but It's 'Not Going Anywhere'

Plane heads to Jersey, black boxes to DC

(Newser) - The missing left engine from the US Airways jetliner that landed in the Hudson River still hasn’t been located, the New York Times reports. Still, there’s no hurry, a transportation authority says, because “it’s not going anywhere.” Police and army boats using sonar haven’t...

Plane Is Out; Crew's Story Begins to Emerge

(Newser) - Investigators hoisted the US Airways jet out of the Hudson last night as crew interviews and transcripts began to shed light on the fateful flight, the New York Times reports. Among the revelations: Pilot Chesley Sullenberger was not at the controls when the plane hit a flock of geese, but...

Second Engine Still Intact in Hudson Crash
 Second Engine 
 Still Intact in 
 Hudson Crash 
see video of landing

Second Engine Still Intact in Hudson Crash

(Newser) - The US Airways jet that survived a crash-landing in the Hudson River lay in a thickening flow of ice today as the bitter cold complicated efforts to retrieve a jet that now appears to be more intact than previously thought, the AP reports. Federal investigators said the aircraft's right engine,...

Hudson Rescuers Reflect With Wonder

Rescuers recall amazing scenes from mission to save US Airways passengers

(Newser) - Rescuers who scrambled to save passengers from US Airways Flight 1549 look back in the day's events with disbelief, they tell CNN. Ferry captain Brittany Catanzaro, used to shuttling commuters back and forth, suddenly found herself piloting a challenging rescue mission. "I didn't have time to get nervous,"...

Both Engines Missing From US Airways Plane

Search continues in Hudson; investigators plan to fish jet out tomorrow

(Newser) - The US Airways plane that ditched in the Hudson River yesterday is missing both engines, crucial clues in the investigation, the New York Times reports. Police divers aided by sonar are searching for them even as officials prepare to hoist the plane out of the water tomorrow. Investigators needs them...

Crash Passengers Arrive Home
 Crash Passengers Arrive Home 

Crash Passengers Arrive Home

(Newser) - They experienced a bit of turbulence along the way, but the passengers of US Airways flight 1549 have begun reaching their final destination. About 10 passengers arrived in Charlotte shortly after midnight, the Charlotte Observer reports, reporting a “raucous atmosphere” of celebration aboard the flight. Weren’t they afraid...

NY Crash Is Sign That Bird Strikes Are Soaring

(Newser) - Yesterday’s US Airways crash is just the most high-profile illustration of the growing problem of bird strikes, Time reports. Such run-ins quadrupled from 1,759 in 1990 to 7,666 in 2007. The problem, ironically, may be improving technology: Most jets now have two engines rather than four, leaving...

Hudson Hero Is Glider Pilot, Safety Guru, Air Force Vet

Cool-headed captain has advised NASA, FAA

(Newser) - The US Airways pilot who saved the lives of his passengers and crew in yesterday’s crash landing was perfectly suited to the job: he’s a certified glider pilot and runs a safety company, the New York Post reports. After an apparent bird strike disabled the plane’s engines,...

Hero Pilot Hailed for 50-Year Miracle

US Airways pilot the first in over 50 years to land a jet on water without fatalities

(Newser) - The pilot of US Airways Flight 1549 is being praised for pulling off one of the rarest and most challenging maneuvers in aviation, the Wall Street Journal reports. Chesley Sullenberger is the first pilot in over 50 years to land a jetliner on water without a single fatality, and he...

'I Thought We Were Going to Die'

Stunned passengers recount terrifying moments before emergency landing

(Newser) - A shuddering, heart-stopping boom preceded an eerie quiet in the US Airways jet as it plummeted toward the Hudson River, passengers stunned to still be alive tell the New York Daily News. They prayed and locked arms after the pilot warned them to brace for impact. "I thought we...

Speedy Rescue Team Saved Everyone
Speedy Rescue Team Saved Everyone

Speedy Rescue Team Saved Everyone

Commuter ferries, private boats helped save passengers

(Newser) - Swift action from a small army of volunteer and working rescuers is credited with saving the lives of everybody on board US Airways Flight 1549, the New York Times reports. Within minutes of the plane hitting the Hudson river, ferries, cruise boats and conventional rescue boats converged on the scene...

Both Pilots Did 'Superb' Job With Little Training
Both Pilots Did 'Superb'
Job With Little Training

Both Pilots Did 'Superb' Job With Little Training

(Newser) - So how much training do pilots get on how to land on the water? Almost none, writes pilot Patrick Smith, who shelves his regular Salon column this week to offer insights on the Hudson crash-landing. Among them:
  • Pilots can read up on how to perform these so-called "ditchings,"

Passengers Rescued From Frigid Hudson

 Passengers Rescued 
 From Frigid Hudson  

Passengers Rescued From Frigid Hudson

(Newser) - It appears all 155 passengers and crew survived today’s crash of a US Airways flight from LaGuardia Airport into the Hudson River off Manhattan, WINS-AM reports. For photos of the the remarkable rescue, as the plane drifted down river and took on water, click on the image control; for...

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