Morgan Tsvangirai

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Mugabe: Don't Believe I Won? Kill Yourself

Reelected president hits Western critics

(Newser) - Robert Mugabe has a piece of advice for those skeptical of his latest election victory, including some Westerners : You can go kill yourself. "Those who can't stomach the defeat, you can commit suicide. Even dogs will not sniff their carcasses," he said in his first public speech...

US, Aussies Bash Vote in Zimbabwe

Australia wants new vote, as Zuma issues congrats

(Newser) - The US and Australia are among western powers crying foul over Zimbabwe's election results, with John Kerry denouncing " substantial electoral irregularities" as having rendered a result that doesn't " represent a credible expression of the will of the Zimbabwean people," reports Reuters . Australia took it a...

Go Figure: Mugabe Wins in Zimbabwe

89-year-old wins another term

(Newser) - Robert Mugabe promised up and and down he'd peacefully step aside if he lost Zimbabwe's election for president. Not surprisingly, his promise won't need to be tested: Election results out today show the 89-year-old won a seventh term over Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai by a margin of...

Mugabe Rival Calls Shenanigans in Zimbabwe Election

And election monitors say he's right

(Newser) - Results haven't been officially announced yet in Zimbabwe's just-completed presidential election, but President Robert Mugabe's main challenger is already decrying the entire affair as a "huge farce" and declaring the outcome "null and void," the BBC reports. "It's a sham election that...

33 Years Later, Mugabe OKs Term Limits— for Successor

New constitution isn't retroactive, so he could serve another decade

(Newser) - What a mensch: After 33 years in political office, Robert Mugabe has changed Zimbabwe's constitution to impose a limit of two five-year terms on the president. Only, the rule doesn't apply retroactively, so the 89-year-old could still serve another decade as leader, Reuters reports.

WikiLeaks Could Get a Good Man Executed
WikiLeaks Could Get a
Good Man Executed

WikiLeaks Could Get a Good Man Executed

Morgan Tsvangirai in trouble thanks to sanctions leak

(Newser) - Julian Assange once boasted that “there has never been a single report of any of our documents causing physical harm to any single person.” Tell that to Morgan Tsvangirai, the Zimbabwe prime minister who faces potentially lethal treason charges thanks to one leaked cable. A document last week...

Zimbabwe's PM May Face Treason in WikiLeaks Fallout

Tsvangirai's support for sanctions prompts treason probe

(Newser) - Zimbabwe’s prime minister could face treason charges over material in WikiLeaks’ cable releases, the Guardian reports. One leaked cable suggests Morgan Tsvangirai said sanctions against his country “must be kept in place.” Now the attorney general is planning an investigation. “The WikiLeaks appear to show a...

Tsvangirai Boycotts Unity Government in Zimbabwe

But he's not pulling out of the coalition just yet

(Newser) - Zimbabwe PM Morgan Tsvangirai’s party will boycott Cabinet meetings and cut off communication with president Robert Mugabe’s ZANU-PF, theoretically its partner in government. The move accompanies growing anger among members of Tsvangirai’s MDC over Mugabe’s strong-arm tactics and the jailing of a Cabinet minister-designate, the New ...

US Aims to Help Zimbabwe, Not Mugabe
 US Aims to Help 
 Zimbabwe, Not Mugabe 

US Aims to Help Zimbabwe, Not Mugabe

Obama set to meet with Tsvangirai today

(Newser) - With Zimbabwe’s prime minister visiting President Obama today, the key question is how the West can help Morgan Tsvangirai without boosting Robert Mugabe. Under the government's power-sharing agreement, the president retains control of the police, justice system, spy service, and media, writes Celia Dugger in the New York Times....

Zimbabwe Unity Government Divided Over 2 Key Posts

Attorney General, Bank Chief positions cause deadlock; mediators called in

(Newser) - The appointment of two key officials has become a sticking point in the tenuous power-sharing agreement between Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai, Reuters reports. The rivals can’t agree on an attorney general or central bank chief, and Tsvangirai has called upon the Southern African Development...

