Robert Mugabe

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>

No Exit Deal for Mugabe Yet, Says Rival

Opposition leader dismisses rumors but prepares to govern

(Newser) - Zimbabwe's opposition party—the apparent winner in national elections— and the government of Robert Mugabe dismissed rumors that a deal has been reached for Mugabe to step down, the BBC reports. “Any speculation about deals, about negotiations, about reaching out” is false, said opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai. A minister...

Mugabe May Step Down After Election Loss

Zimbabwean president apparently concludes he can't hold on to power

(Newser) - Robert Mugabe appears ready to stand down as president of Zimbabwe, the New York Times reports, 3 days after an election in which he is said to have lost to opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai. Sources tell the Times his aides are negotiating a possible exit with Tsvangirai, and the opposition...

Runoff Seen for Zimbabwe
 Runoff Seen for Zimbabwe 

Runoff Seen for Zimbabwe

Zimbabwe teeters as election results delayed

(Newser) - Three days after Zimbabweans turned out in massive numbers to vote in presidential and parliamentary polls, confusion reigns: President Robert Mugabe's party has privately conceded that he lost to opposition leader Morgan Tsvangirai by 43% to 48%, the Guardian  reports, reflecting independent tallies. But since neither man won the 51%...

No Clear Winner as Zimbabwe Results Finally Trickle in

Mugabe, opposition split in early districts

(Newser) - Zimbabwe finally announced some official election results today, the BBC reports, after a lengthy delay renewed apprehension about vote-rigging in Saturday's balloting. The party of challenger Morgan Tsvangirai says he holds a 60%-30% lead over President Robert Mugabe with over half the 210 constituencies counted. But of the 24 parliamentary...

Observers Cry Foul as Zimbabwe Results Delayed

UK minister says opposition 'likely' won despite 'cheating'

(Newser) - Observers fear President Mugabe is rigging the vote while election results are delayed in Zimbabwe, the BBC reports. Officials blame the holdup on a flood of ballots, but one monitor said he had “no doubt” the results were known. “The delay is fuelling speculation that there could be...

Zimbabwe Opposition Claims Victory

Early pronouncement will be dealt with as a 'coup'

(Newser) - The Zimbabwe opposition is claiming victory in national elections to unseat long-time leader Robert Mugabe—but government authorities quickly warned that premature pronouncements would be dealt with harshly. "It is called a coup d'etat and we all know how coups are handled," warned a government spokesman. Authorities plan...

Mugabe Battles Fraud Claims in National Vote

Opposition charges prez with inflating voter roles

(Newser) - Zimbabwe is voting in a national ballot today as opponents accuse Africa’s longest-serving ruler of rigging the vote, Reuters reports. “We will succeed. We will conquer,” declared a characteristically confident President Robert Mugabe, 84, who dismissed talk of corrupted voting. “We don't rig elections. I cannot...

Mugabe Foes Vow Massive Protests
Mugabe Foes Vow Massive Protests

Mugabe Foes Vow Massive Protests

Threaten Kenya-like uprising if Zimbabwe's election is rigged

(Newser) - The opposition to Zimbabwe’s ruling party threatened to incite Kenya-style protests if Saturday’s election is rigged as expected, the Guardian reports. President Mugabe has told Zimbabweans not to waste their votes by supporting the other candidates, who “will never be allowed to rule this country.” Mugabe...

Abuse Charges Dog Zimbabwe
 Abuse Charges Dog Zimbabwe  

Abuse Charges Dog Zimbabwe

Intimidation of opposition alleged ahead of Saturday elections

(Newser) - Robert Mugabe's government is harassing and intimidating opposition groups in the run-up to Zimbabwe's Saturday elections, human-rights organizations charge. Three members of an opposition party were forced by intelligence officers to take down their election posters and eat them, complains Amnesty International. The US has also raised concerns about the...

Mugabe Packs Voter Rolls With Zombies

Opposition charges government draws supporters from fake names

(Newser) - Opposition leaders in Zimbabwe are liable to have a tough time taking votes away from Robert Mugabe's party in next week's elections, the Times of London reports. They say voting lists have been packed with the names of dead and nonexistent people to allow Mugabe supporters to vote repeatedly and...

