Joerg Haider

3 Stories

Austria's Gay Fascist Riles Up the Wing Nuts

(Newser) - When Austria's most popular Nazi-sympathizer died in a car crash last year, he left behind a grieving lover—his boyfriend, Kevin Gray writes in Details. After politician Jörg Haider's death, his PR whiz gave a tearful interview that shocked Austria. "About Jörg and me, there was more—...

Deputy Admits Gay Affair With Austrian Rightist

Boyfriend comes clean after Haider's fatal car crash, loses job

(Newser) - The successor of the Austrian far-right leader Jörg Haider lost his position yesterday after admitting that he had a sexual relationship with the firebrand politician, who died in a car crash last week. "He was the man of my life. Our relationship went far beyond friendship," said...

Austrian Pol Driving Twice Speed Limit in Fatal Crash

Austria grieves extremist chief's death after right gains big in elections

(Newser) - The controversial leader of an ultra-right movement in Austria was driving twice the speed limit when he careened off a road and fatally crashed into a cement post, authorities revealed. Joerg Haider was driving 88 mph in a 40mph zone when the crash occurred Saturday, reports the Guardian. Thousands of...

3 Stories
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