extramarital affair

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John Edwards Wanted Paternity Test Faked: Aide

Andrew Young says boss wanted used diaper; Edwardses have separated

(Newser) - Former John Edwards aide and fake babydaddy Andrew Young is dishing on the specifics of the foiled ruse, including a seamy attempt to fake a paternity test. Young’s ABC News interview, set to air next week, is widely seen as the impetus for Edwards’ acknowledgment today that he is...

Judge Rejects 'Tiger Defense' in Letterman Case

Case involving alleged extortion is heading to trial

(Newser) - A jury should get to decide whether a TV producer's dealings with David Letterman were attempted blackmail or just hard-nosed business, a judge ruled today. Manhattan state Supreme Court Justice Charles Solomon refused a defense request to throw out an attempted grand larceny charge against Robert "Joe" Halderman. The...

The Decade's Top Mistresses
 The Decade's Top Mistresses 

The Decade's Top Mistresses

Tiger Woods' women take up a lot of spots

(Newser) - Tiger Woods and Silvio Berlusconi had a whole stable of them; The political careers of Eliot Spitzer and John Edwards were wrecked by theirs; David Letterman actually benefited, ratings-wise, from his. With all these juicy stories to choose from, Vanity Fair offers up this list of the top 10 mistresses...

Tiger Woods Loses One, Wins One

TAG Heuer backs scandal-plagued golfer; Golf Digest backs off

(Newser) - Golf Digest has distanced itself—temporarily, the magazine says—from Tiger Woods, in a sign that his escapades have seriously damaged the golfer’s cachet. Woods’ name will remain on the masthead, but his instructional columns will be on hiatus as long as he is. The move is shocking because...

Divorcing? Blame Facebook

 Divorcing? Blame Facebook 

Divorcing? Blame Facebook

Social network mentioned or factors in 20% of UK divorces polled

(Newser) - Facebook is deadly to marriages, or at least British ones: A UK divorce lawyer took a look at divorce petitions his firm processed and found that a whopping 20% mention the social networking site in some capacity. “The most common reason seemed to be people having inappropriate sexual chats,...

Finally, Women Who Leave
 Finally, Women Who Leave 

Finally, Women Who Leave

Elin Nordegren and Jenny Sanford are a breath of fresh air

(Newser) - Elin Nordegren and Jenny Sanford are setting a depressingly rare example by actually leaving the powerful philanderers they married. “We're living in a culture saturated with mistresses and interns, sexting and sex addiction, and a parade of stony-faced wives somehow putting up with it all,” complains Sheelah Kolhatkar...

Record Drop in Poll for Tiger
 Record Drop in Poll for Tiger 

Record Drop in Poll for Tiger

52-point falloff in favorability is the biggest for anyone, ever

(Newser) - Tiger Woods’ favorable rating in a weekend poll is just 33%, down from 85% the last time he was rated—June 2005—in the most precipitous decline since Gallup began tracking the metric in 1992. “The drop is definitely unprecedented,” a Gallup editor tells USA Today , particularly considering...

Jenny Sanford Files for Divorce
 Jenny Sanford  
 Files for Divorce 

Jenny Sanford Files for Divorce

She says attempts at reconciliation were 'unsuccessful'

(Newser) - Jenny Sanford is divorcing her philandering husband. “I know it will soon become known so I choose to release this brief notice,” South Carolina's first lady says in a statement obtained by the State . “I am now filing for divorce. This came after many unsuccessful efforts at...

Cheaters, Beware Your E-Trail
 Cheaters, Beware Your E-Trail 

Cheaters, Beware Your E-Trail

How could Tiger Woods be stupid enough to text his alleged mistresses?

(Newser) - If Tiger Woods really did send flirty text messages to Jaimee Grubbs as she claims, then he’s a moron. Did he miss the John Ensign scandal? Or the Kwame Kilpatrick one? Or heck, Puck’s sexting incident on Glee? Digital missives brought down all three. Of course, it’s...

Tiger's Penchant for Barbie Dolls Is Depressing

Woods' taste in women is so narrow it's sad, says Eugene Robinson

(Newser) - They look so much like Barbies, “Mattel could sue for trademark infringement,” writes Eugene Robinson, who finds Tiger's taste in women the saddest of the sad facts of his serial philandering. It points to the deep insecurity of a man who "appears to have bought into an...

