civil war

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Panic Room Maker Says Business Is Hot: 'People Are Scared to Death'

Bill Rigdon says people are seeking out extra security in the face of civil unrest, election fears

(Newser) - Worried about how November is going to go, or if Civil War the movie might come to fruition in real life? Talk to Bill Rigdon, whose company Building Consensus Inc. is tasked with erecting panic rooms, bunkers, and the like for an uneasy population. What he's being asked most...

We Talk Ukraine and Gaza, but Not This 'Living Hell'

International community's silence on civil war in Sudan speaks volumes, some note

(Newser) - There's been understandable outrage from all corners over the wars in Gaza and Ukraine , with media covering frantic aid negotiations and threats of famine . But when it comes to the nearly year-old civil war in Sudan, a continent away, there's been relative silence—silence now becoming deafening, according...

As Wars Rage, This 'Living Nightmare' Is Largely Ignored

Sudan civil war has killed thousands, forced 8M from their homes

(Newser) - With much attention on wars in Europe, the victims of Sudan's civil war are facing death and destruction largely without help. Eleven months after fighting between the Sudanese Armed Forces (SAF) and the Rapid Support Forces (RSF) paramilitary group broke out on the streets of the nation's capital,...

Sudan's War May Take a Surprise Toll on Coke, Pepsi

Fighting threatens the supply of gum arabic, an ingredient vital for soda-makers

(Newser) - The war between two generals in Sudan is threatening to create what the UN calls a humanitarian catastrophe . But big-name manufacturers of everything from soda to chewing gum are bracing for a smaller effect: shortages of a vital ingredient called gum arabic. Rural regions in Sudan produce 70% of the...

The Numbers Out of Sudan Are Jarring
The Numbers Out
of Sudan Are Jarring
the rundown

The Numbers Out of Sudan Are Jarring

More than 100K have fled the country's fighting, and the UN warns the total may reach 800K

(Newser) - Two rival generals in Sudan have been waging war against each other for more than two weeks now, and the UN offered some stats on Tuesday reflecting the brutal impact on citizens:
  • Refugees: More than 100,000 have fled to neighboring nations already, and the figure is projected to rise

The World Has a New War Unfolding, This One in Africa
The World Has a New War
Unfolding, This One in Africa
the rundown

The World Has a New War Unfolding, This One in Africa

Power struggle between two generals erupts in Sudan

(Newser) - The UN Security Council can't agree on much these days, given that Russia is one of its members, but it can agree on this: Fighting that erupted in Sudan over the weekend must stop before it escalates into full-fledged civil war. The council on Sunday issued a statement that...

Prosecutor: Capitol Rioter Planned to 'Take Hostages'

Larry Brock was photographed on the Senate floor holding zip-tie handcuffs

(Newser) - A retired Air Force officer who was part of the mob that stormed the US Capitol on Jan. 6 and was photographed holding zip-tie handcuffs on the Senate floor planned to capture lawmakers, a federal prosecutor said. “He means to take hostages. He means to kidnap, restrain, perhaps try,...

MLB Ump Warns of 'CIVAL WAR' in Pro-Trump Tweet

League looking into deleted post by Rob Drake

(Newser) - Rob Drake's 20 years as an MLB umpire may now be in jeopardy after a tweet about the possible impeachment of President Trump. As in, he's clearly upset by the impeachment inquiry, evidenced by a post seen by ESPN that he put up late Tuesday (and has since...

In a 'Chaotic' Grave, Remains of 232

Bones possibly linked to Sri Lanka's civil war to be tested in Florida

(Newser) - Forensic experts in Sri Lanka have been handed the awful task of tracing more than 230 bodies in the country's largest known mass grave. Uncovered in Mannar in March by workers digging a foundation for a building, the grave had produced 90 skeletons by August, though that number has...

What's Happening in South Sudan Is Horrifying

The AP reports on 14 unreleased reports on atrocities there

(Newser) - The accounts are horrific. A young girl strangled and gang-raped. Children burned alive as government soldiers blocked the door of their hut and set it aflame. These are some of the atrocities revealed in 14 reports, seen by the AP , that have not yet been released by the independent body...

