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Author Offers Creepy Look at Critters With Taste for Blood

Bats, bedbugs, leeches, and mosquitoes have a common thirst

(Newser) - With Halloween nearly upon us, the author of new book on bloodsucking creatures—vampire bats, bedbugs, leeches, and the like—leads the New York Times on a sanguivore safari. The world's bloodthirsty creatures vary enormously, as Bill Schutt details in Dark Banquet, and some are mere dabblers, but many specialists...

Despite Danger, FDA Sanctioned Artificial Blood Studies

Product tripled heart attack risk in subjects

(Newser) - The Food and Drug Administration repeatedly approved experiments using artificial blood despite data showing the products to be dangerous, the Washington Post reports. Investigators from the National Institutes of Health found heart attack risk tripled and death increased by 30% for subjects in 16 studies testing five kinds of artificial...

Type O Blood Protects Malaria Victims

Drugs based on finding could spark cure, save 2 million annually

(Newser) - Scientists may be closer to a malaria cure after learning that type O blood naturally shields victims from harsh forms of the disease. A study published today showed that African malaria victims with type O blood are two-thirds less likely to suffer fatal anemia or unrousable coma, the BBC reports....

Amazon Tribe Broods Over Poached Blood

Brazil Indians livid after discovering DNA samples sold in the US

(Newser) - An Amazon tribe is bilious after scientists took blood samples in exchange for medicine they never got, the Times reports. Doctors collected DNA from the Karitiana Indians in the late '70s and again in 1996, and then sold it to researchers for $85 a pop. But now the once remote...

China Finds Fake Protein in IV Drips

Counterfeit albumin discovered in hospitals and pharmacies

(Newser) - In yet another product-safety scandal, fake blood protein has been found in IV drips in 60 hospitals and pharmacies in northeastern China, the BBC reports. Albumin, or plasma protein, is administered to patients suffering from burns or undergoing open-heart surgery; the counterfeit contained no protein at all. 

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