The Hague

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Russia Kicked Out of G8
 Russia Kicked 
 Out of G8 

Russia Kicked Out of G8

Industrialized leaders say that's only the beginning

(Newser) - President Obama and the leaders of other major industrialized countries not only canceled a G8 meeting in Sochi, they effectively kicked Russia right out of the group. Condemning Vladimir Putin's "illegal attempt to annex Crimea," the group said goodbye to Russia after 16 years, CNN reports. The...

G8 Summit Yanked From Russia
 G8 Summit Yanked 
 From Russia 

G8 Summit Yanked From Russia

West ratcheting up pressure on Putin

(Newser) - The other seven members of the G8 are calling off the meeting Russia was supposed to host in Sochi in June, David Cameron revealed today. Cameron, President Obama, and the other leaders of the G7 nations—which is to say the G8 minus Russia—are holding an emergency meeting at...

Alleged Political Assassins' Trial Starts Without Them

Hague takes up long-awaited case of Rafik Hariri's murder

(Newser) - The Hague's Special Tribunal on Lebanon today began the trial of four people accused of assassinating Lebanese Prime Minister Rafik Hariri, in what the BBC is calling an "unprecedented tribunal"—in part because the accused aren't there. It's the first time the Hague has tried...

Nobel Committee Turned to Twitter to Find Winner

Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons currently working in Syria

(Newser) - A 16-year-old won this year's Nobel Peace Prize, but, no, it wasn't Malala . Instead, the honor goes to the group currently at work trying to get rid of Bashar al-Assad's chemical weapons in Syria—the Organization for the Prohibition of Chemical Weapons, or OPCW, reports the LA ...

Kenya President: It's Over, Mall Collapsed

5 terrorists, 6 soldiers, and 61 civilians killed

(Newser) - The siege of the Westgate Mall is over, Kenya's president announced today, after a dramatic final sweep that ended with three floors of the building collapsing. In a televised address, Uhuru Kenyatta said that 11 suspected terrorists had been arrested, and five others killed, NBC News reports. He put...

Australia, Japan Take Whaling Brawl to the Hague

Legal battle in UN court could end annual hunt for good

(Newser) - Japan and Australia have begun battling it out in the UN's International Court of Justice over the former's annual whale hunt. Commercial whaling was banned in 1986, but Japan continues to kill minke and fin whales for what it argues is legitimate scientific research, reports the AP . "...

Karadzic: I Should Be Rewarded

Trial begins for alleged mastermind of Srebrenica massacre

(Newser) - Radovan Karadzic's trial on charges of genocide and crimes against humanity began today in the Hague, but the former Bosnian Serb leader insisted in his 90-minute opening statement that rather than being punished for what happened during the war, "I should be rewarded for all the good things...

Congo Warlord Gets 14 Years for Using Child Soldiers

ICC hands down first-ever sentence

(Newser) - Congo warlord Thomas Lubanga has been sentenced to 14 years in prison, which is longer than many of the child soldiers in his rebel army had been alive when he commanded them in the country's civil war. The sentence was handed down by the International Criminal Court, which found...

Hague Acquits Karadzic of 1 Genocide Count

But refuses to drop 10 more charges as war crimes trial goes on

(Newser) - The Yugoslav war crimes tribunal has acquitted former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadzic of one of the two genocide charges he faces at the halfway stage of his long-running trial. Judges say prosecutors did not present enough evidence to support the genocide count covering mass killings, expulsions, and persecution by...

Charles Taylor Sentenced to 50 Years

Former Liberian president expected to appeal

(Newser) - Charles Taylor is going away for 50 years. The former Liberian president, 64, was sentenced to a half-century in a British prison today, as international war crimes court judges blamed him for "some of the most heinous and brutal crimes recorded in human history." But Taylor will likely...

Mladic's War Crimes Trial Halted

Prosecution failed to disclose evidence to defense

(Newser) - Justice for the accused Butcher of Bosnia is once again on hold: Ratko Mladic's war crimes trial was suspended today in only its second day, after it came to light that the prosecution had failed to disclose some evidence against Mladic to the defense as required. It's not...

As Trial Begins, Mladic Taunts Survivors

Sarcastically claps, draws finger across throat

(Newser) - The war crimes trial for Ratko Mladic opened today in the Hague, and the Bosnian Serb general once again made no attempt to appear sympathetic. He gave a thumbs-up and slowly clapped his hands sarcastically as the trial began, waving and smirking at the rows of survivors and relatives of...

Kenyan Leaders Ordered to Hague

Presidential hopefuls to be tried for 2007 crimes against humanity

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court has ruled that four Kenyans, including two possible presidential candidates, must stand trial for crimes against humanity. Finance minister Uhuru Kenyatta, ex-minister William Ruto, and two others will face the Hague court over violence following the 2007 election that left at least 1,220 dead, Reuters...

Gadhafi's Death May Have Been a War Crime

Head of International Criminal Court calls killing suspicious

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's death may amount to a war crime, the chief prosecutor of the International Criminal Court said yesterday, adding that he's sent a letter to Libya's National Transitional Council urging it to investigate. "I think the way in which Mr. Gadhafi was killed creates suspicions,...

ICC Takes Custody of Gbagbo

Former Ivory Coast president charged today

(Newser) - More than seven months after his arrest , Laurent Gbagbo has become the first former head of state to be taken into custody by the International Criminal Court. The former Ivory Coast president was today charged with murder, rape, persecution, and inhuman acts, the AP reports. "Mr. Gbagbo is brought...

War Crimes Court's Next Target: NATO?

ICC cites allegations of civilian deaths in Libya

(Newser) - Is the International Criminal Court's next target NATO? Some NATO officials fear an investigation is nigh, after the ICC's prosecutor said Libya war-crimes allegations would be reviewed "impartially and independently," NATO-affiliated diplomats tell the AP . But an examination of allegations won't necessarily lead to an...

Hague Holds 'Indirect' Talks With Gadhafi Son

'Informally' discussing Saif al-Islam's potential surrender

(Newser) - The International Criminal Court has spoken indirectly with Moammar Gadhafi’s son regarding his possible surrender , chief prosecutor Luis Moreno-Ocampo tells the AP . “Through intermediaries, we have informal contact” with Saif al-Islam, the ICC says in a statement. “The office of the prosecutor has made it clear that...

Gadhafi Son May Surrender to World Court

Saif al-Islam is on the run, wanted for war crimes

(Newser) - Moammar Gadhafi's one-time heir apparent is apparently out of options and looking to turn himself in to the world court in the Hague, reports Reuters . Saif al-Islam Gadhafi has been on the run since Sirte fell and is said to be near the Niger border. He and top Gadhafi...

Activists: Vatican Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity
Activists: Vatican Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

Activists: Vatican Guilty of Crimes Against Humanity

Pope, 3 officials named as responsible for rampant sex abuse

(Newser) - In the most substantial effort yet to hold the Vatican's feet to the fire for clergy sexual abuse, human rights lawyers will file a complaint today asking the International Criminal Court to investigate and prosecute Pope Benedict XVI and three top Vatican officials for crimes against humanity. According to...

Interpol Puts Out Warrant on Gadhafi

'Red Notice' should make it harder for him to cross borders

(Newser) - Interpol sent out Red Notice arrest warrants for Moammar Gadhafi today, along with warrants issued for son Seif al-Islam and brother-in-law and intelligence chief Abdullah al-Senussi, CNN reports. Police around the world are urged to nab the ex-Libyan leader and extradite him to the Hague to face crimes against humanity...

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