world record

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Male Couple Kisses for 50 Hours
 Male Couple 
 Kisses for 
 50 Hours 
world record

Male Couple Kisses for 50 Hours

Thai couple breaks world record for longest kiss

(Newser) - A male couple in Thailand spent more than two days kissing to break the Guinness World Record for longest kiss. The competition began Sunday in Pattaya, and ended, fittingly enough, today on Valentine's Day. Couples had to stay in a space measuring one square meter, could only take water...

Skydiver Plans Jump From Edge of Space

Felix Baumgartner will fall from 23 miles up

(Newser) - If you have a fear of heights, don’t read on: An Austrian adventurer plans to jump from the very edge of space later this year, falling from the dizzying height of about 23 miles. (That's 120,000 feet; for comparison's sake, consider that the average passenger plane...

Woman Skis Solo Across Antarctica

Fifty-nine day trek breaks record

(Newser) - British adventurer Felicity Aston became the first woman to ski across Antarctica today, finishing a 59-day, 1,084-mile trek across the continent, the AP reports. She made the trip using only her own muscle power, something no person traveling alone has ever done—though a couple managed it once. She...

World's Oldest Yoga Teacher Is 91

Bernice Bates can still get her knee to her nose

(Newser) - Bernice Bates is 91 years old, but she’s probably more flexible than you. She’s been practicing yoga for half a century, and now teaches it once a week at the community center of a Florida retirement village, making her the Guinness World Records’ oldest yoga teacher. In one...

First Lady, 300K Others Jump Into Record Book

They set jumping jack record

(Newser) - In October, Michelle Obama sought to break a fairly obscure world record: "number of people doing jumping jacks in a 24-hour period." With the help of 300,264 friends, she achieved her goal, she announced in a video posted today at Let's Move , handily breaking the old...

Wacky Events Abound: It's Guinness World Records Day

One example: World’s fastest toilet takes on world’s fastest mobility scooter

(Newser) - It’s a question that would only be asked on Guinness World Records Day: What’s speedier, the world’s fastest toilet or the world’s fastest mobility scooter? The mobility scooter, apparently, which also took on the world’s smallest roadworthy car in today’s race in London. The...

Man Surfs 90-Foot Monster Wave, Sets Record

 Man Surfs 90-Foot 
 Monster Wave, 
 Sets Record 

Man Surfs 90-Foot Monster Wave, Sets Record

Garrett McNamara rides rode monster off Portugal

(Newser) - There are waves, and then there are waves. Garrett McNamara managed to surf one of latter. The Telegraph reports that the Hawaiian set a world record after riding the 90-foot monster off the coast of Portugal. The 44-year-old professional surfer was in a prime position to do so: He was...

First Lady Aims for Jumping Jack Record

Michelle O wants team to jump into record books

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is looking for at least 20,425 people to help her break a Guinness World Record next week. The first lady will lead hundreds of children doing a minute of jumping jacks on the White House's South Lawn on Tuesday, kicking off a 24-hour challenge, AP reports....

Lauren and David Blair Wed for 100th Time, Setting Guinness World Record
 Couple Weds for 100th Time 
It's a world record

Couple Weds for 100th Time

They have been making vows since 1984

(Newser) - No 15-year itch for this couple: Two Tennessee lovebirds have renewed their wedding vows a 99th time, setting a world record once again, the Huffington Post reports. Lauren and David Blair fell in love when they met in 1982. They were married—for the first time—in California in 1984....

Men's Marathon Record Shattered

Patrick Makau knocks 21 seconds from previous world-best time

(Newser) - Kenyan runner Patrick Makau shattered the world record for the men's marathon yesterday in Berlin, chopping 21 seconds from the previous best time, reports Reuters . With temperatures around 72 degrees, Makau ran the race in 2:03:38. "This is the greatest day of my running life,"...

Celebs With 2012 Guinness World Records

Apparently, a lot of people live streamed the royal wedding

(Newser) - The Guinness Book of World Records is not just for regular joes who go on epic bar crawls or paddleboard rides . No, it's also for celebrities—and according to Perez Hilton , Gossip Cop , and MTV , a whole slew of them made their way in to the 2012 edition:
  • Lady

China Opens Jiaozhou Bay Bridge, World's Longest Bridge Over Water at 26 Miles
 China Opens 
 World's Longest 
 Sea Bridge 

China Opens World's Longest Sea Bridge

The Jiaozhou Bay bridge is 26 miles long

(Newser) - China has opened the world's longest cross-sea bridge. The Jiaozhou Bay bridge is 26 miles long and links China's eastern port city of Qingdao to the island of Huangdao. State-run CCTV says the 110-foot-wide bridge is the longest of its kind and cost more than $1.5 billion....

George W. Bush Helps Break World Record

Former prez among the crowd that got in Guinness

(Newser) - George W. Bush: Former president of the USA and Guinness World Record holder? Sort of. Bush was among the throng of baseball fans who donned sunglasses in the dark at last night's Texas Rangers game. The previous record for people wearing shades at night was 423, so officials only...

25K Big Macs? Man Marks Milestone Today

Don Gorske will celebrate at McDonald's

(Newser) - Don Gorske ate his first Big Mac on May 17, 1972. Today, 39 years later, he will eat his 25,000th. Gorske, 57, normally eats two of the McDonald’s classics a day, but has eaten just one on a number of days this year so that he could hit...

The 10 Most Ridiculous World Records of 2010

Snuggling with bunnies, stuffing bananas in your pants, and other atrocities

(Newser) - Have you ever wondered how many bananas you can fit in your pants? Or how many times you could get a Mattress World employee to say the word mattress in one phone conversation? Everyday, people from around the world send in their ridiculous world records to the Universal Record Database....

'Genius' Horse Nabs World Record

Lukas can identify numbers, colors, letters

(Newser) - He’s been called the “world’s smartest horse,” and now he’s got a Guinness World Record: Lukas holds the record for “Most Numbers Correctly Identified by a Horse in One Minute”—19. The 17-year-old thoroughbred has a wealth of tricks under his belt, including...

Meet the Guy With Record ... for the Most Records

Plus, 10 of the most bizarre (and often gross) records

(Newser) - Arguably the most impressive of all the Guinness World Records: the record for having the most Guinness World Records. That honor belongs to Ashrita Furman, who has set 312 records since 1979 and currently holds 120 titles, the Wall Street Journal reports. Among his feats: 27,000 jumping jacks, the...

Amateur Math Wiz Calculates Pi to 5T Digits

Breaks record on homemade computer

(Newser) - A Japanese math enthusiast has shattered the record for calculating the value of Pi. Shigeru Kondo, 55, spent roughly $17,800 building the homemade computer that helped him accomplish the feat—it boasted 32 terabytes-worth of hard drive, and had to have fans blown on it at all times to...

Man Walks Entire Amazon River
 Man Walks Entire Amazon River 

Man Walks Entire Amazon River

Brit walks 2 years, facing anacondas and hostile tribes

(Newser) - After 859 days, thousands of miles, and "50,000 mosquito bites," Ed Stafford will be the first person known to have walked the entire length of the Amazon river when the waves of the Atlantic Ocean lap his feet in northern Brazil today. "I am simply doing...

Teen Forced to Quit Round-the-World Sail

Broken auto pilot ends Sunderland's record hopes

(Newser) - California teen Abby Sunderland has been forced to abandon her attempt to become the youngest person ever to sail solo around the world without stopping. The 16-year-old, who set off in January, is headed toward Cape Town for emergency repairs to her 40-foot boat's navigation system, ABC News reports. She...

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