
Stories 21 - 40 | << Prev   Next >>

'Recession-Proof' Job Is a Myth: Experts

(Newser) - If the downturn has you considering a “recession-proof” job like teaching or medicine, think again, Greg Burns writes in the Chicago Tribune. The recession has affected all sectors, from layoffs and lower enrollment at educational institutions to dwindling state budgets choking civil servants. “It’s a question of...

Obama: Time to Rebuild Stronger Than Ever

President confident that nation will emerge from recession better than before

(Newser) - Fresh off a whirlwind world tour, President Obama is turning his attention once again to his domestic agenda. In a Washington Post editorial, Obama says his administration’s “swift and aggression action has helped pull our financial system and our economy back from the brink.” But the president...

UK Phone Firm Seeks 160-Word Resumes

Text messages force 'sassy' applicants to get to the point

(Newser) - A British firm is asking job candidates to apply for its marketing job by text message, BBC reports. With a 160-character word limit, mobile phone services company Teimlo hopes to separate those who “just want any job” from applicants who are “sassy” and “good with words,”...

We're Doomed Without Another Stimulus: Krugman

Jobs report offers scary echoes of 1930s stagnation

(Newser) - Yesterday's grim jobs report is the clearest sign yet that the US desperately needs another fiscal stimulus, writes Paul Krugman in the New York Times. This is 1930s redux: a Democratic president has pushed through an insufficient program, while strapped state governments cancel out federal spending with their own budget...

Bleak Jobs Report Raises Red Flags on Recovery
Bleak Jobs Report Raises Red Flags on Recovery

Bleak Jobs Report Raises Red Flags on Recovery

Weak labor market expected to cause longer recession

(Newser) - So much for those so-called green shoots of recovery. Yesterday's worse-than-expected unemployment report has far more red flags of warning on the jobs front, writes Moira Herbst in BusinessWeek. Among them: the average work week shrank to 33 hours, the lowest on record; hourly earnings remained flat; long-term unemployment rose...

Saudi Women Learn to Sell Bras—But Still Can't

Women push for the right to work in underwear shops

(Newser) - Two dozen Saudi women are pushing change in Saudi Arabia, one underwear at a time. The graduates of the first lingerie class in the kingdom—where women can't sell such products—learned essentials such as how to measure bra sizes during the 10-day class. An Australian woman taught the course,...

Ensign Helped Aide's Hubby Get Pair of Jobs

Mistress' spouse worked for two firms with tight ties to senator

(Newser) - Doug Hampton stopped working for Sen. John Ensign—who was having an affair with Hampton’s wife—in April of last year; he then took jobs with two firms with very tight ties to his former boss, Politico reports. Said an Ensign rep: “Just as he has done for...

Obama's 'Jobs Saved' Claims Are Pure Hokum
Obama's 'Jobs Saved' Claims Are Pure Hokum

Obama's 'Jobs Saved' Claims Are Pure Hokum

Ex-Bushie: Media won't call White House on its unmeasurable metric

(Newser) - President Obama confidently declared yesterday that the stimulus plan had already “saved or created” 150,000 American jobs and would “save or create” another 600,000 by this summer. Which is pretty surprising, former Bush official William McGurn writes in the Wall Street Journal, because the economy’s...

Dow Ends Big Week Up 13
 Dow Ends Big Week Up 13 

Dow Ends Big Week Up 13

(Newser) - The markets stalled today even as the Dow flirted with its peak for the year, the Wall Street Journal reports. An early rally on better-than-expected job loss data lost steam on news that the unemployment rate itself grew to its highest since 1983. And insiders aren’t sure that oil...

Wal-Mart to Create 22K More US Jobs

But retailer has slowed expansion

(Newser) - Wal-Mart plans to add 22,000 jobs to its US stores this year, down from last year's 33,800 new jobs in the face of slowed expansion. The retailer has gained market share from recession-minded consumers, but hasn't been immune to the downturn, and recently slashed 700 jobs in its...

GM Close to Hummer Sale That Would Save 3K US Jobs

Has picked a buyer; deal would be finalized by Sept.

(Newser) - GM has selected an unnamed investor to buy its hulking Hummer brand, in a move aimed at saving more than 3000 US jobs, sources tell the Wall Street Journal. They say the company hopes to seal the deal, rumored to be in the $200 million range, by September. An official...

This Mother's Day, She's Likely at Work

Women take on role of breadwinner as 4 of 5 lost jobs hit men

(Newser) - She's chef, cheerleader, and Florence Nightengale to scraped knees, but with the economy stinking like a previously enjoyed diaper, Mom is more and more often also a family's breadwinner, reports NPR. As male-dominated industries hemorrhage jobs, 14% of working moms are taking second jobs, a survey suggests. The recession has...

Bailed-Out GM to Take More Jobs Overseas

Cars sold here, built elsewhere to double amid taxpayer support

(Newser) - General Motors is set to boost its overseas operations, nearly doubling the number of cars it builds outside the US but sells here—even though billions of government dollars are supporting the firm and its restructuring plans, the Washington Post reports. This puts the Obama administration in a tight position:...

Pentagon to Add 20K Jobs in Arms-Buying Overhaul

Obama says acquisitions program has 'run amok'

(Newser) - The Defense Department will add 20,000 jobs over the next 5 years in an overhaul of its $100 billion weapons-buying process, Reuters reports. New regulations will tie compensation more closely to performance, and the Pentagon will require “real, substantial” tax savings in any multiyear deals, a deputy defense...

Economy Forces 'Boomerang Kids' Back Home

Experts fear financial strain of dependent, adult kids

(Newser) - After losing their jobs and homes, some middle-aged adults are losing something else—independence from their parents, the Washington Post reports. The recession is forcing so-called “boomerang kids” back into their childhood homes, raising questions about how easily parents can accommodate refilled nests amid tough economic times. "It's...

Obama's Earth Day Pitch: 'New Energy Economy'

America must choose a 'new energy economy,' he says

(Newser) - President Obama returned to Iowa—his crucial campaign battleground win—for Earth Day, hailing the “new, clean energy economy” and unveiling an offshore wind project. “It is time for us to lay a new foundation for economic growth by beginning a new era of energy exploration,” he...

Find a New Job, 140 Characters at a Time

Site can be used for targeted, effective networking

(Newser) - If you’re unemployed, the right attention on Twitter could land you your next position. Forbes offers pointers on using the micro-blogging site for networking:
  • Make sure your account name contains something about your profession, so your feed shows up when people search associated topics.
  • Search for industry leaders and

Job Hunt Drags On for Obama Faithful

(Newser) - The odds of getting a job in the Obama administration aren’t great—the White House has hundreds of thousands of applicants for a little more than 3000 jobs—but that hasn’t deterred young, would-be Obama-ites, the Washington Post reports. Applicants are flooding the capital, networking online and, in...

'Job Sprawl' Sucking Work From Downtowns to Suburbs

(Newser) - More and more US companies are setting up shop in suburban areas far from urban centers in a trend known as “job sprawl,” USA Today reports. Though urban jobs increased overall from 1998-2006, a Brookings Institution report shows the share of employment opportunities within 3 miles of downtown...

Job Hunters Take Pitch to TV

TV ads newest way to reach employers

(Newser) - This may be the age of YouTube, but good, old-fashioned TV still has the edge in one field: job hunting, the AP reports. Unemployed professionals are turning to the original tube to reach employers through television commercials—proving that “TV, in spite of all the technology, is still the...

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