Mugabe OKs Nationalizing Foreign Companies

Pre-election ploy also affects firms owned by white Zimbabweans

(Newser) - With 3 weeks to go before the presidential election, Robert Mugabe has signed legislation allowing the government of Zimbabwe to take over foreign- and white-owned businesses, the Financial Times reports. With his ex-finance minister mounting a strong challenge, the incumbent is returning to a tested strategy—his party used land...

Zimbabwe's Inflation Rate Hits 100,000%

And that's just the official figure: in reality it's even worse

(Newser) - Zimbabwe's inflation rate is running at 100,000%, according to the government's statistics office—but that's not the worst news. Insane as that number may sound, it's probably an underestimation, writes the Telegraph. In Harare, where shelves are bare and money is being printed at breakneck speed, a single cigarette...

Mugabe to Face Rare Challenger
Mugabe to Face Rare Challenger

Mugabe to Face Rare Challenger

Ex-minister seeks to end 28 years of brutal rule in Zimbabwe

(Newser) - A deposed finance minister has announced he will run for president of Zimbabwe in elections next month, a rare challenge to Robert Mugabe, who has ruled the country since 1980. Simba Makoni tried to push through reforms to slow Zimbabwe's economic collapse, the Times of London reports, but was sacked...

Mugabe Foe Briefly Arrested Ahead of Rally

Zimbabwe opposition leader rounded up in nighttime raid

(Newser) - Robert Mugabe's main opponent was arrested in the middle of the night ahead of a planned rally today in the Zimbabwean capital of Harare, reports the Mail and Guardian. He was later released without charge. Police have banned Morgan Tsvangirai and his Movement for Democratic Change from holding a demonstration,...

Defiant African Leaders Reject EU Trade Deal

Relations between continents sour over human rights, Mugabe

(Newser) - European-African trade talks at a tense Lisbon summit collapsed in their final session yesterday. If a new agreement isn’t reached by year’s end, the European Union may levy higher tariffs on African exports, further exacerbating tensions between the continents. A new, controversial set of agreements would have dropped...

Germany Rips African Ruler at Trade Talks

Calls human rights in Zimbabwe 'damaging' to Africa's image

(Newser) - Germany blasted Zimbabwe’s Robert Mugabe today as the EU began a historic trade summit with Africa, Reuters reports. Mugabe listened as German Chancellor Angela Merkel declared Zimbabwe’s human rights crisis “damaging the image of the new Africa.” Such issues loom on the first day of the...

EU Makes Nice With Africa
EU Makes Nice With Africa 

EU Makes Nice With Africa

Europe offers trade pacts that snub human rights; UK refuses to attend Lisbon summit

(Newser) - The EU will pooh-pooh human rights issues this weekend as it woos Africa with new trade pacts at a rare summit in Lisbon, the Economist reports. With China and India snapping up more African resources, Europe plans to offer friendly deals that leave out human rights demands. But the EU's...

Mugabe Seizes Platinum and Diamond Mines

Takeover likely to kill all remaining foreign investment

(Newser) - Zimbabwe's catastrophic economic situation got still worse yesterday as Robert Mugabe announced a new law giving the government controlling stakes in the country's platinum and diamond mines. The Times of London writes that the state may now take control of 51% of all mining companies and has to pay for...

Rhodesian PM Ian Smith Dies at 88
PM Ian Smith
Dies at 88

Rhodesian PM Ian Smith Dies at 88

Broke from Britain and defended white minority rule for 15 years

(Newser) - Ian Smith, the Rhodesian leader who unilaterally declared independence from Britain in 1965 and defended white rule for 15 tumultuous years, died today at 88. Seen as a symbol of  African colonial-era racism, Smith was unrepentant during his lifetime, arguing that what is now Zimbabwe suffered more under the tenure...

Mugabe to Foreign Firms: We Own You
Mugabe to Foreign Firms: We Own You

Mugabe to Foreign Firms: We Own You

Measure would turn over control to black Zimbabweans

(Newser) - A bill backed by Zimbabwe President Robert Mugabe requiring foreign companies to turn over majority control to black Zimbabweans has passed the country's parliament, reports the BBC. The goal of the bill is to give economic power to anyone "disadvantaged by unfair discrimination on race grounds," but it...

Stories 201 - 220 | << Prev   Next >>