opinion polls

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Foot-Dragging Is Killing the Obama Agenda

Squandering a full year on health care reform doesn't cut it

(Newser) - The Democrats need to be quicker, or they'll be dead, writes Harold Meyerson. "A president with an activist agenda met a Senate all but incapable of action," and the results, Meyerson says, have been deadly. Almost a year spent haggling over health care is killing them at the...

Brown Widens Gap, Takes 9-Point Lead Over Coakley

Republican up 41 points among independents

(Newser) - Scott Brown is 9 points ahead of Martha Coakley in a poll released today, just 1 day before Massachusetts voters decide who will fill Ted Kennedy's Senate seat. New InsiderAdvantage numbers show Brown ahead 52% to 43% with likely registered voters. Among independents, Brown is ahead a staggering 41 points;...

Black Optimism Surges
 Black Optimism Surges 

Black Optimism Surges

About 40% say they're better off now than 5 years ago, up from 20%

(Newser) - The last two years have seen a big increase in black Americans’ sense of how well-off they are in society. A Pew poll concludes that the election of President Obama was a “spur for this sharp rise in optimism,” in which 39% of respondents say they are better...

78% of Americans Favor Full-Body Scans
 78% of Americans 
 Favor Full-Body Scans 

78% of Americans Favor Full-Body Scans

Most value possible anti-terrorist effect over privacy

(Newser) - A huge majority of Americans support the use of full-body scanners in airports, casting privacy concerns aside for the chance of increased air security, a USA Today poll finds. More than two-thirds of frequent fliers say they are comfortable going through the scanners, and a whopping 78% say they should...

Obama, Clinton, Palin Top Most-Admired Lists

Gallup poll includes Tiger Woods and his wife in top 10

(Newser) - Despite falling approval ratings, President Obama is the most admired man among Americans polled. He’s got “a very strong fan base,” says a pollster from Gallup, which conducted the survey with USA Today . Obama’s 30% of the vote, though partisan enough, is a blowout compared to...

There's Not More Extremists, Just More Internet
There's Not More Extremists, Just More Internet

There's Not More Extremists, Just More Internet

The fringes aren't more prevalent, but they are more visible

(Newser) - With all the left- and right-wing "extremism" out there, the media love pushing the narrative that "the country is coming apart at the seams! The center is dying!” But it’s not true, writes Nate Silver. A glance at long-running polls show Americans identify with the fringes...

Michelle Follows Barack Down in Polls

55% approval rating lowest since Barack took office

(Newser) - Michelle Obama is still more popular than her husband, but America appears to have become more disenchanted with her as well. A recent Rasmussen Reports survey has the first lady’s approval at 55%, the lowest level since Barack Obama was sworn in almost a year ago, when Michelle polled...

Record Drop in Poll for Tiger
 Record Drop in Poll for Tiger 

Record Drop in Poll for Tiger

52-point falloff in favorability is the biggest for anyone, ever

(Newser) - Tiger Woods’ favorable rating in a weekend poll is just 33%, down from 85% the last time he was rated—June 2005—in the most precipitous decline since Gallup began tracking the metric in 1992. “The drop is definitely unprecedented,” a Gallup editor tells USA Today , particularly considering...

GOP Base United Vs. Obama, Little Else

For most, leadership is ineffective, or nonexistent

(Newser) - A lot of strong opinions are swirling around the Republican base, but none of them appear to point a way forward for the fractured party. GOP voters and GOP-leaning independents polled are united in their distrust of—even anger at—the Obama administration and Democrats in Congress. But second in...

Obama to Give Afghan Speech at West Point

Tuesday troop surge announcement comes as approval falters

(Newser) - President Obama will announce his decision to send 20,000 to 40,000 more troops to fight in Afghanistan in a speech to West Point cadets next Tuesday at 8pm. His remarks will outline a surge, but administration officials say the president is not making a case for an open-ended...

