
7 Stories

Tears Flow as 3rd-Graders Surprised With Free College

It's the second such gift from Arizona's Rosztoczy Foundation—and not the last

(Newser) - A group of 63 third-graders in Phoenix, Ariz., have just been offered a full ride to college. And don't worry, the offer did not come from the overpromising Michael Scott . Instead, it's from Arizona's Rosztoczy Foundation , a private family organization with a history of following through, per...

Gabby Petito's Parents Launch Foundation

Nonprofit makes its first donation to organizations that work against domestic violence

(Newser) - "I don't want to see this happen to another person," said Nichole Schmidt, Gabby Petito's mother, in announcing a new foundation in her daughter's name. The organization will support other groups that try to find missing persons and prevent domestic violence, ABC reports. Petito was...

New Digs, New Gig for Harry, Meghan
New Digs, New Gig
for Harry, Meghan

New Digs, New Gig for Harry, Meghan

Royal couple, recently relocated to LA, will be heading up the Archewell nonprofit

(Newser) - Prince Harry and Meghan Markle have officially jumped into North American life , and they've got a brand-new venture in the works to boot. The New York Post reports that plans are underway for the semi-royal couple to launch Archewell, a nonprofit that will effectively take the place of the...

Hundreds of Connecticut Homes May Be 'Worthless'

Foundations are crumbling in the state

(Newser) - Around 1995, Linda and Robert Tofolowsky noticed the walls of the basement in their Connecticut home cracking. Their foundation had developed severe fissures, and they soon discovered other homes in the area with the same issue. Their insurance claim was denied, they got no help from the town or the...

Michael J. Fox Gets a PhD
 Michael J. Fox Gets a PhD 

Michael J. Fox Gets a PhD

Actor awarded a doctorate for work on Parkinson's disease

(Newser) - Michael J. Fox will soon become Michael J. Fox, PhD. The Karolinska Institute—the Nobel Prize people—will award the actor an honorary doctorate for his philanthropic work toward finding a cure for Parkinson's disease. "I'm grateful to the Board of Research and to the Karolinska Institute for this...

Madoff May Have Built Ponzi Scheme on Charities
Madoff May Have Built
Ponzi Scheme on Charities

Madoff May Have Built Ponzi Scheme on Charities

(Newser) - How did Bernard Madoff keep his Ponzi scheme going for so long? The answer, if true, will inflame even more public rage: He relied on charities, Mitchell Zuckoff writes on CNNMoney. Ponzi schemes often run dry when investors withdraw en masse, but foundations are legally required to spend only...

Philly Mayor to Lease Closing Libraries

11 buildings would be run by private or foundation centers

(Newser) - The mayor of Philadelphia has preliminary agreements with private foundations and nonprofits to manage at least five of the 11 libraries the city is closing out of budget concerns, the Inquirer reports. The new institutions, which Michael Nutter said he hopes will become “knowledge centers,” will retain collections...

7 Stories
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