Jenny Sanford Endorses Candidate for SC Governor

Influential first lady could give crucial boost to Nikki Haley

(Newser) - Jenny Sanford is getting back into politics—by endorsing a relative underdog in the South Carolina Republican gubernatorial primary. Mark Sanford's estranged wife announced her support for Nikki Haley, a "principled, conservative, tough and smart” candidate, in the five-way race for the nomination to replace her husband. Haley was...

Neighbors Cool But Polite to 'Icky' John Edwards

Some North Carolinians would rather forget scandal

(Newser) - The national attitude toward John Edwards may be a mixture of mockery and fading recognition, but in his hometown of Chapel Hill, NC, the situation is more complex. Elizabeth Edwards is still a hit across the state, and the 2004 VP candidate is more than just a passing curiosity—he’...

Saudi Man Jailed After Bragging About Sex on TV

He earns 5 years and 1,000 lashes

(Newser) - A Saudi man has been sentenced to 5 years in jail and 1,000 lashes after boasting about his sexual promiscuity on a TV show. Broadcast in July, it features the man displaying sex toys and talking up his exploits. Three friends who appeared on camera got 2-year sentences, notes...

Top Public Mea Culpas
 Top Public 
 Mea Culpas 

Top Public Mea Culpas

Not surprisingly, Bill Clinton is king of the list

(Newser) - David Letterman’s acknowledgement yesterday of some skeletons in his closet is only the latest caught by television’s unforgiving lens; Lisa Todorovich runs down her faves on True/Slant:
  • Bill Clinton: The Democratic candidate, with wife Hillary alongside, cops to “mistakes in my marriage in a 1992 interview with

Ensign May Have Busted Ethics Rules After Affair

Senator arranged lobbying work for senior aide after having affair with his wife

(Newser) - Sen. John Ensign says his affair with an aide was a strictly personal matter but he may have trampled on ethics rules and federal criminal law during his efforts at damage control, according to the New York Times. Ensign helped his mistress' husband, Doug Hampton—another senior aide— join a...

How Edwards' Aide Morphed From Devotee to Sellout

Tell-all author was disturbingly attached to senator, to his wife's dismay

(Newser) - Andrew Young was right there every time John Edwards needed a Diet Coke, dry cleaning, a ride from the airport, and finally a babydaddy for his mistress. The "personal servant" who turned tell-all author—other aides even called him Edward’s “butt boy”—showed a fierce devotion...

Jenny Sanford to Pen 'Inspirational Memoir'

Ballantine Books won't disclose fee for May 2010 release

(Newser) - Jenny Sanford will write an “inspirational memoir” to be released by Random House next spring, CNN reports. The publisher is mum on how much the estranged wife of South Carolina Gov. Mark Sanford will get for her trouble. The fairer half of the couple has been fairly tight-lipped since...

SC House Republicans Tell Sanford to Resign

Fellow Republicans slam governor in open letter

(Newser) - The majority of South Carolina’s House Republicans told Mark Sanford to resign today, the State reports. At least 60 of the 73 representatives signed a letter hand-delivered to Sanford’s office that slammed the governor’s scandalous actions as “destructive to our state's image on a worldwide stage,...

Rimes Announces Divorce
 Rimes Announces Divorce 

Rimes Announces Divorce

(Newser) - After a much-publicized affair that ended the marriage of a co-star, LeAnn Rimes says she, too, is filing for divorce. “After much thoughtful mutual consideration, Dean and I have agreed to move forward with dissolving our marriage,” Rimes, 27, writes on her website of Dean Sheremet, whom she...

Madoff Lover Still Talking About Tiny Penis

Oh, and forget about her being in the clear—Weinstein says she 'had to know'

(Newser) - Sheryl Weinstein is still expounding on Bernie Madoff’s “not very large” penis, most recently to Cindy Adams of the New York Post. “It was narrow,” she says. “Tiny in terms of girth, not length.” Still, he somehow convinced scores of women to sleep with...

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