Strongman's Death May Worsen Saudi-Iran Conflict

Ali Abdullah Saleh is killed, and Yemen's civil war is expected to get worse

(Newser) - Yemeni rebels killed their erstwhile ally Ali Abdullah Saleh, the country's former president and strongman, as their forces battled for control of the capital, Sanaa, officials said. The collapse of their alliance throws Yemen's nearly three-year-old civil war into unpredictable new chaos, per the AP . The war is...

Assad: Winning Back Aleppo Won't Stop the War

Syrian president vows to keep fighting rebels even if his forces liberate war-torn city

(Newser) - President Bashar al-Assad said in comments published Thursday that Syrian forces' victory in the battle for Aleppo will be a "big gain" for his government but that it won't end the country's civil war, the AP reports. Assad, in an interview published in the state-owned newspaper al-Watan,...

4 Nuns Murdered in Attack on Elderly Care Home in Yemen

The Vatican condemns it as an 'act of senseless and diabolical violence'

(Newser) - Four Catholic nuns and 12 others were killed during an attack on a home for the elderly Friday in Yemen, in what the Vatican is condemning as an "act of senseless and diabolical violence," CNN reports. According to the AP , six gunmen got past the home's gate...

In World's Newest Nation, Army Is Burning Girls Alive

UN report describes torture, rape, abductions in South Sudan

(Newser) - Violence in South Sudan, which broke from Sudan in 2011, has escalated to "a new brutality and intensity," according to a new UN report accusing the Sudan People's Liberation Army of carrying out a campaign of "killing, rape, abduction, looting, arson, and displacement." It notes...

Giant Confederate Flag Raised Along Va. Highway

But trees make it hard to see from I-95

(Newser) - Some 150 years after the last major Confederate victory of the Civil War, a huge Confederate battle flag has gone up beside a highway just outside Richmond, Va. The Virginia Flaggers heritage group hoisted the 15-foot banner at a weekend rally a few miles north of the former Confederate capital...

Map Sheds Light on Lee's Fateful Gettysburg Decision

New map indicates Lee couldn't see large numbers of Union soldiers

(Newser) - On the second day of fighting at Gettysburg, Confederate Gen. Robert E. Lee listened to scouting reports, scanned the battlefield, and ordered his second-in-command, James Longstreet, to attack the Union Army's left flank. It was a fateful decision, one that led to one of the most desperate clashes of...

Stop Mindlessly Glorifying the Civil War

Tony Horwitz looks at the historians challenging our rose-colored recollections

(Newser) - We're coming up on the 150th anniversary of the Battle of Gettysburg, and odds are we'll hear a lot about heroism and that famed address, Tony Horwitz writes at the Atlantic —and almost nothing about the "unromantic slaughter" in places like Iverson's Pits, where soldiers...

US Is Still Paying for Civil War
 US Is Still Paying for Civil War 

US Is Still Paying for Civil War

Other wars cost $40B a year in compensation: report

(Newser) - It's been 148 years, and the US is still paying relatives of Civil War veterans every month. Two surviving children of veterans receive $876 annually, and while that may amount to a paltry sum, the AP's analysis of the continuing costs of US wars turns up much heftier...

US on Training Mali Troops: We Made Mistakes

Gen Ham admits not enough focus on 'values, ethics, ethos'

(Newser) - A senior American official has admitted the United States made mistakes in its training of the country's troops, reports the BBC . Gen. Carter Ham of United States Africa Command (AFRICOM) said that training had focused on tactics and "technical matters," at the expense of teaching recruits about...

Red Cross: Syria Now a Civil War

Move comes as regime denies using heavy weapons on civilians

(Newser) - The International Committee of the Red Cross says it now considers the conflict in Syria a civil war, meaning international humanitarian law applies throughout the country. The Geneva-based group's assessment is an important reference that helps parties in a conflict determine how much and what type of force they...

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