gay parent

17 Stories

One Twin Is a US Citizen. The Other Faces Deportation

2 cases allege LBGT discrimination by State Department

(Newser) - Sixteen-month-old Aiden Dvash-Banks is a US citizen living with his family in Los Angeles. His twin brother, Ethan, is undocumented and thus at risk of being deported. It's an unusual situation that highlights discrimination against LGBT families by the US government, according to the boys' married male parents, who...

Straight Dad Seeks Same Benefit Given to Gays

Canada's Alexander Angus didn't receive parental-leave benefits

(Newser) - A Canadian man has filed a human rights complaint because he, as a heterosexual dad, couldn't receive parental-leave benefits available to mothers and same-sex parents, the National Post reports. Alexander Angus, who works for the city of Victoria, BC, wasn't eligible for leave benefits "because of a)...

Gay Parents Most Common in ...the South?

Communities, churches grow more welcoming

(Newser) - The South may not have a reputation as a welcoming bastion of homosexuality, but according to recent census data, it’s home to America’s largest concentration of gay parents, a demographer tells the New York Times . Of course, that might actually be in part because of the region’s...

Why I Love My Two Moms
 Why I Love My Two Moms 

Why I Love My Two Moms

Ry Russo-Young grew up happy, well-adjusted

(Newser) - Having been raised by two moms, Ry Russo-Young was thrilled to see the recent study showing that kids with lesbian parents “turn out just fine.” It was a victory for her parents “after so many years of struggling to come out and have a family,” the...

Lesbian Parents Do It Better
 Lesbian Parents Do It Better 

Lesbian Parents Do It Better

Their kids have higher self-esteem, confidence

(Newser) - Children raised by lesbian parents perform better academically and exhibit better mental health than their peers raised by heterosexual couples, a new study found. Researchers found that kids raised by female-female couples had higher self-esteem and confidence, and showed fewer instances of rule-breaking and aggression, reports Time .

Mass. Catholic School Boots Lesbians' Son

Parents 'going against' church teachings

(Newser) - A Massachusetts Catholic school has rescinded acceptance of an 8-year-old boy, saying his lesbian parents' relationship is in "discord" with the religion's teachings, according to the boy's mom. "I'm accustomed to discrimination as a gay woman," the mother said. "But I didn't expect it against my...

'Lesbian' Albatrosses Raising Baby

Father is out of the picture, but baby is doing fine

(Newser) - Two female partners recruited a sperm donor and are now successfully raising a baby together—but no, they're not witnesses in the recent Prop 8 trial—they're not even human. The ladies are a pair of royal albatrosses living in a New Zealand breeding colony, and a head ranger calls...

Cheney Daughter, Partner Expecting Baby No. 2

Dick Cheney to get a new grandchild from lesbian daughter Mary Cheney

(Newser) - Dick Cheney’s daughter Mary is braving another conservative firestorm after confirming she and long-time partner Heather Poe are expecting their second child in November. Cheney plans to take maternity leave, then start a consulting firm with sister—and rising GOP star—Liz. Cheney told friends about her pregnancy four...

Uruguay Legalizes Gay Adoption
Uruguay Legalizes
Gay Adoption

Uruguay Legalizes Gay Adoption

First Latin American nation to let same-sex couples adopt

(Newser) - Uruguay's senate has approved the first law in Latin America allowing gay and lesbian couples to adopt children, AFP reports. The bill, backed by leftist President Tabare Vazquez, passed despite fierce objections from the Catholic church and right-wing politicians. Uruguay, traditionally much more liberal than other countries in the region,...

Chick Splits Up Gay SF Penguins

(Newser) - A male penguin couple that raised a hatchling at the San Francisco Zoo has been split up by the attentions of the amorous widow Linda, UPI reports. Magellanic penguin Harry was apparently smitten by the lovesick female, and he deserted Pepper, his partner of six years. Linda has "her...

'Gayby Boomers' Slam Critics But Admit Ups and Downs

(Newser) - Experts are still debating the effects of gay parenting on children, but so-called "Gayby Boomers" are now old enough to speak up for themselves. Several in their 20s and 30s tell CNN that they grew up more empathetic than their peers, developed the courage to take unpopular stands,...

I Dated Miss Cali's Mom: Ex-Galpal

Tabloid reveals secret lesbian affair

(Newser) - Infamous gay marriage opponent Carrie Prejean is back in the tabloids. Miss California’s mother, Francine Coppola, had an affair with another woman, Star reports. “Yes, Francine and I dated,” her ex-girlfriend Valerie Vetrano says. But it ended when “Francine explained how she was a Christian and...

Chinese Soften on Same-Sex Marriage
Chinese Soften on Same-Sex Marriage 

Chinese Soften on Same-Sex Marriage

Pressure to marry can trump opposition to homosexuality

(Newser) - Gay men and lesbians took to the streets of Beijing in tuxedos and wedding gowns last week to voice their support for same-sex marriage, the Guardian reports. Acceptance is growing in China, which only a decade ago criminalized gay sex and listed homosexuality as a mental illness. But the Chinese...

Judge Nixes Fla. Ban on Gay Adoption

State plans to appeal ruling against 30-year-old measure

(Newser) - A Miami circuit judge sparked a constitutional showdown by ruling today against Florida’s 30-year-old ban on gay adoption, rebutting claims that homosexuals suffer more from mental illness and substance abuse. The attorney general’s office plans to appeal the decision, which allows a Miami man to adopt two foster...

Troubled Son 'Outs' Celeb Architect
Troubled Son 'Outs' Celeb Architect

Troubled Son 'Outs' Celeb Architect

Son: Meier landed me in psych ward; friends: Dad's straight

(Newser) - Celebrity architect Richard Meier’s son claims his dad locked him up in a mental hospital and is trying to disinherit him for revealing that his 73-year-old dad is gay. Richard Meier's friends insist he's straight, but Joseph Meier plans to write a book "about my tragic experience with...

Clay Aiken: Yes, I'm Gay
 Clay Aiken: 
 Yes, I'm Gay 

Clay Aiken: Yes, I'm Gay

(Newser) - Well, it's official: Clay Aiken is gay. The 29-year-old crooner and American Idol star comes out in the upcoming issue of People magazine, which features him on the cover with his new baby and the headline, "Yes, I'm gay," E! Online reports. The cover quotes him as saying,...

The 'Gayby' Boom
 The 'Gayby' Boom 

The 'Gayby' Boom

More gay men seek surrogates for genetically linked kids

(Newser) - What’s the latest in the gay lifestyle? Babies—lots of them. Smashing the old cliché of wild and fabulous freedom, more gay men are settling down with kids, in some cases partnering with surrogates to forge a genetic link. And it’s not just for couples. Singles are also...

17 Stories
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