gun rights

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Hope for Tighter Gun Laws Still Alive in Senate

Two different efforts 'quietly' underway, says NYT

(Newser) - The push for stricter gun laws might not be quite so dead after all in the Senate. The New York Times reports that efforts are "quietly" underway to get something done on background checks and illegal trafficking. Joe Manchin and Pat Toomey, the co-sponsors of the background-check bill that...

Last Week&#39;s Gun Control Vote Won&#39;t Impact 2014
Last Week's Gun Control
Vote Won't Impact 2014

Last Week's Gun Control Vote Won't Impact 2014

Nate Silver explains why

(Newser) - With as much as 90% of the public in favor of expanding background checks for gun purchases, you'd think all those senators who voted against last week's proposal to do just that may have been sticking their necks out. But in the New York Times , Nate Silver explain...

Reid Pulls Weakened Gun Control Legislation

Promises to reintroduce after an indefinite 'pause'

(Newser) - Given that the gun legislation moving through the Senate had been stripped of pretty much every reform advocates considered meaningful, Harry Reid today yanked what remained from consideration, reports the Hill . But he promised the Senate would revisit the proposal to tighten background checks after this indefinite "pause and...

'Furious' Giffords: Senate Shamed Itself

Background-check bill was not a tough vote, and some kowtowed to gun lobby

(Newser) - It was "political fear" and "cold calculations" that drove a Senate minority to block a gun background-check measure yesterday. But "that fear must be nothing compared to the fear the first graders in Sandy Hook Elementary School felt as their lives ended in a hail of bullets,...

Angry Obama: Gun Lobby 'Willfully Lied'

President says Senate caved on background checks in 'shameful day'

(Newser) - After the Senate rejected tougher background checks today, President Obama issued a blistering criticism of senators who "caved to the pressure" and of the gun lobby he says "willfully lied," reports USA Today . "All in all this was a pretty shameful day for Washington," said...

Senate Rejects Tougher Background Checks

Parents of Sandy Hook victims watch proposal fail by 6 votes

(Newser) - As expected , the Senate today rejected a bipartisan effort to expand federal background checks on gun purchasers. An attempt to ban assault-style weapons and a ban on high-capacity ammunition magazines were also rejected in a series of showdown votes four months after the Newtown rampage. The background check measure...

High Court Won't Hear Challenge to NY Gun Law

Justices offer no comment

(Newser) - The Supreme Court is staying out of the gun debate for now. The justices today declined to hear a challenge to a strict New York law that makes it difficult for residents to get a license to carry a concealed handgun in public. The court did not comment in turning...

Gun Rights Group Backs Toomey- Manchin Bill

Says legislation offers 'advances for our cause'

(Newser) - The NRA has slammed Sens. Pat Toomey and Joe Manchin's new background-check proposal , but another gun-rights organization is supporting it. Calling itself the country's second-biggest gun-rights advocacy group, the Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms says the proposal includes "advances for our cause,...

None of These Gun Laws Will Make Difference
None of These Gun Laws
Will Make Difference

None of These Gun Laws Will Make Difference

They'll make us feel better, but that's about it: Kathleen Parker

(Newser) - Background checks ? Sure, put them in place. Bans on assault weapons and high-capacity magazines? Fine. Just don't expect any of these things to make a difference in the nation's gun violence, writes Kathleen Parker in the Washington Post . Parker, a gun owner, says she is "...

Ga. Town Makes Guns Mandatory

... except for people who object

(Newser) - As lawmakers in Connecticut unveiled tough new gun control measures , a small city in northern Georgia was speeding in the opposite direction. The Family Protection Ordinance that was approved unanimously by the city council in Nelson, population 1,300, makes gun ownership mandatory for all heads of household , the AP...

Obama: 'Shame on Us' If We Forget Newtown

President pushes Congress for stricter gun laws

(Newser) - President Obama surrounded himself with mothers who lost their children to gun violence today and urged Congress to tighten the nation's laws. He called special attention to the Newtown school massacre, reports the Hill . "Shame on us if we've forgotten," he said. “I haven't...

Reid Readies Gun Bill With Background Checks

Senate will take it up early next month

(Newser) - He put the kibosh on an assault-weapons ban , but Harry Reid insisted today that any gun legislation taken up by the Senate will include universal background checks, reports the Hill . Reid confirmed that he will allow measures to restrict assault weapons and high-capacity ammo magazines to be voted on only...

Iraqi War Vet: Ban Assault Weapons
Iraqi War Vet:
Ban Assault Weapons

Iraqi War Vet: Ban Assault Weapons

Steven Katz: Those who blindly cite the 2nd Amendment are being selfish

(Newser) - Before making the case that the US should ban assault weapons, Steven Katz lays out his "street cred" in the Christian Science Monitor : He's a conservative Republican who voted for George W. Bush twice, backs small government and the 2nd Amendment, and served two tours in Iraq. But...

She Has a Protective Order; He Still Has a Gun

'NYT' takes a look at one aspect of the gun-rights battle

(Newser) - Amid the talk of ammunition magazines and background checks , the New York Times susses out a perhaps less obvious element of the gun-control battle: domestic abusers and firearms. As it explains, only a smattering of states require that those with protection orders against them give up their guns. It shares...

Colorado Sheriff: I Won't Enforce New Gun Laws

He calls them 'knee-jerk reactions ... unenforceable'

(Newser) - Colorado lawmakers passed new gun measures this week, but at least two sheriffs are refusing to enforce them. "They’re feel-good, knee-jerk reactions that are unenforceable," said Weld County Sheriff John Cooke after state Democrats pushed through expanded background checks on gun purchases. Gov. John Hickenlooper, a Democrat,...

South Dakota Passes Law Arming Teachers

It allows volunteer 'school sentinels' to carry guns on campus

(Newser) - South Dakota Gov. Dennis Daugaard signed a law today that will allow the state's teachers and volunteer "school sentinels" to pack heat in the classroom. While other states have laws that in theory might allow teachers to be armed, South Dakota is believed to be the first to...

Maine Hides Gun Permit IDs After Newspaper Request

Governor signs emergency measure into law

(Newser) - New Maine legislation keeps the identities of those with concealed-carry permits under wraps—at least for now. Both houses of the state legislature easily passed the emergency measure, signed by Republican Gov. Paul LePage yesterday, after the Bangor Daily News last week requested data on permit holders and "a...

Giffords Preps for New Battle: Gun Control

Husband Mark Kelly helps her fill in the gaps

(Newser) - Gabrielle Giffords seems an unlikely advocate for gun control, considering she hardly eeks out two-word answers in an interview about her future. "A little," she says of missing Washington; "wasteland," she quips about her least-favorite place. But that very strain could make the former Democratic lawmaker...

Giffords Testifying at Senate Gun Violence Hearing

Where, unfortunately for Lindsey Graham and ted Cruz, there will be no guns

(Newser) - Continuing her campaign against gun violence, Gabrielle Giffords will testify today at a Senate hearing on the issue. The Senate Judiciary Committee hearing—the first on gun violence in 14 months—was already expected to be a dramatic showdown, the Washington Post reports. Giffords is not expected to take questions;...

We Women Need AR-15s for Self-Defense
We Women Need AR-15s
for Self-Defense

We Women Need AR-15s for Self-Defense

'National Review' essayists make their case for semi-automatic rifle

(Newser) - The AR-15 semiautomatic rifle is getting vilified in the media, but two female essayists at the National Review explain why it's their weapon of choice for self-defense. Simply put, it's a great gun—light, easy to shoot, and accurate, write Celia Bigelow and Aubrey Blankenship. In this age...

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