Allen West

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Trump, Texas GOP Chair React to Supreme Court Ruling on Suit

Allen West floats new 'Union' of 'law-abiding states'; Trump blasts SCOTUS for 'no wisdom, no courage'

(Newser) - The Supreme Court on Friday rejected a Texas lawsuit trying to overturn President-elect Joe Biden's election victory, and the leader of the Texas Republican Party isn't happy with the decision. After the complaint brought by Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton and backed by 126 GOP House members and...

'Alive by the Grace of God': Allen West Gets in Nasty Accident

The former US representative was driving back from a Texas Freedom Rally in Austin

(Newser) - Former Rep. Allen West of Florida was recovering Sunday after suffering a concussion, several fractured bones and cuts in a motorcycle crash in Texas, according to a post on his Facebook page. The post said West was driving back from a rally in Austin focused on reopening the state amid...

Adios to the Quirks of the 112th Congress

Say goodbye to this Congress' puppies, purses, and ponytails

(Newser) - As more than 80 members of the legislative branch prepare to pack up their bags and hit the road, the New York Times takes a look at some of the quirky characters and characteristics of the 112th Congress that are leaving us for good:
  • No more fluffy dogs: North Dakota

Allen West Finally Concedes
 Allen West Finally Concedes 

Allen West Finally Concedes

After 2 weeks of recounts and court battles

(Newser) - Allen West finally threw in the towel this morning. He handed the House seat to challenger Patrick Murphy following two weeks of court appearances and two partial recounts that ultimately increased the distance between the two candidates in the incredibly close race. "There are certainly still inaccuracies in the...

After Clamoring for Recount, Allen West Losing Harder

Meanwhile, Dems accuse Gov. Rick Scott of interfering in race

(Newser) - It looks pretty clear at this point that Tea Party favorite Allen West did not win re-election to his House seat in Florida, but he's not giving up—and now, Democrats say, even Gov. Rick Scott has interfered in the race, WPTV reports. The Florida secretary of state—who...

Allen West Demands Recount in Florida

And Alan Grayson is returning to Congress

(Newser) - Political firebrand update: One on the right is in trouble, and one on the left is back in Congress:
  • Republican Allen West is demanding a recount in Florida. He trails Patrick Murphy by about 2,500 votes but refuses to concede, citing "disturbing irregularities" at the polls. Murphy has

Bachmann Holds On to Her House Seat

But a recount is possible; Tea Partier Allen West in tight race

(Newser) - In a nail-biter of a close race, Michele Bachmann appears to have overcome a strong challenger and held onto her Minnesota House seat, the St. Cloud Times reports. The Tea Partier was ahead of hotel executive Jim Graves by 50.5% to 49.3% with 98% of precincts reporting when...

Arab Spring an ‘Islamic Nightmare': Allen West

Obama must 'denounce' Egypt election results

(Newser) - The Muslim Brotherhood's victory in Egypt's presidential election proves that "the Arab Spring is nothing more than a radical Islamic nightmare," Rep. Allen West posted today on his Facebook page . "A year ago there were those of us who warned the Obama administration of a...

Allen West Slams Muslim-Friendly FBI Manual Edits

Says purging of references puts us on road to 'cultural suicide'

(Newser) - The FBI's purging of Islamaphobic references from its training manual puts us on the road to "cultural suicide," according to Florida Rep. Allen West. "We have to understand when tolerance becomes a one-way street, it will lead to cultural suicide," he said on Fox News,...

Commies in Congress?! No Such Luck, Says Party

Allen West's statement is 'sad ploy,' says national Communist group

(Newser) - Allen West may have made some headlines with his McCarthy-esque charge that 80 members of Congress are Communists, but the Communist Party itself thinks his "sad ploy" shows that he needs a lesson in democracy. “I didn’t know that being a Communist in Congress was off-limits or...

Allen West: 80 House Dems Are Communists!

But the Republican didn't name names

(Newser) - Rep. Allen West spoke to a crowd last night of about 100 in Jensen Beach, Fla.—a crowd whose numbers were only slightly larger than the number of Communist Party members working in Congress. That's right, West yesterday revealed that "he's heard" as many as 80...

Is GOP Warming Up to Gay Marriage?

Many Republicans now prefer to focus on other issues, says Politico

(Newser) - With public acceptance of same-sex couples on the rise, Republicans have quietly turned away from the once hot-button subject and toward economic issues, reports Politico . Not that the GOP is pro-gay marriage now—but it's not vehemently pushing to ban it anymore either, with some lawmakers discreetly removing calls...

GOP Erasing District of Tea Party Star

Allen West tells Obama, Democrats 'get the hell out of United States'

(Newser) - Strong conservative , Tea Party favorite, and rising star Allen West could find his congressional seat gerrymandered Democrat—by none other than the Republican Party. West's "sacrifice" at the hands of his own party smells like the latest example of the establishment fighting back against the Tea Party,...

GOP Staffers Meet With 'Birther Queen'

Orly Taitz says top aides receptive to her concerns

(Newser) - Even a birth certificate can’t stop the Birther Queen. Orly Taitz, who literally made a name for herself in the heyday of Birtherism, is still pushing her message—and it seems that top GOP congressional aides are listening. She tells Justin Elliott of Salon that she headed to Washington...

Black Caucus Rep: Tea Party Wants to Lynch Us

'This is the effort that we're seeing of Jim Crow'

(Newser) - Indiana Rep. Andre Carson is taking a lot of heat today, after comments he made accusing the Tea Party of being racist were posted on The Blaze (see video). “This is the effort that we’re seeing of Jim Crow,” Carson declared at a Congressional Black Caucus event...

GOP Uses Ben Affleck Movie for Inspiration

House leaders play clip from 'The Town'

(Newser) - One of the weirder nuggets to emerge from the behind-the-scenes wrangling on the debt ceiling comes from the Washington Post , which reports that House Majority Whip Kevin McCarthy played a clip from a Ben Affleck movie yesterday in a bid to foster unity among his fellow Republicans. In the scene...

Allen West to DNC Chair: You're 'Vile,' 'Not a Lady'

Florida congressman refuses to apologize

(Newser) - Allen West refused to apologize today, after flipping out on fellow Florida rep Debbie Wasserman Shultz yesterday. Wasserman Schultz had criticized West—without mentioning his name—saying it was “unbelievable for a member from South Florida” to vote for the GOP’s “cut, cap, and balance” plan, because...

Rep. Allen West Intern Fired for Pro-Gay Tweet

Anti-Tracy Morgan post was apparently not authorized

(Newser) - Another day, another Congressional Twitter controversy. An intern for Rep. Allen West, a Florida Republican who believes “gay marriage is an oxymoron,” was fired after retweeting an unauthorized, pro-gay message on West’s official feed on Friday, Roll Call reports. The intern retweeted an anti-Tracy Morgan comment from...

25% of Republicans Defied Boehner on Budget Vote

Speaker could be in trouble with conservatives

(Newser) - John Boehner got the budget deal he negotiated through the House yesterday, but it wound up feeling a bit like a defeat for the House speaker, the New York Times observes. Fifty-nine Republicans—roughly a quarter of his caucus— rejected the bill , sending a message to Boehner that they were...

Abolish IRS, Cut Medicare, Demands Fla. Congressman

Tea Party favorite Allen West goes after taxes, Social Security

(Newser) - It's time to abolish the IRS, eliminate federal income taxes, and cut back on Social Security, Medicare, and unemployment payments. That's the word from first-time Tea Party Florida Congressman Allen West. What should the US keep? Tax cuts for billionaires so they continue funding charities, says the Republican. He's also...

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