Tsvangirai Crash Was No Accident: MDC

Zimbabwe PM's party believes Mugabe was behind fatal collision

(Newser) - The car crash that killed Morgan Tsvangirai's wife last month may not have been accidental, the BBC reports, citing early reports from the investigation. Tsvangirai’s political party suspects the collision with a USAID truck was engineered to kill the Zimbabwean PM after he entered a power-sharing agreement with President...

Mugabe Aides Use Violence in Bid for Amnesty

Associates fear retribution from newly powerful opposition

(Newser) - Aides to Robert Mugabe, fearing that the end is near and they will be prosecuted for their misdeeds, are trying to gain leverage through familiar means—abduction and torture, the New York Times reports. The strategy seems to boil down to this: Jail as many opposition figures as possible on...

Tsvangirai's Grandson Drowns in Pool

3-year-old was visiting for funeral of Zimbabwe PM's wife

(Newser) - The 3-year-old grandson of Zimbabwean Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai was found dead in the family pool in Harare on Saturday, the Guardian reports. Sean Tsvangirai and his parents were visiting from Canada for the funeral of Susan Tsvangirai, Sean’s grandmother and Morgan’s wife, killed in a March car...

Zimbabwe Frees Cabinet Nom From Prison

Opposition figure was jailed despite power-sharing deal

(Newser) - A Zimbabwean cabinet nominee from Morgan Tsvangirai's party was released from custody today, a day after the country's supreme court ordered his release on bail. Roy Bennett, Tsvangirai's nominee for agriculture secretary in the new unity government, was arrested last month and charged with plotting terrorism, sabotage, and other crimes....

Mugabe at Tsvangirai Funeral: 'Violence Must End'

Prez speaks at service for rival's wife

(Newser) - Speaking today at the funeral of his rival’s wife, President Robert Mugabe told supporters “that the issue of violence must end” in Zimbabwe, the BBC reports. He pleaded with mourners to “accept” Susan Tsvangirai’s death in a car crash. “It’s the hand of God,...

Tsvangirai: Crash Was Probably an Accident

Only 'one in a thousand' chance foul play involved

(Newser) - Morgan Tsvangirai today said that the car accident that killed his wife was likely just that: an accident. Tsvangrai’s MDC has raised suspicions that the crash could have been an assassination attempt, but the prime minister dismissed that theory. “When something happens, there is always speculation,” he...

Tsvangirai Heads Home for Wife's Funeral

Supporters feared Mugabe power grab in his absence

(Newser) - Grieving Prime Minister Morgan Tsvangirai is expected back in Zimbabwe today to attend his wife's funeral, days after the couple's car was hit by a US aid truck. Tsvangirai had left for Botswana—home of his closest regional ally—shortly after the accident that some believe may have been an...

UK Paid for Truck That Killed Tsvangirai's Wife

Party plans independent investigation into crash

(Newser) - The truck that killed the wife of Zimbabwe's prime minister was funded by Britain and registered with US officials in Harare, the Times of London reports. The driver, who said he had dozed off, was transporting anti-HIV drugs when he crashed into a vehicle carrying Morgan Tsvangirai and his wife....

Tsvangirai Crash No Accident, Party Charges

Opposition suspects Mugabe in possible assassination attempt

(Newser) - The crash that injured Robert Mugabe's chief political opponent and killed his wife may have been an assassination attempt instead of an accident, members of Morgan Tsvangirai's Movement for Democratic Change tell the Daily Telegraph. A statement from the MDC appealed for Zimbabweans to stay calm but observed that many...

PM Tsvangirai Injured in Zimbabwe Crash; Wife Killed

PM injured

(Newser) - Morgan Tsvangirai was injured and his wife killed today when their car collided head-on with a large truck, CNN reports. The Zimbabwe prime minister is in the hospital, and the extent of his injuries is unclear. Tsvangirai was Zimbabwe’s main opposition leader before taking the prime minister post in...

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