Pundits Lie, Numbers Don't: Women Despise Palin

Frum: So stop telling us how popular she is with 'the people'

(Newser) - Former Bush speechwriter David Frum is sick and tired of hearing the punditocracy gush over how much everyone loves Sarah Palin, and, armed with fistfuls of polls, reminds us: Her fan club is conservative men, and women of all stripes despise her. “If you like Palin,” he writes...

Obama Approval Rating Dips Below 50%

Americans sour on handling of economy, Afghanistan

(Newser) - Less than half of Americans polled approve of President Obama’s performance for the first time. A new Quinnipiac survey has his job approval rating at 48%, with 42% disapproving. Other polls have his rating at 53% and 56%, and a Quinnipiac pollster admits the new number “is not...

US Innovation Stagnates: Survey

Americans think China is winning—and China thinks we're on top

(Newser) - Most Americans are anxious about a future they believe will be fueled by innovation—innovation they are doubtful will come easily in this country without major changes to the education system. Nearly two-thirds of Americans say the recession has hobbled the country’s ability to innovate, and just 41% see...

Public Doesn't Want to Pay for Health Care Fix

Americans support goals, but not if it will cost them personally

(Newser) - Americans are enthusiastic about health care reform, but only as long as it doesn't drive up the price of their own premiums, a new AP poll finds. Whenever questions were framed broadly, voters seemed to support Democrats’ plans, but when asked about specific trade-offs they balked. A whopping 82%, for...

Poll: Grouchy Public Sticks With Obama

Glum nation pessimistic about economy, wars

(Newser) - America's mood has crashed hard after the euphoria that greeted Barack Obama's inauguration: A recent poll shows the country in a pessimistic funk as the president struggles to revive the economy and fight two wars abroad. But Americans haven't lost all faith in Obama: His approval stands at 54%, no...

San Fran Is Best US Vacation Destination

Charleston, Santa Fe, New York, and Chicago round out top 5

(Newser) - San Francisco has topped this year’s Conde Nast Traveler list of American cities to visit. The city by the bay edged out Charleston, SC, at No. 2. Metropolises New York and Chicago made a strong showing as well, at Nos. 4 and 5, respectively. The list is based on...

US Glum on Economy &mdash; and GOP, Too
 US Glum on Economy 
 —and GOP, Too 

US Glum on Economy —and GOP, Too

Republican Party lacks opposition bump usually accompanying hard times

(Newser) - Americans are bummed about the economy, but that hasn’t given Republicans the usual opposition party boost in Washington. “The mood in America may be blue, but attitudes toward Washington are just jet black,” a pollster tells the Wall Street Journal . Some 58% of respondents think the economy...

Afghan Surge Gains Favor; Public Sours on DC
Afghan Surge Gains Favor; Public Sours on DC

Afghan Surge Gains Favor; Public Sours on DC

Support for public option also grows; GOP isn't more popular, though

(Newser) - New poll numbers out today hold good news and bad for the Obama administration. Support is rising for a troop surge in Afghanistan, the NBC/Wall Street Journal survey finds, and nearly half now favor a public option in the health-care reform measures now under consideration. The bad news: 58% said...

Fewer Americans Believe in Global Warming
 Fewer Americans 
 Believe in Global Warming 

Fewer Americans Believe in Global Warming

Those seeing evidence of it dropped from 71%-57% in 18 months

(Newser) - The percentage of Americans who think there’s serious evidence of global warming has dropped precipitously in the past 18 months—from 71% to 57%, the Pew Research Center finds. Numbers were down across the political spectrum—Democrat, independent, Republican—but the drop was most pronounced among independents, to 53%...

Couples Who Share Chores Have More Sex
 Couples Who 
 Share Chores 
 Have More Sex 

Couples Who Share Chores Have More Sex

Housework amps up your spouse, but why?

(Newser) - More housework equals more sex, a new study shows, though watchers are split on why that is. Two answers quickly spring up: For one, active folks tend to pour their energy into all pursuits. “This group of go-getters seem to make sex a priority,” a researchers tells the...

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