Senate majority leader

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Pelosi Eye Roll Hints at Dem Rift on Afghanistan

She doesn't seem to be on the same page as Reid

(Newser) - It was a little thing. After Tuesday’s powwow with the president on Afghan strategy, Harry Reid emerged from the White House with Nancy Pelosi and announced: “Everyone said that ‘whatever decision you make, we will support it,’” as the House speaker rolled her eyes. Though...

Dems' Silent Fear: What if Reid Loses in 2010?
Dems' Silent Fear: 
What if Reid Loses in 2010?

Dems' Silent Fear: What if Reid Loses in 2010?

Party unity expected to take a hit if majority leader is voted out in 2010

(Newser) - Harry Reid hasn't kept a very high profile as Senate majority leader but the vital role he's been playing will become obvious if he is unseated in next year's elections, say Democratic insiders. Even the Nevada senator's critics admit that he's stopped liberal and moderate Democrats from feuding, and many...

As Head Ref, Reid Feels Heat in Health Debate
As Head Ref, Reid Feels Heat in Health Debate

As Head Ref, Reid Feels Heat in Health Debate

Top Dem must get it done—and get himself re-elected in '10

(Newser) - Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid has prided himself on his hands-off leadership style, but pretty soon he’s going to get those hands dirty, Politico reports. Reid will soon have to reconcile two radically different health care bills coming out of committee—as if that weren't enough, he’s up...

Reid's Approval Sinks in Nevada

(Newser) - Harry Reid may have a tough time getting Nevadans to re-elect him in 2010, the Las Vegas Review-Journal reports. If the election were today, 45% would definitely vote against him and another 17% would consider it, a new poll shows. About a third of voters would keep the Senate majority...

GOP Gunning for Reid in 2010
 GOP Gunning for Reid in 2010 

GOP Gunning for Reid in 2010

(Newser) - Harry Reid is at the height of his power, possibly the most influential man in the Senate and in Nevada political history—all of which makes him a prime target for Republicans in 2010, the LA Times reports. The GOP already has run an ad attacking the “super-spending partisan....

White House Stacked With Daschle Alums
White House Stacked With Daschle Alums

White House Stacked With Daschle Alums

Former senator is well-connected in Obama administration

(Newser) - Nobody is wired into Washington like Tom Daschle. If he survives the controversy, he’ll enter office with a web of allies and former aides inside the Beltway and the White House, the Washington Post reports. During Daschle’s 30 years in Congress, including 10 as Senate Democratic leader, a...

A Rocky Start to 2009 for Harry Reid

In interview, Senate majority leader admits he had other plans

(Newser) - With a strengthened majority and a Democrat in the White House, Harry Reid expected a fast start off the blocks for the 111th Congress. But the Senate majority leader has found himself, these first days of 2009, stumbling over the handling of the Roland Burris appointment and struggling to respond...

Reid: I Won't Be Obama Rubber Stamp

Senate majority leader vows Congress won't just be Obama's rubber stamp

(Newser) - The 111th Congress is going to be a lot more than just a rubber stamp for Barack Obama's policies, Harry Reid tells the Hill. The Senate majority leader says Democrats must take care to avoid over-reaching. "If Obama steps over the bounds, I will tell him," the Democrat...

Reid Steps Up for Re-Election Dogfight

Majority leader has low ratings, political target on his back

(Newser) - He presides over the biggest Senate majority in a quarter century, but Harry Reid is still the Democrat most likely to be unseated in 2 years, the Wall Street Journal reports. A recent poll shows Reid’s approval rating at 38%, and his disapproval rating at 54%. Aware of the...

Reid Takes the Long View
Reid Takes
the Long View

Reid Takes the Long View

Senate majority leader points toward 2010, looking to avoid Daschle's fate

(Newser) - Harry Reid has positioned himself among the Democratic elite in Washington, but that doesn't mean the Senate majority leader is taking his eye off of the 2010 election in his home state of Nevada, reports Politico. Reid is maintaining his power position in the Senate while discreetly launching a campaign...

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